The most common associations arising from the word "Netherlands" are ancient mills, colorful tulips, "ligaliz" of marijuana, streets of "red lights" and funny wooden shoes .In fact, the Netherlands is much more than the listed stereotypes .This is one of the most picturesque states of Western Europe with an unusual nature, lots of castles and ancient cities..Despite the fact that tours to Holland are not cheap because of the flight and high cost of accommodation, hotels in Amsterdam are very often crowded .There goes a lot of people of middle age - from 30 years and older .Plus, rich young people, with whom the Netherlands invariably enjoy high popularity - because this country associates them with the smell of freedom, however, very similar to the smell of "grass" .

About the Netherlands said a lot of enthusiastic words - and it does not make sense to repeat them, it is better to come here once ... in order to repeatedly come back again and again .The cities of the Netherlands have an incredible ability to fall in love with themselves - cozy Rotterdam and a bit old-fashioned The Hague, artistic Leiden, old Utrecht and exquisite Delft - in every traveler feels like a welcome guest .And of course, we can not fail to mention gastronomic tours to the Netherlands - "raw food" of all ages are honored for the honor of tasting the famous creations of local cheese masters .In a word, fascinated by the Netherlands, every day becomes more and more - which means that you must definitely join the "army of love" - ​​oh, this free Dutch spirit!

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The capital is Amsterdam (Amsterdam).

"Tourist" cities - The Hague, Delft, Harlem, Leiden (Leaden), Rotterdam (Rotterdam).

A full list of the country's cities can be found on the city page and the resorts of the Netherlands.


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Netherlands
  • 2 Netherlands visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 History of Holland
  • 6 Transport Netherlands
  • 7 Rent a car
  • 8 Safety of tourists in the Netherlands
  • 9 The climate of the Netherlands is
  • 10 Netherlands hotels - $
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Netherlands at the best price
  • 11 Banks and exchange points
  • 12 Shopping and shops in the Netherlands
  • 13 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 14 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Netherlands
  • 15 Museum card
    • 15.1 We also recommend

How to get

From Moscow to Amsterdam Aeroflot flies, organizing flights together with the Dutch company KLM - so that the service on board has a "foreign shade". The flight time is about 3-3, 5 hours. You can also get through neighboring Belgium (which is hardly cheaper) or Germany. Just 2-2.5 hours by train from Amsterdam there is a major transport hub and part-time pretty town of Düsseldorf, where low-cost AirBerlin flights fly from Moscow (in flight 2 hours 50 minutes).

Air Astana and KLM fly from Almaty and Atyrau to Amsterdam. From Kiev - "International Airlines" and KLM. By rail from Minsk to Amsterdam, a non-stop car runs.

Search airfares to Netherlands

Netherlands visa

The Netherlands is one of the member states of the Schengen agreement. Russian and CIS citizens need a visa to the Netherlands to enter the country.


It is forbidden to bring into the country of animals and plants, as well as the import and export of unprocessed meat products (other non-canned products are declared). Import-export of foreign currency is not limited.

In the Netherlands, you can duty-free import no more than 200 cigarettes, or 100 small cigars, or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco; a liter of alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 22% or two liters of alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 22%; up to 250 ml of toilet water; 500 g of coffee, 100 g of tea.

Despite the fact that the Netherlands is one of the few countries where the use of weak drugs is allowed, there is a prison sentence of up to 12 years for attempted import or export of drugs.

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of the Netherlands in Moscow: Kalashny pereulok, 6; tel .: (495) 797-29-00, 797-29-04; website

The Russian Embassy in The Hague: Andries Bickerweg, 2; tel .: (70) 345-13-00, 346-88-88; website

Ambulance, police, fire brigade: 112

Made in the Netherlands

History of Holland

Archaeologists with full confidence and reliable evidence say that the first people on the territory of the country appeared about 250 thousand years ago. Findings of scientists, in particular, the royal tomb in Oss, confirm that during the Iron Age in the territory of the modern Netherlands, iron was artfully processed: in the burial there were found interesting objects, for example, an iron sword decorated with strips of gold and corals.

In 1 part of the territory of the Netherlands captured the Romans. They established strict orders that caused discontent and uprisings, but at the same time built many roads and fortresses, equipped the first canals, which later became important transport arteries.

In the 3-4 centuries, francs and Saxons began to settle in the country, friezes owned the northern regions. In the 5th century the Frankish state was formed, which later became part of the empire of Charlemagne, until 1648, again under the rule of the Romans. Economic development in the Netherlands began to gain momentum in the 12-13 centuries. New cities appeared and prospered, trade and crafts developed.

In the 17th century, tulips were imported into the country for the first time, which, in the literal sense of the word, bewitched this country. A lot of people started growing flowers and trying to breed new varieties.

Since the concept of breeding did not exist at that time, luck did not come to many, which led to quite serious troubles. Tulipomania both started and ended, but to this day this flower is one of the symbols of the country.

There is also a page in the history of the Netherlands, the name of which is the slave trade. In the 17th century, the port of Amsterdam was the largest port in Europe, from which people traveled, which brought the country considerable income. The 18th century is characterized by economic stagnation and political instability for the country.

In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte created the Kingdom of Holland, which did not last long. After a brief Napoleonic era the Netherlands once again became an independent country. On November 3, 1848, a new constitution was proclaimed, which to a large extent limited the power of the king.

The 20th century, marked for Europe by two brutal wars, was not easy for the Netherlands. During the First World War, the country stayed in a neutral position, but during World War II Germany attacked Holland more than once, struck its cities and forced it to capitulate. In 1949 the Netherlands became one of the founders of NATO, the country's economy developed at a rapid pace, important social and cultural changes occurred in the country.

Transport Netherlands

In cities, there is a single city transport system (GVB), including trams, trolleybuses and buses (including night routes "nachtbussen") .A ticket for one trip is valid for an hour and costs ~ 2-2, 5 EUR .It is more profitable to buy reusable tickets "strippenkaarten", consisting of several coupons (15 coupons cost ~ 7, 5 EUR), as well as one-day "dagkaart" for ~ 6 EUR and nine-day single travel for 22-30 EUR .Cities are divided into transport zones, and depending on the route of the trip, coupons need to be composted as many times as the zones cross the route .At night, the fare on the bus for one or two zones is doubled, and for three zones - one and a half times .

Maps of the Netherlands
The Netherlands railways are pleased with the modern rolling stock and the strict observance of the traffic schedule .Suburban and intercity passenger trains operate normally to 1: 00-2: 00 with an hourly interval of .Due to the small size of the country, the best way to travel by Holland is by trains .Travel time between Amsterdam and Utrecht (the third largest city in the country) is about 20 minutes, before Rotterdam the train goes only about 1-1, 5 hours .The fare is not high: from the capital to Haarlem about 5 EUR, Rotterdam - no more than 15 EUR for travel in the second class .

You can take a taxi in a special parking lot or order by phone. The base rate is about 2 EUR plus 1-1, 5 EUR per kilometer.

Rent a car

Rental conditions are different for different companies. General obligatory conditions: you must have a valid driving license, experience from one year, age from 21 years (for certain types of cars - 23 years or 25 years) and two credit cards. However, due to the miniature cities, narrow streets and parking problems (which are often almost more expensive than renting) - it is better to use public transport, since it is developed here by 5+.

The Dutch often use a bicycle as a means of transportation. On the roads and city streets there are necessarily bicycle lanes, and at almost every corner there are special bicycle parking lots. A two-wheeled friend can be hired at special points (2-5 EUR per day plus a deposit).

Do not be scared of local liberal orders - this is the norm for large Dutch cities. For example, the Amstel district in the Dutch capital is entirely owned by people of non-traditional orientation.

Safety of tourists in the Netherlands

The Dutch are very friendly, open, friendly, always will meet. The Russians for them are exactly the same foreigners as everyone else. Almost everyone speaks and understands the main European languages, it is not difficult to explain them.

The country legalizes the sale of light drugs, which are sold in numerous Coffe shops located in the city center. For security reasons, do not contact with street vendors. In addition, there are many animal advocates in Holland (and they are very active), so it is better not to wear fur coats from natural fur and genuine leather clothes. For more information on security, see the articles: "On arrival in Holland", "On the streets of Holland", "The Dutch: who they are", "Smoking, alcohol and drugs in Holland."

The climate of the Netherlands is

The climate is temperate marine, very wet. The average temperature in January is +1 .. + 3 ° C, July +16 .. + 17 ° C. Despite a fairly warm climate, the western winds often cause a sharp drop in temperature even in the warmest months.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and in the cities of the Netherlands.

Netherlands hotels - $

There are not many hotels, they are expensive and there are no places in them forever. In Holland, there are many business events, exhibitions, seminars, so hotels are almost always filled. The quality of tourist class hotels in general is worse than the average for Europe, but it's better than, for example, in Paris.

Service is normal, without any problems. Sometimes, however, a night porter can get in the way of something, since the "grass" smoked. In general, the service is "without fanaticism," but at a decent level.

Book hotel in Netherlands at the best price

Banks and exchange points

Banks work on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00 .Part of the banks on Fridays closes one hour earlier .You can exchange currency in any bank, hotel, airport or train station (an additional interest is charged, at night the rate is less profitable), as well as in private exchange offices (less favorable rate and commission above).The most profitable exchange rate is in the bank branches and at the post office (exchange is made at the official exchange rate, the commission is the lowest) .Currency exchange, as well as the cashing of traveler's checks and credit cards, can be made in the offices of GWK ("Central System of Exchange offices") .Most GWK exchange points are located near railway stations .They work from 8:00 to 20:00 (on Sunday from 10:00 to 16:00) .Credit cards of major world systems are accepted almost everywhere .

Shopping and shops in the Netherlands

The main "Dutch" souvenir is, of course, the bulbs of tulips .They can be found without any problems in every city of the country, in abundance they are found on the flower market in Amsterdam..A bag of 10 bulbs will cost 2-3 EUR, for a wholesale purchase of 5-10 packages - discounts (for example, 4 packages for 10 euros) .However, keep in mind that by buying dozens of beautiful colored bags with coveted bulbs and hiding them in the bottom of the suitcase tightly clogging, bringing to the motherland will only mold + $ .Bulbs need light and air, so treat them more carefully .

In addition to various trinkets with images of mills, wooden shoes (so-called "klopov", from 15 EUR per pair, there are plush analogues - home slippers) and other things from Amsterdam you can bring spicy souvenirs from the numerous sex shops, or all sorts of stuff with "flea markets ", of which there are a lot in the city - $ .A great souvenir will also be Delft porcelain - all kinds of plates, cups, tulips, boards for cutting cheese and just tiles to the kitchen..The real porcelain, which is produced at the Royal factory for 300-400 years, is expensive: for a miniature coffee cup you will have to lay out about 100-150 EUR, so beware of fakes .However, one can not say that these "fakes" look worse for an ordinary tourist eye - there is simply no bad porcelain here .

Shops work from 8: 30-9: 00 to 17: 30-18: 00. Once a week (usually on Mondays) they are closed until 12:00, and on Thursdays, as a rule, are open until 21:00.

Kitchen and restaurants

Holland is famous for its cheeses. And in the spring, all local gourmets begin to go crazy with herring: at this time of the year it is the most delicious and ready-to-use scrupulous in this matter by the Dutch. Of alcoholic drinks, the Dutch prefer vodka, preferring a juniper, which is called "Enever". You can find out more about the national cuisine in the article "Dutch cuisine."

Herring is sold everywhere in small kiosks, gutted and ready for use. The Dutch eat it without bread: they take one by the tail and head back, biting off on weight. Be sure to try, do not regret it!
Classic Gouda cheese Netherlands
Classic Gouda cheese
Herringbird, The Haguehttp: // export = view & id = 1EbiHmZhtJvPSMgqrBeeeNVEV7JAV55A7 Netherlands
Herring herb kiosks
The cheese market in Alkmaar is Netherlands
The cheese market in Alkmaar is
Famous Dutch herring Netherlands
Famous Dutch herring.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Netherlands

The sights of the Netherlands are a lot of medieval houses of interesting architecture, old town halls and cathedrals, universities, markets, canals, wonderful museums ... and much, much more.

Leiden: Leiden University, part of the 17th-century Stathaus facade, the old fish market in Wismarck, Korenbersbroeh - a bridge with a wooden portico in classical style, the National Museum of Antiquities, the Ethnographic Museum, the wooden chapel of Houhlan-kserk, the Protestant Church of Piterskerk, National Museum of the History of Science.

In Zaandam, which lies 20 km north of Amsterdam, you should definitely visit the house of Peter I and the open-air architectural museum "Zaandam in the 17th century". North of Zaandam is the famous Alkmaar, the only city in the world where medieval cheese fairs and even the guild of "cheese porters" have survived to this day. Also of interest are narrow medieval streets, numerous city canals, St. Lawrence's Cathedral and the Gothic Town Hall.

Lying west of Amsterdam, the city of Haarlem from the 11th to the 13th century was the residence of the Dutch palatine, and therefore saturated with monuments of history and culture no less than Amsterdam or The Hague. In the center of the city is the Grote Markt square, surrounded by picturesque medieval buildings. Here are the Town Hall, the Church of Sint-Bavo with the tomb of Frans Hals and the famous organ, the old Harlem almshouse (1608 g), which now houses the Halsa museum, is located nearby.

In the vicinity of Haarlem, where in due time appeared the culture of tulips - very beautiful flower fields, "bummenveld". The main sights of the city: Stathaus - the ancient residence of the Dutch Counts, Vleischal - the ancient meat market, Amsterdam Gate.

In the Netherlands, you can make an eyeball piercing. With the help of a special procedure, a precious piece of jewelry is embedded in it in the form of a symbol. The cost of the procedure is from 750 EUR.

Utrecht is an ancient university city located in the center of the country. Its characteristic feature is two-tier canals, connected by numerous bridges with adjoining houses, which in the Middle Ages served as warehouses.

Maastricht is one of the most ancient cities in the country. Its main attractions are the remains of the defensive line of Van du Moulin, as well as Sint-Petersburg, a labyrinth of 20 thousand caves. No less interesting are the medieval burgher houses of the Old City, narrow streets and bridges guarded as architectural monuments, the oldest city gates in the Netherlands, the city hall and the symbol of the city, the Sint Servas Cathedral.

Lying in the north of the country, Groningen is famous for its churches: the church of St. Martin with the tower and the cathedral of Nieuw-Kerk, as well as the remains of a Roman settlement. The Maritime Museum of Groningen and the original Tobacco Museum are among the best in Europe, and the Latin translation of the New Testament, made by Erasmus Rotterdam himself with notes by Martin Luther, is stored in the library of the city.

The largest national park of the country De Hoge Veluwe is known, among other things, by the Museum of Sculpture in Otterlo, one of the largest in Europe. It is more than 20 hectares, on which the masterpieces of the most famous European masters of the 20th century are exhibited, as well as the richest private collection of the Kröller-Müller family.

The main floral must see of the Netherlands is, of course, the mecca of admirers of the tulips of Keukenhof Park and the legendary gardens of Appeltern.
  • What is interesting to see in the Netherlands with children?
Spring Amsterdam

Museum card

The best way to see as many museums as possible, to save money and not stand in lines to the most popular museums of the country is to buy a map of Museum Kaart. You can buy it in all the information centers in Holland (those that are designated VVV), or order it on the site The cost for adults is 45 EUR, it is valid for one year, at registration you will be asked for your full name and date of birth. Photos of the Netherlands (369)

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