Ski resorts in Canada with their excellent in quality and very diverse slopes, as a rule, choose those tourists who have already visited many European countries, and now they want to combine unusual skating with an interesting "excursion". A separate segment is students going to study in Canada. If it were not for a long and expensive flight, as well as a very complicated process of obtaining a visa, Russian tourists would be much more on the mountain slopes and in the national parks of Canada.

The capital is Ottawa, the major cities are Vancouver, Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton.


  • 1 The main snow and ski resorts in Canada - $
  • 2 National Parks
  • 3 How to get to Canada?
    • 3.1 Search for air tickets to Canada - $
  • 4 Visa to Canada is
  • 5 Customs
  • 6 We will check the clock
  • 7 Useful phone numbers are
  • 8 History of Canada
  • 9 States of Canada
  • 10 Transport
  • 11 Rent a car in Canada.
  • 12 Safety of tourists
  • 13 The climate of Canada is
  • 14 Canada hotels - $
    • 14.1 Book hotel in Canada at the best price
  • 15 Money
  • 16 Shopping and shops in Canada
  • 17 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 18 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Canada
  • 19 Culture of Canada
  • 20 Canadian Traditions
  • 21 National Parks
  • 22 Events in Canada
    • 22.1 We also recommend

The main snow and ski resorts in Canada - $

Big White, Whistler - Blackcomb, Kimberley, Silver Star (Silver Star), Solar Peaks (Sun Peaks), Tremblan, Fernier.

National Parks

Banff, Jasper, Mount Robson, Wood Buffalo, Waterton Lakes, Glacier and Clouyne, Pacific Rome, Kutney, Yoho, Oyuittik reserve.

For a complete list of the cities in the country, search on the city page and the resorts of Canada.

How to get to Canada?

Aeroflot flies four times a week from Moscow to Toronto (~ 10 hours). A lot of European airlines - KLM, British Airways, Finnair, LOT, Air France, Alitalia, CSA, Lufthansa, Austrian and others - offer flights to different cities in Canada with a transfer in Europe. Often such options are the cheapest. For example, Lufthansa flies to Ottawa on a daily flight through Frankfurt.

Also, flights with a transfer to the US are possible, but a transit American visa will be required even if you do not leave the transit zone of the US airport.

Residents of Minsk and Kiev can get to Toronto with the help of all the same European airlines. From Kazakhstan, Air Astana flies to many European capitals, from where it is easy to get not only to Toronto, but also Ottawa, Vancouver and other cities.

Search for air tickets to Canada - $

Visa to Canada is

To visit Canada, Russian citizens need a visa.


Import and export of foreign and national currency is not limited, when moving across the border cash amounts of 10 000 CAD and more should be declared.

Permission is granted duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 910 gr of tobacco, 1, 1 liter of spirits, 8, 5 liters of beer, gifts worth not more than 300 USD.

It is forbidden to import perishable products, weapons, explosives, drugs, some medicines, objects and things for resale, meat, meat and dairy products, plants and seeds. It is forbidden to export silver coins for more than 5 USD.

We will check the clock

There are 6 time zones in the country. In winter, time lags behind Moscow by 5, 5-10 hours, from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October - by 6, 5-11 hours in different parts of the country.

The time difference for major cities: Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal - minus 7 hours, Calgary and Edmonton - minus 9 hours; Vancouver - minus 10 hours.

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Canada in Moscow: Moscow, Starokonyushenny per., 23; tel .: (495) 956-60-00; website.

Embassy of Russia in Ottawa: 285 Charlotte Street; tel .: (613) 235-43-41, 236-14-13; Web site. Consular Section: 52 Range Road; tel .: (613) 236-72-20.

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Toronto: 175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 801; tel .: (416) 962-99-11; website.

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Montreal: 3685, Avenue de Musee; tel .: (514) 843-59-01, 842-53-43; website.

Police, fire department, ambulance: 911

History of Canada

The history of Canada covers a huge time period - since the arrival of Paleo-Indians on its land many thousands of years ago to this day. For millennia, Canada was populated by a group of indigenous peoples, among whom trade links, religious beliefs and social hierarchies developed.

Some of the civilizations of the Canadian Aborigines have long since disappeared by the time the first Europeans arrived here, and traces of these civilizations were discovered during archaeological research.

Since the end of the 15th century, Frenchmen and Englishmen have come to the local shores as part of research expeditions, later settling the Canadian coast of the Atlantic Ocean .In 1763, after the Seven Years' War, France yielded almost all of its North American colony of the United Kingdom .In 1867, with the merger of the three British North American colonies into a confederation, Canada actually gained independence and became the Dominion Canada .This contributed to the further growth of provinces and territories, as well as to the process of increasing independence from the British Empire extended by the Westminster Statute in 1931 and finally secured by the 1982 law .Currently, Canada consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories and is a constitutional monarchy led by Queen Elizabeth II .

National Historical Museum in Canada, Quebec Canada
National Historical Museum
Figurine Inukshuk on top of Whistler, Canada Canada
Inukshuk on the top of Whistler
Walking through Montreal Canada
Walking through Montreal

States of Canada

The provinces of New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island are part of the Atlantic Canada region, which is the birthplace of the Acadian culture and is famous for its unique accent, natural beauty (especially in coastal areas), the historical beauty of Halifax, shipping industry.

The province of Quebec is one of the most unique regions of Canada. Quebec is known for a large number of cultural events, the classical architecture of Montreal and, of course, its maple syrup and national dish "Putin". Quebec is a great way to see the Old World of Europe without leaving North America!

Ontario Province is the largest province in Canada with endless opportunities for the traveler: from Canada's largest metropolis Toronto to the national bilingual capital of Ottawa, from Niagara Falls to the vast desert in the north of the province and the Great Lakes.

The provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are part of the Canadian Prairies - a region of rich geographic diversity - from hills to rapeseed farmlands, forests, lakes and unique rock formations. Canadian Prairies is one of Canada's fastest growing regions and is famous for its Banff and Canmore ski resorts.

The Province of British Columbia is one of the most beautiful in Canada, and its heart, the city of Vancouver - perhaps one of the most liberal and culturally diverse cities in North America.

The Northwest Territories, Nunavut and the Yukon are part of the Northern Canada region and are some of the most remote regions around the globe, and, therefore, the most "virgin" in terms of nature.

Putin from Quebec ("Putin") is a national Canadian dish of French fries, cheese and sauce. It is difficult to say what is the effect of popular love for this not very healthy dish.


Canada is really a very large country, so the best mode of transport between the main cities here is air. The railway network is rather dense and modern, but is used mainly for freight traffic. For students and pensioners, there are preferential tickets, and you can get a discount if you pre-order the ticket.

On the intercity bus lines, two companies compete: Greyhound and Voyageur. The network of intercity bus routes is very well developed, and buses are quite comfortable. Bus routes also cross the whole of Canada, and there are daily flights to the United States.

Taxis are better to use for trips on short distances: long trips will cost a fortune. Landing in the car ~ 2, 25 CAD, kilometer of the path ~ 1 CAD, minute of waiting ~ 0, 37 CAD.

The fare on the bus in Ottawa and Montreal is ~ 1, 8 CAD. A one-day pass costs about 5 CAD, for a month - about 50 CAD.

In Quebec buses, a 1, 45 CAD ticket is valid for 1, 5 hours (in one direction), and a ticket for 3, 5 CAD is valid all day.

In Montreal, three metro lines connect the most visited places of the city and extensive shopping complexes. The ticket costs 1, 75 CAD, 6 tickets - 7 CAD, monthly travel - 72 CAD.

Maps of Canada

Rent a car in Canada.

In Canada, you can rent a car with a driver's license, credit card and being at least 23 years old. In addition to the rental itself, insurance and local fees are paid.

Alcohol behind the wheel in the country is strictly forbidden - and control is carried out constantly. The main roads are kept in good condition, the journey is free.

Safety of tourists

The overall crime rate in the country is low, security in the streets is maintained strictly. Tourists should be as vigilant as possible in the outlying areas of Ottawa and Montreal, at the main stations, in the metro, buses and trams, and especially in the neighborhood of the "black" quarters.

Moving around the city, you should have a minimum amount of cash, not take all credit cards and documents. Valuable things, large sums of money and important documents are better left in the hotel safe. For more information on security, see the article: "How to behave in Canada."

The climate of Canada is

Most of Canada has a temperate climate, rather mild, in the north - subarctic. The average January temperatures range from -35 ° C in the north of the country to +4 ° C in the South Pacific coast. July - from +21 ° C in the south and from -4 to +4 ° C on the islands of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

On the Atlantic coast as a result of the interaction of continental and Atlantic air masses, the weather is unstable, in the winter frequent storms and heavy snowfalls.

Weather forecast for major resorts and cities in Canada.

Canada hotels - $

In Canada, there is no single classification of hotels, and the approximate level of the hotel is indicated by letters. So, for example, T (Tourist Class) - economical and budget hotels and motels, F (First Class) - usual "three stars", S (Superior) - average hotels of four "stars", and D (Deluxe) - deserved five "stars ».

Voltage in the network - 110 V, 60 Hz, sockets - standard "North American", with grounding.

The breakfast is not included in the price of the hotel. In Canada - one of the best in the world of camping systems. Small towns for tourists are near all major cities and in all national parks.

Book hotel in Canada at the best price


It is better to change the currency in banks (usually they do not take commission), exchange offices, large hotels, airports, railway and bus stations (but commission rates can be from 1 to 10%). Traveler's checks "American Express" and "Thomas Cook" are accepted everywhere, as well as Visa, Master Card and American Express credit cards.

Banks are open on weekdays from 10:00 to 17:00, on Friday they close at 18:00.

US dollars in Canada are not accepted everywhere. In this regard, the attitude towards them, especially to hundreds of bills, is quite cautious. In large Canadian banks, such problems usually do not arise, but preference is still given to non-cash means of payment - checks and cards.

From proposals to exchange the currency "with hands" should be abandoned immediately - almost one hundred percent this is obvious fraud.

Shopping and shops in Canada

The most "Canadian" souvenirs, which are exactly not made in China, are maple syrup and ice wine. Grapes for this original wine are harvested after the first frosts, when the bunches are covered with a thin layer of ice.

To traditional souvenirs from Canada the invented by Indians "the dream catcher" still belongs. And also the figures of policemen in a characteristic hat, beavers, moose and bears - in various variations, a wide range and on any pocket.

The shops are open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 18:00, but some department stores close at 21:00. On Thursdays, trade ends later, but on Fridays and Saturdays - much earlier. On Sundays only souvenir shops and some small shops work.

In Canada, two national sports: in the summer - lacrosse, and in the winter - hockey.

Kitchen and restaurants

At every step - restaurants and cafes for every taste. Canadians themselves respect dishes from meat and fish - steaks, steaks, roast beef, langets. The first dishes - soups, puree from vegetables, cauliflower, pumpkin and tomatoes, as well as various broths with toast.

Favorite drink of Canadians - beer, "Labatt" and "Molson" varieties are especially popular.

In most establishments, the tip is 10-15% of the invoice amount.

Maple syrup is a subject of national pride of Canadians. It is served with pancakes, rolls, pies and cupcakes, there is even a homemade ham in maple syrup.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Canada

The sights of Canada are first of all amazing natural beauty, then - architectural monuments, mostly modern, and finally - the cultures of aboriginal tribes.

Holidaymakers on the slopes of Tremblan can go on an excursion to Montreal, Quebec, Toronto or Ottawa. And, of course, to the Nigar Falls. Those who are skiing in British Columbia, should go to Vancouver, Richmond and Stevenston.

Culture of Canada

For centuries, the elements of the cultures and traditions of Canadian Aborigines, French, English and later immigrants made up a single Canadian culture, also strongly influenced by the linguistic, geographic and economic factors of its neighbor, the United States.

Canada is often described as a very progressive, diverse and multicultural country, and the Canadian government's policy on health financing, increased taxation, the prohibition of the death penalty, strengthening measures to eradicate poverty, emphasizing cultural diversity and legalizing same-sex marriages as strikingly different from the United States. $

The influence on the Canadian culture was also exerted by the federal government through the introduction of various programs, the adoption of laws and the creation of relevant institutions such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the National Council for Cinematography.

Travel to Canada

Canadian Traditions

Canadians profess a large number of religions, among which the most common is Catholicism. There are among the Canadians and Protestants, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and Indigenous Indians and with their traditional beliefs.

The official languages ​​of Canada are English and French, and the ethnic diversity of the country demonstrates how diverse are the norms and rules of propriety adopted in society. Greeting, for example, as a rule, is not accompanied by touches in the form of hugs and handshakes, and loud speeches are considered inappropriate except in special cases or in places such as bars and clubs.

Canadian holidays fall into two categories: political and religious. The main festivities, accompanied by official days off, are Christmas and Easter. And from the main political holidays, it is worth noting Canada Day (July 1), New Year (January 1), Victoria Day, Labor Day (in September) and Thanksgiving Day (in October).

National Parks

Canada is one of the rare countries where natural natural complexes are preserved in a pristine state and are at the same time "near" in modern cities.

For example, Banff's oldest national park is one of the most popular tourist centers of the country, which is also a resort on the basis of hot mineral springs. Jasper is famous for its landscapes, unique nature and numerous glacial lakes. There live black and brown bears, deer, martens, about two hundred species of birds.

Musicians for earning money in the underground passage of the metro Toronto is not enough just desire. A special commission arranges for an audition, and only a select one gets a license, for which you still have to pay $ 150.

Also known: Mount Robson National Park, waterfalls on the River Plis River, Wood Buffalo National Park - the habitat of buffalo. The parks of Waterton Lakes (Alberta), Glacier and Clouin are famous for grizzly populations, and the Oyuittik reserve on Baffin Island is protected by unique tundra communities. In the Bay of St. Lawrence you can see migrating herds of whales, and in the west, in the Pacific-Rome National Park (Lake Vancouver), sea otters and eared seals live. Glaciers and waterfalls can be admired in the parks of Kutnya, Yoho, etc.

Events in Canada

Canadians are great fans of holidays and festivals: in Quebec alone there are at least a thousand a year. In Ottawa, in February, the largest snow festival in North America is held - "Snow Ball", in May - a very colorful Tulip Festival, and at the end of June - the Franco Festival.

  • In Toronto: the Festival of the Caribbean (late July - early August), the Canadian National Exhibition (early September) and the International Film Festival (September).
  • Calgary pleases with its annual rodeo "Calgary Stampage & Exxibition" (10 days starting from the second week of July).
  • In Montreal: Festival of Lights (February-March), Summer Festival of Humor in Montreal.
  • In Quebec: the international festival of jazz and blues "Nights of Quebec" (end of June), "Carnival in Quebec" (beginning of February), and horse races for the Quebec prize (end of August).
  • In Vancouver: The Walrus Festival (January 1), the Jazz Festival (June), the Sea Festival (July), the Summer Festival of Folklore Music and the Formula India Race (the first Monday in September).
A separate theme is competitions in extreme sports: the Newfoundland Memorial Regatta (early July), the annual festival of skiers and snowboarders "Telus" in British Columbia (April), the Montreal Grand Prix "Formula 1" (June).

Photos of Canada (259)

Maps of Canada
Education in Canada
How much does it cost to study abroad
Can a citizen of the CIS obtain a visa to Canada in St. Petersburg
Answers to questions on the issue of a visa to Canada during a private visit
Visa to Canada
Tours to Canada
Cities and Resorts in Canada
Flights to Canada
Do I need to pay a visit to the national parks Jasper, Yoho and Banff in Canada and where you can buy tickets
How to go to Canada for permanent residence
How to obtain Canadian citizenship
Canadian Hotels
Questions about Canada
Weather in Canada
Photos Canada
Big White
Wood Buffalo
Whistler - Blackcomb
Education in Canada
Managers for Canada on the "Thinness of Tourism"
Sights of Canada
Video about Canada
Silver Star
Solar Peaks
How to behave in Canada
Banff National Park
Tours in Toronto
Nature of Canada
Interesting in Canada