On the site of settlements of primitive people in the 6th century a city was founded, later named Sukhum. The city saw many battles, many rulers. Not once was destroyed and rebuilt again, literally rose from the ruins. And now his fate is not easy. It is simultaneously the capital of the partially recognized Republic of Abkhazia, and the formal administrative unit of Georgia. But life in most cases puts everything in its place.

The most important thing in this city is that it is located in a wonderful place on the Black Sea coast, and the climate here is excellent, humid subtropical. And the combination of such factors can not go unnoticed, so the resort activity starts to resume in the city, which has been characteristic for him a long time ago, from the middle of the last century.
Resort Pitsunda - a delightful corner of Abkhazia. - $
A unique resort "Pitsunda" is located on the edge of a protected pine grove. Sand and pebble beach - 50 m from the buildings, umbrellas - free of charge. Buffet, plenty of entertainment for children and adults.
From 1 100 rub. / Day , incl. food! Prepayment 20% rest when settling in! Instant on-line booking.
• www.kurort-pitsunda.ru
Holiday Gagra is the warmest place in Abkhazia!
Prepayment 30% Others upon arrival! Close to the best attractions of the country! To the sea - 150 m through the park of Prince of Oldenburg. Water activities, tennis, disco on the beach. All rooms with balconies, TV and bathroom; there are suites with European-quality repair.
From 1 000 rub. per day , incl. 3 meals a day.
• www.gagra-hotel.ru
Fairy-tale Abkhazia at fair prices from STC Intourist
Cottages on the Kiparisova alley hotel from 26.04 . on 7 nights from 2 800 rub.
Energetik boarding house since 01.06. for 2 nights. from 2 900 rub.
Aitar boarding house since 01.05. for 7 nights from 3,850 rubles.
Bagripsh boarding house from 20.05. for 7 nights from 7 093 rubles.
We have been working for you since 1929! Book a tour online!
• www.ntk-intourist.ru
Pine paradise on the azure shore - hotel Pshada
Prepayment of 20%! Hotel Pshada (Lzzaa village, Cape Pitsunda, half an hour's walk from the center of the resort). The rooms of the cozy small hotel include: refrigerator, TV, air conditioning, own bath and a bathroom. On the territory: a shop, a cafe, a bar and a restaurant.
Cost: from 800 rubles. per day!
• www.pshada-hotel.ru
Tour operator in Abkhazia since 1996!
Guaranteed seat blocks in more than 60 objects!
Rest in Gagra, Pitsunda, Gudauta, Novy Afon, in Sukhum.
Excursion tour "Legends of Samurzakan"
(495) 987-14-47 • www.7-tur.ru
Your ad here: www.reklama.travel


  • 1 Climate
  • 2 A bit of history
  • 3 Sukhumi hotels
  • 4 Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Sukhumi
    • 4.1 Coast of Abkhazia


Sukhumi March 1, Sunday
Overcast, light rain
+11 ° С in the day
+9 ° С at night
° С water
Sukhumi March 2, Monday
+11 ° С in the day
+9 ° С at night
° С water
Sukhumi March 3, Tuesday
+10 ° С in the day
+7 ° C at night
° С water
Weather in Sukhum for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 8 + 9 + 12 + 16 + 19 + 23 + 25 + 26 + 23 + 19 + 15 + 11
night + 2 + 2 + 5 + 8 + 12 + 17 + 19 + 19 + 15 + 11 + 7 + 3
of water + 10 + 9 + 9 + 13 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 21 + 18 + 12

A bit of history

A lot of excellent, with local color of hotels, restaurants, public buildings, embankments have been built here since. The infrastructure of the city developed very harmoniously, complementing those resort institutions that brought him considerable income. Sukhum attracted to himself and those who were concerned with the construction of their own villa or a modest villa on the Black Sea coast. As a result, the unique appearance of this city was formed, while rational and frivolous-resort.

A serious contribution to the development of the city was made by the Botanical Garden, founded as far back as 1840, and has since been not only one of the city's notable sights, but also a serious research center .In 1927 a unique monkey nursery was created, whose contribution to world science can not be overestimated .In 1989, the All-Russian Congress of Physicians Sukhum was recognized as one of the best climatic and balneological resorts in the country..The political situation in the region developed in such a way that for several years rest in this city was impossible .But everything returns to normal, and Sukhum returns its former attraction for holiday-makers $ $ .

Postcards from Sukhumi
Tour operator "Aqua-Abaza" - 21 year with you!
All Resorts of Abkhazia! More than 60 boarding houses, sanatoriums and hotels.
Prices are lower, the prices are at the hotel counter, guaranteed availability.
Holiday from 400 rubles per day.
(495) 626-05-83, 626-02-12 • www.akva-abaza.ru
Boarding house Energetik: rest, which is worth a dream!
The boarding house is located in Gagra, on the very shore of the Black Sea, 2 minutes from the water park and the center. market. Own beach with a wide strip of sand, cafe, restaurant, night bar, disco, massage, billiards, volleyball, cinema hall. Accommodation: 1 500 rub. per night, incl. 3 meals a day (Swedish table)! Prepayment of 20%! Online booking.
• www.energetik-gagra.ru
Pitius - the best choice for a break from the city bustle!
Pool with sea water, excellent beach, 3 meals a day.
On the territory of a beautiful park and mini zoo, cafe.
Prepayment 20%, the rest at check in.
From 1 169 rubles per day.
An excellent choice not only in the summer, but also on the May holidays!
• pitius-hotel.ru
Sanatorium "Sana" invites you to Abkhazia!
Sanatorium "Sana" is a beach holiday with treatment. The only sanatorium in Abkhazia with its hydropathic institution! Prices for accommodation in San. We always have available seats.
Prepayment of 20%! From 1 170 rubles / day . Hurry up to book!
• www.sana-gagra.ru
Rest in a pine forest - holiday home Sunny + $
Bars, restaurant, billiards, disco, swimming pools: indoor and outdoor, sports complex. Meals - Swedish table. Maybe Single accommodation.
Accommodation: 1 050 rub. per day. Prepayment of 20%, the rest at check-in.
• solnechni.ru
Your ad here: www.reklama.travel

Sukhumi hotels

Of course, no tourism is conceivable without a decent hotel base and a network of catering establishments .Along with those hotels that exist in Sukhum not for the first ten years and now diligently pull their level of service to the world standards, new mini-hotels and boarding houses are opening in the city .One of the most famous hotels of the city is still "Ritsa", subtly resembling the hotel "Negresco" in Nice .The similarity can be traced not only in architecture and location (the quay, the central part of the promenade), but also in the romantic atmosphere of the hotel, which is carefully preserved by its staff .By the way, the price-list of Ritsa is much more humane than in Negresco..

Book popular Sukhum hotels at the best prices

Hotel Atrium-Victoria from 2 600 rubles Sukhum Ardzinba, 4 street Ritsa Hotel from 1,250 rubles Sukhum Prospect Leona 2
Hotel Sukhum from 1 960 rubles Sukhum Naberezhnaya Makhadzhir 9
Tours to Abkhazia
On our site you will find a large selection of hotels and boarding houses in Abkhazia.
Gagra, Pitsunda, New Athos, Sukhum, Gudauta are waiting for you to rest!
Official representation of the boarding house "Camshitovaya Grove"!
(495) 955-79-23, 722-49-62 • www.prostoabhazia.ru
Your ad here: www.reklama.travel

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Sukhumi

Sukhum is buried in the greenery of palm trees, oleanders and eucalyptus trees. Any person who got into Sukhum creates a feeling that winters never happen. One of the most picturesque places in the city is the Quay of the Mahajirs, built in the late 19th - early 20th century. The elegant architecture of the house and the proximity of the sea make this street extremely attractive for walks at any time of the day.

Being a city of multinational and, consequently, multi-confessional, Sukhum is rightfully proud of its temples belonging to different confessions. The Annunciation Cathedral was built in 1909-1917 and still it is a real decoration of the city. Very close to him are the Catholic and Lutheran churches. All three churches operate without irritation or rejection at all.

"Quarter of Tolerance" is called by residents of this part of the city, and guides proudly tell about it to tourists.

Map of Sukhumi

In the picturesque Glory Park, which is located in the center of the city, one of the tragic sights of modern Russia is located: a monument to the memory of the heroes who died for the country's freedom in the 1992-93 war. Well, it remains to once again hope that this war was the last in the history of Abkhazia ...

On the street of Leon there are at once two main theaters of the republic, in which the performances take place both in Russian and in Abkhazian languages. The Abkhazian State Museum is located on the same street. In his collection there are many exhibits on the history, ethnography, nature of Abkhazia. The building of the city administration with a tower clock is very interesting. This building was built in 1914, and the clock was given to the city by IV Stalin for exemplary order in the city. I wonder what kind of order this was?

Perhaps, any tourist who has got in Sukhumi, necessarily descends on excursion in the well-known Botanical garden and in not less well-known monkeys nursery. This is interesting not only for fans of flora and fauna, but also for people who are seriously interested in the problems of flora and fauna. However, for the majority (especially for children) this is just a wonderful entertainment. Excitingly interesting is the excursion program, which includes trips to the nearby cities of Abkhazia and to its natural sights.

  • Is there fishing near Sukhum?

Photo of Sukhum (26)