May is a Spring and Labor holiday all over the world, and, probably, in Cyprus, celebrating the beginning of spring is best. Not only because on the island at this time + 27 in the air and +21 in the water (you can sunbathe and enjoy the sea air and the soft spring sun!), But also because from May 4 to 6 in Cyprus there is a festival "Anfestiriya ", That is," Flower ". This is a traditional festival dedicated to the coming of spring and the role of flowers in religion and people's lives.

Admire the flowers tourists can in the church of Ayia Kyriaki from 10 am to 17:30. In the old church will be exhibited more than 20 flower panels, which traditionally depict secular and religious holidays: wedding, christening, Christmas, carnival, etc. Also, every day there will be a concert. The entrance to the festival is free, but you can make a donation if you wish.

Of course, Cyprus celebrates the traditional May Day. By the way, it is divided into two parts: serious and funny. Merry is a lot of concerts. Usually a star flies to the island with a concert, and her concert attracts all the locals. On this day, "natives" spin wreaths of wild grasses, wild flowers and garlic to drive away evil forces that can hinder fun.

It is impossible not to tell about Easter, which is celebrated on Sunday and it often falls at the beginning of May. On the eve of the faithful gather for service in the church. The festive liturgy lasts longer than in Russia. As in Russia, the tradition of painting eggs and baking cakes is preserved in Cyprus, which they later bring to consecration in the church.

After the night liturgy the next morning the whole family is going to gather around the festive table, the main dish of which is fried on a spit of sheep with greens.

On average, a week-long holiday in Cyprus in a 3 * hotel costs about 25-30 000 with an air ticket. The cost of an ordinary tour includes a flight, a transfer to the hotel and back, insurance and services of a Russian-speaking guide. You will also need to pay an entry visa.
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