The Tajik language belongs to the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian languages, is the official language of Tajikistan, regional in some northern regions of Afghanistan, and is also distributed in some regions of Uzbekistan (in Samarkand and Bukhara). Approximately until the 20s of the 20th century, this language was called Persian, and until 1928 there was even used Arabic ligature. In 1930-1940 Latin was used, now the Tajik language is completely built in Cyrillic.

Greetings, common expressions

Hello Salom Aleykum
Good bye Heyr then boz dide
How are you? Did Corcho get sick?
Thank you Rahmat
Please Markhamat
Sorry Mehpadshed
How do you / your name? Nomaton / noma chi?
Do you understand Russian? Noise / that rusiro mefahmed?
What do you advise to see in the city? Noise chi-ro banam maslikhat mediched, baroi tamosho cardan?
Yes Ha
No Not

For the good of the case

I would like to buy this carpet, how much does it cost? Mann mehoham in kolinro haraam, cand sum?
Yes, even in Israel do not ask! The gift of Izroil in narhorna talab hymkunand!
Sam soudi, here rubbed, there bald spot. Yes, and the kind of a pale Khudat ben avholash bud, rangas pariagi
This is a business approach. I take it! Ana in gap cigar, megiram!
You did not see in which direction did that red foreign car go? My wife has settled in it. Noise nadide baz cad taraf moshini foreign cars surkh raft? Ba he hamsaram nishast!
You yourself are a cuckold! I do not need a flock of sheep, my wife return $ $ Ban kan filed gofand darkor not, zanamro barardonnode
Two flocks? Nakin five bulls, then it will be that to discuss Do not give it? Miley boz yak pancho buka moned baad gap mezanem
Hey, babe! Oh huhrucha (bazebcha)!
Girl, I want you! Dukhtarak man tur to mehoham!
Kiss Me Yak beech kun maro
Black eyes, I remember, I die, black eyes Chashmoni siyo, yod to doramu memiri ba he chamhoi si
Stop staring at my wife! Ba zanam nihokhardanro bass kun!
Advise the most incendiary disco in the city? Maslikhat dihed al-hama disco and hub gift kuchost?
No, I do not need a satellite. Hamroh bah man lozim nest
Will you drive me on your gig? Ok, call me at 10 Bo moshinaat maro ba sair mebari? Miley Soati dah intizor meshavam

Figures and numbers

One Yak
Two Du
Three Xie
Four Chor
Five Punch
Six Shash
Seven Haft
Eight Hasht
Nine Nuh
Ten Dah
Twenty Bist
Thirty + $ Ci
Hundred Garden
Thousand Hazor

Shops and restaurants

How much does it cost? Chand Sum?
I take it Inro megiram
Where is the market? Bozor gift kucho?
Show me, please, a flower (jewelry, antique, manufactured goods) store Ba man magasei gulho, (tullovori, nativari, sanoati) nishon dihed
In which restaurant you can try only Tajik (Russian) cuisine? The gift of the cad tararhona tanho tahomhoi tochiki (Rus)?
Please give me a menu of Nomgui taomhoro ba mann dihed
Bon appetit Ishtihoi volume
To your health! Salomat is bosh!
I want to offer a toast to the gentleman ... Man mahoham in kadahro baroy muhtaram ...
For the friendship of the peoples of Russia and Tajikistan! Baroi dustii halkhoi Rusia va Tojikiston!
Please, an account. Hysobo kuned


Could you recommend me a good hotel? Noise at Namedavonad bam man yagon mehmonhonai khubro peshnykhod kuned?
Where is the hotel around here? Mehmonhonai gadich gift kuchost?
Could you write me the address? Surogaashro bah man nasided?
Do you accept credit cards? Noise korti creditiro cabula mekuned?
How much breakfast is served? Sahari soi chand tier mecunand?


How much does the ticket cost? Chiptand sums?
How can I get ...? Mann chi tavr ba ... raft metavonam?
I'm lost, I need to pass ... Mann gumroh shudam, chi tavr ba ... ravam?
Where is the nearest gas station? Naziktarin refueling kuchost?
Where can I put the car? Ba kucho metavonam moshinaro monas?
Where is the good road here? Rohy hub gift kuchost?

We swear in Tajik

Leave it Gumm shaw!
What a cunning! Hilagar!
Stink Баддбуй
Idiot Chinney
Do not annoy me Nervamba Bosi nakun
Your mandarins are the most insipid in the market! Mandarinhoi tu a ham bemazzza gift bozor!