Azerbaijan (Azbarbayan Dili, also known as Azeri, Azəri) is one of the Turkic languages, the state language of Azerbaijan. Distributed in Azerbaijan, Russia (especially Dagestan), Turkey, Syria, Ukraine, the United States, as well as Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. The total number of speakers is 50 million people.

Greetings, common expressions Hello
Salam Goodbye
Sag Owl How are you?
Ne var, not yoh? Thank you
Sag Oolong, tek ekur Please
Zehmet Olmas Sorry
Khakhish ediram, bagyshlyan How to Your name is?
Adynyz Nedir? Do you understand Russian?
Siz Ruscha Bashadushuriyuz? What would you advise to see in the city?
Siz shaharde neye bahmagy teusiye euerdyniz? Yes
Bali No


For the good of the case I would like to buy this carpet, how much does it cost?
Boo chalcha is unchild. Is it me who is a holy man? Yes, so many even in Israel do not ask!
Boo heimyach hech Israildya isstyarlyar! Himself, there is rubbish, there is a bald patch. Yes, and the kind of a pale
Yozun bah borda surtuilyubda burda ie yyrtygy var, gernyushide yahshy deiir This is a business approach. I take it!
Bach bu boggeseles alyram You did not see which way the foreign car went? In it, my wife sat down $ ± Siz girmadiz about girmzyzy haridji cars hara geddy? Ora manim arvadym otordu
You yourself cuckold! I do not need a flock of sheep, return my wife Yozyansan urosh! Sizin goyun syuryunyuz mene lazym deiyr, arvadymy gaitarin
Two flocks? Nakin five bulls, then it will be that to discuss Iki goyun seryusyu? Besh yokyuz da Elavet ond Bakharig
Hey, babe! Her gyolce (gesheng gyz)
Girl, I want you! Ay gyz! Mian xiani ityyairi
Kiss me Yep meni
Black eyes, I remember, I die, black eyes Garage Sizleri hatyrlayyram, sise gere aviary

Figures and numbers

Zero Syphyr, zero
One Beer
Two Iki
Three Yooch
Four Dord
Five Bash
Six Alty
Seven Yeddy
Eight Seckiz
Nine Dogguz
Ten He
Twenty Izhirmi-Yirmi
Thirty Otuz
Hundred Yuz
Thousand Ming

Shops and restaurants

How much is this worth it? Bu, Necdir?
I take it Almage is a fugitive
Where is the market? Bazar Haradıdır?
Show me the floral (jewelry, antique, manufactured goods) store Khahsh edirem, bizhe kyul (zercarlik, ant mallar, senaye mallary) magazasynyn yerini gostarin
What restaurant can I try only Azerbaijani (Russian) cuisine? Gansy restaurant anjag azerbaijan (rus) heerkery yamek olar?
Give, please, the menu Zegmath Olmas, menyun gethyrin
Bon appetit Nush olsun
Your health! Afiyet olsun
I want to offer a toast to the gentleman ... Meng bu beyeni ... bain saglygyna Ichmeyi teklif edyram
For the friendship of the peoples of Russia and Azerbaijan! Rusya ve Azerbaijan halglarynyn dostlugu saglygyn
Please, an account Zegmath olmas, hebsaby geretin


How much does a ticket cost? Ticket is not a chechedir?
How do I get there ...? Yolu Sorusmag
I'm lost, I need to pass ... Meng azmisham, ... nege kyeda bileham?
Where is the nearest gas station? En yahin benzindoldurma manategesi haradadyr?
Where can I put the car? Mashyny Harada Sahlamag Olar?
Where is a good road here? Burada en yahshy yol khansydyr?

Swearing in Azerbaijani

Leave Ryudd olitil
What a cunning! Yaman choh bilmischen
Smelly Osturachchy
Idiot Ahmag
Do not annoy me Meni hirststindi
Your mandarins are the most insipid in the market! Senin mandarinlarin bazardakylaryn en dadysyzydyr