Interesting in Italy
10 ideal beaches for families with children - $
It's time to learn the top 10 beaches that are able to give a lot of fun, joy and pleasant memories, which would be enough for a whole year ahead.
Interesting in Italy
10 best ski resorts of the world
Dozens of scenic spots for winter adventures, from Aspen to Zermatt, are the best that fans of high-speed descents can find today.
Interesting in Italy
10 best festivals of the world
Some of them are not only surprisingly large, but also extremely unusual in themselves.
Interesting in Italy
10 compulsory to visit cities in Europe
"Grand Tour" for admirers of fascinating trips.
Interesting in Italy
5 places to meet an unforgettable Christmas
Unfortunately, today the true meaning of Christmas, its essence, is often lost.
Interesting in Italy
6 best places for a weekend in Europe
Meet! Hidden "pearls" of old Europe for the most curious.
Interesting in Italy
"Nothing new under the sun" - the top 5 hotels where everything breathes history
So, today we offer to sleep in ...
Interesting in Italy
Abruzzo: green lungs of Europe
Located just 200 km from the airport of Rimini, Abruzzo is practically not familiar to our compatriots. At the same time, the region is unique in that it combines both beach rest and active leisure in the mountains: the road from the Adriatic Sea to the Apennine Mountains will take literally 20 minutes.
Interesting in Italy
Bus tours to Italy
One way to take an interesting and economical rest is a bus tour to Italy.
Interesting in Italy
Alps - top-5 countries for skis and not only
Rest in the Alps is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the winter in all its splendor, and our traditional delicate digest will tell you where to go for this or that atmosphere.
Interesting in Italy
Rent a car in Italy
The approximate cost of renting a class C car with insurance and a navigator is 60-80 EUR per day.
Interesting in Italy
Apartments for rent in Italy - $
To ensure that the vacation has not been spoiled, you need to take into account several points - climate, beach, proximity of entertainment, shopping.
Interesting in Italy
Architecture of Rome
In Rome, almost at every step, you can enjoy the architectural harmony and elegance of the embodiment of artistic ideas.
Interesting in Italy
Blessed Adriatic - the top 5 directions of the "calm" sea
Let us leave for a time noisy resorts and daring nightly entertainment - and turn to relax-rest under the sound of the surf, surrounded by brothers-Slavs - in the hospitable resorts of the Adriatic Sea. So, where to go in search of peace on the sea coast.
Interesting in Italy
Which churches in Rome have Cavallini frescos
Painter Pietro Cavallini lived in Italy in the middle of the 13th and first half of the 14th century, in the era preceding the Renaissance.
Interesting in Italy
In what area are the most fashionable stores in Milan?
For loyal fans of shopping this Mecca is the district of Milan, which is called the Quadrilatero della moda.
Interesting in Italy
In all serious: individual tourism in its extreme manifestations
In the segment of unusual tours, not only demand generates supply, but vice versa.
Interesting in Italy
Geography of cruise itineraries
This time we will command "full forward" and will pass on all the pairs along and across our globe with you, highlighting the ten most popular cruise destinations.
Interesting in Italy
Skier for beginners - where to go
Before reserving a place to relax on one of the ski resorts, use a pair of tips for beginners.
Interesting in Italy
Mountain-skiing Italy
Italy skiing is no less rich and diverse in pleasant surprises than Italy's historical, resort and gastronomic.
Interesting in Italy
Ski resorts in Italy - $
So, where to go and what to expect from the Italian ski resorts?
Interesting in Italy
Cities for kissing (or where to go in search of romance)
'Kiss me, kiss me as if it were the last time' ...
Interesting in Italy
Hot tours to Italy
The beginning and end of the beach season in Italy are noteworthy not only with discounts for accommodation.
Interesting in Italy
Is there an excursion to the volcano of Sicily
Excursions mass, and you can choose not only for the cost, but also on the route.
Interesting in Italy
For a coat in Italy - $
Perhaps one of the sexiest things that makes a woman a woman is a fur coat.
Interesting in Italy
Winter sales in Italy
Winter sales are always waiting with impatience, because at this time it becomes possible to buy designer clothes and shoes with discounts up to 70%.
Interesting in Italy
Individual tours to Italy
Individual tours are an interactive journey, in the center of which you and your aspirations are conveniently located.
Interesting in Italy
The Art of Rome
Rome is a city of arts. This statement will be ardently supported by everyone who has ever set foot on his culture-saturated eternal lands.
Interesting in Italy
Exploring the secluded corners of Forte dei Marmi
Like any other town in the Italian province, Forte dei Marmi has its own hidden charm, which the bicycle will be able to find.
Interesting in Italy
The History of Paolo and Francesca
Seeing a young and energetic young man from the window, the girl was fascinated and without delay agreed to a marriage.
Interesting in Italy
History of Rome
To thoroughly understand the vicissitudes of the events that have fallen to the lot of Rome, perhaps only to historians and enthusiastic fans.
Interesting in Italy
Italian art
There is such a joke: 25% of cultural values ​​are concentrated in the capitals of the world, the remaining 75% are scattered throughout Italy.
Interesting in Italy
What sights to see in one day in Naples?
Naples is a big and beautiful city, which is extremely difficult to see during the day.
Interesting in Italy
What products can not be bought in Italy?
Also there are no pickled cucumbers (only pickled) and sour cream.
Interesting in Italy
Which Italian resort to choose for a holiday with children?
I advise you to pay attention to the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Interesting in Italy
Where to go to Carnival
Bright, loud carnivales splashing with all the colors of the rainbow are the best way to not just "change the picture", but to fully recharge emotions.
Interesting in Italy
Culture of Rome
Rome - this is the living abstract concept of culture, by the way, the emergence of its once-obliged Roman Cato.
Interesting in Italy
Legendary Travels - Top 5 Transport Veterans
However, for those who know how to appreciate the luxury of historical travel, there is still the opportunity to feel like a baron - thanks to carefully guarded historians and engineers of transport veterans.
Interesting in Italy
The best forbidden pleasure in the world - $
Every man at least once in his life should give free rein to his forbidden desires ...
Interesting in Italy
The world's best wine hotels
What could be better than a day spent in the vineyards when you are on vacation?
Interesting in Italy
Top attractions for a photo
There are five places in front of you that will lead to the indescribable delight of any photographer.
Interesting in Italy
The best places for gourmet weekends in Europe are
Meet the "strongholds" of the culinary traditions of Europe - cities and regions, where it is worth spending two or three days exclusively for food.
Interesting in Italy
The best autumn holidays of the world
Rainy autumn is not the best time for fun. Or not?
Interesting in Italy
Best festivals of June
Festivals are a living, dancing museum of culture and traditions in a rapidly globalizing world.
Interesting in Italy
Sea of ​​Italy
The Italian "sapozhok", stretching from central Europe to almost Africa itself, washes five seas at once.
Interesting in Italy
Museums of eroticism
With a double zeal, a tourist is looking for while traveling, than entertain his soul, wounded by everyday labor.
Interesting in Italy
Which regions share Venice?
The main historical districts of Venice: San Marco, San Polo and Santa Croce.
Interesting in Italy
Not "inglish" single - where and how to learn other languages ​​
In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the four most popular "non-English" languages ​​that are studied in Europe.
Interesting in Italy
Property in Como
Everyone sometimes wants to change the situation and be far from ordinary worries and enjoy the pleasant scenery and the gentle sun. Lake Como is just such a place.
Interesting in Italy
Unusual hotels in Europe at regular prices
In appearance it looks like a fairy-tale house - with many bends, windows of different shapes, towers and multi-colored walls.
Interesting in Italy
Uniquely Sicily
The nature of any island - its own unique features: the features of the landscape, outlandish plants. In the territory of the Sicily Parko-del-Etna, there are both.
Interesting in Italy
Ageless classic - traveling on trains
The two-day journey by train "Rocky Mountaineer" through the Canadian Rockies is truly magnificent.
Interesting in Italy
Islands of Sicily
Sicily - is also a lot of miniature islets around, life, nature, life and culture of which is perfect is not similar to the rest of Italy.
Interesting in Italy
Holiday in Italy for May holidays
May in Italy is the time of flowering, and therefore there are many festivals on the whole peninsula.
Pilgrimage tours to Italy
Interesting in Italy
To sort out and return to life - the top 5 miracle dishes from around the world
Considering it superfluous to recall that moderation in the tasting of "national products" - a pledge of well-being and pleasant memories, we can not help dedicating readers to the subtleties of fighting against yesterday's search by the version of the peoples of the world.
Interesting in Italy
The squares and fountains of the Eternal City
Italy ... It is impossible not to love her, her love for her grows gradually and gradually, you fall in love with her, looking at the landscapes of Levitan, Aivazovsky and Piranesi's engraving, she admires her, she was waiting for a meeting with the Eternal City for a long time, it was the object of dream number 1.
Interesting in Italy
Beach vacation in Italy
A mild and sunny climate, a clean and warm sea, lush vegetation create ideal conditions on Italian resorts without exaggeration for lovers to luxuriate on the beaches, watching the sea.
Interesting in Italy
On a small (or top 6 destinations for wine tourism)
The list is headed by the beautiful France, of course.
Interesting in Italy
Rules of conduct in Italian hotels
Italy accepts hundreds of thousands of Russian tourists a year, and it will be superfluous to know some norms to feel comfortable.
Interesting in Italy
Holidays Gradares
Learn the taste and atmosphere of the 15th century in the unique festival of Gradara - "The Middle Ages on the table."
Interesting in Italy
Five reasons to wake up early on vacation
To decide to make an alarm clock on an early rise in the time of legal idleness won by the bosses is capable only of an incorrigible lover - but not in vain.
Interesting in Italy
With a light steam or Top 5 most interesting European baths
Healing water, rising from a depth of 1256 meters, has a temperature of +77 ° C - this is the hottest source in Europe.
Interesting in Italy
The most beautiful cities in the world
Any of the existing ratings of the most beautiful cities in the world is subjective.
Interesting in Italy
The most beautiful lakes in the world
High-altitude, deep, azure and pure - all these epithets can not be better suited to one, so beloved to us, the natural phenomenon - the lakes.
Interesting in Italy
The most secluded corners of the Mediterranean
On the Mediterranean coast, you can still find secluded places, without unduly developed tourist infrastructure and crowds of holidaymakers.
Interesting in Italy
Wedding in Italy
Studying and comparing the price lists of different ceremonies, pay attention to what is included in the tour price, and what is paid separately.
Interesting in Italy
The sun and clothes: top-5 places - where it can be combined!
We present an overview of the most popular beach-shopping destinations of this season.
Interesting in Italy
Terme of the Emilia-Romagna region
In the last season on the terms of Emilia-Romagna, a real boom of visitors was registered.
Interesting in Italy
Top-5 guaranteed good places to offer hands and hearts
So, the hot five of the most interesting directions in order to say "yes" ...
Interesting in Italy
Top 5 places where you can feel small
Perhaps, it is in such places that one can feel the ineffable beauty of creation and once again ponder whether our seemingly unsolvable problems are so significant.
Interesting in Italy
Top 5 places for kissing for Valentine's Day
That, no matter how a kiss, is a symbol of tender feelings - and this event should be approached with maximum responsibility.
Interesting in Italy
Top 5 of the most beautiful autumn landscapes
It's so nice to wander around the fallen leaves, take pictures in the sunlit branches and admire the bright colors of the withering nature ... We invite you to travel through the most beautiful autumn landscapes of the world.
Interesting in Italy
Top 5 most unusual borders of the world
Passport control, customs clearance, "open the suitcase," "remove the strap" - how terribly boring and exhausting bureaucratic red tape - especially at that long-awaited hour when your vacation has finally begun and looms ahead the tempting prospect of plunging into another, so inviting and attractive a world of no overshadowed rest.
Tours to Italy by train
Interesting in Italy
Weekend tours to Italy
Italy - one of the most beautiful European countries with the oldest history and mild climate.
Interesting in Italy
Weekend tours in Rome
A weekend tour to Rome can bring you a lot of unforgettable impressions.
Interesting in Italy
Photo tours to Italy
The beauty of the Apennine peninsula is a real storehouse of impressions for both beginning photographers and those who have long and confidently owned a "mirror."
Interesting in Italy
What and where did you eat in Italy?
"What and where did you eat?" "- the first question that I ask returning friends from traveling in Italy.
Interesting in Italy
What to see in Florence - Venice - Rimini
The variant of the route that I would suggest for the swimming season is approximately the following.
Interesting in Italy
To suit was sitting - top 5 directions with a wardrobe to order
On the eve of summer, nothing inspires as much as talking about new things. Put on a tunic, shoe sandals and run like a nymph on the hills of Hellas - a tempting alternative to sitting in the office
Interesting in Italy
Shopping tours to Italy
Today tourists are eager to go to Italy for high-quality things from well-known brands at reasonable prices.
Interesting in Italy
Click shutter, or top-5 directions for photos
Especially for you, we selected the most popular directions for photography.
Excursion tours to Venice
Interesting in Italy
Excursion tours to Italy
Romantic natures will be crazy about the idea of ​​combining a holiday in Italy at sea with a visit to Venice.
Excursion tours to Sicily

Interesting in Italy
How much does it cost to travel from Malta to Sicily for shopping
Approximate prices for goods in the outlets of Rimini and San Marino
Is it worth to visit Rimini and San Marino in November
The Museum of Aviation in Italy near San Marino
Flights to Rimini
Car rental in Italy
Tours to Italy
Flights to Milan
Flights to Rome
Hotels in Milan
Hotels in Venice