Real estate in Estonia. Rent of villas and apartments in Estonia. How to rent or buy a house in Estonia or an apartment. Sale and rent: features and prices.

Acquisition of real estate is almost always one of the most profitable investments .The popular trend of the last decade in Russia is the commission of such purchases abroad, and in particular, in Europe .This was facilitated by the wave of the financial crisis that swept the world, which caused the recession and fixation of the growth in real estate prices in Europe..Buying a home in one of the EU countries - the prospect is quite tempting, because the deal gives the right to multivisa and free movement within the Schengen countries .In addition, property abroad increases the chances of further migration to the country and a facilitated procedure for obtaining a residence permit .Housing in Europe, purchased as a place for recreation, this is an opportunity to save in the tourist season, and the opportunity to earn if you lease it .In the end, it is status and prestigious .

The most accessible for us abroad were always the Baltic countries, among which the real estate market in Estonia is the most attractive. In addition to all the above-mentioned advantages of acquiring real estate in the EU countries, Estonia has a number of its own:

First, ...

First, this geographical location is .On the one hand, with respect to St. Petersburg or Moscow, to travel to Estonia for a short time, on the other hand, with respect to the Baltic Sea, the acquired accommodation becomes almost a resort place where you can spend not only holidays with your family, but also on weekends or holidays ±​​$ br >.It is not surprising that residents of St. Petersburg were especially eager to acquire property in Estonia .In Finland, which is equally accessible to Petersburgers, it is now rather difficult to find a suitable inexpensive living space somewhere on the seaside coast .In Estonia, such options are a mass of .For example, in the city of Sillamäe, located just 25 km from the border with Russia .Here, the nature is picturesque, and the beaches are beautiful .You can find an inexpensive apartment literally on the very shore of the Baltic Sea .A concrete example: a one-room apartment in a Stalin-era building, with an area of ​​almost 43 square meters .meter cost in Sillamäe at about 6500 EUR .The most attractive city in terms of investing in real estate is, of course, Tallinn .A beautiful, modern city with a beautifully preserved medieval architecture and numerous attractions will pleasantly surprise both the variety of offers and the price policy .Even the most expensive penthouses with a beautiful view of the sea are here half cheaper than any Khrushchev within the Garden Ring in Moscow..In Tallinn, you can buy a beautiful two-bedroom apartment worth up to 100 thousand EUR .Or a house in the historic city center built in the 19th century, paying 500 EUR per square meter .However, you can, of course, find more budgetary options .

Real estate in Tallinn

Secondly, ...

Secondly, Estonia is still a former Soviet republic. Consequently, the Russian language here is distributed in the same way as the state language. Many of our compatriots live here. And this is some kind of psychological support, at least, at the initial stage of development in a new country. And do not be afraid of the notorious national dislike of Russians. There are plenty of bad and good people everywhere. This is a matter of personal perception.

Thirdly and fourthly, ...

Third, there is no property tax in Estonia. It is only necessary to pay tax on land, which is from 0, 1-2, 5% per year.

Fourthly, Estonian legislation complies with all EU standards, so that transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate are transparent and safe. Sale of real estate to non-residents is carried out on the same grounds as to citizens of the country.

Before thinking about buying an apartment in a foreign country, you should carefully read the price level for utility bills and globally examine the prices for food, gasoline, medical services and the like.

How to make a purchase

Any purchase, and even more so serious and expensive, begins with the search, selection and analysis of prices .To study or simply to inquire what is today the real estate market in Estonia, it is worthwhile to visit the useful Internet portals .For example, a site about real estate City24 .ee in a convenient and informative version in Russian .You can search options on the bulletin board of magazin .seti .ee or on a large portal prian .ru .Already owning information on prices and offers, you can contact any real estate agency that deals with real estate in Estonia..The realtor will select the appropriate options, send offers and agree on the time of viewing with the owners .

Registration of any transaction in Estonia takes place at a notary .The document of the transaction must be provided by the broker himself in Estonian .Notaries here are not just an outsider who certifies the documents, they also check the contract itself for compliance with all the requirements of the law and on the literacy of the registration of .The calculation also takes place in the presence of a notary .If the amount is paid in part, then for convenience and security it is possible to use a notary deposit .On average, the payment for a notary's work is 100 EUR and, as a rule, is divided in half between the buyer and seller .The buyer's expenses also include payment of the state duty for changing the entry in the Fortress book .Realtor services are usually paid by the seller .

Useful nuances

Before thinking about buying an apartment in a foreign country, you should carefully read the price level for utility bills and globally examine the prices for food, gasoline, medical services and the like.

Calculation of public services in Estonia does not depend on the number of residents registered in the apartment, it consists of several factors. It is taken into account where the apartment is located: in a new building or in an old housing stock, housing meterage, heating season. So, a small apartment in the old house will cost on average 35 EUR per month in summer and 70 in winter. Payment of an apartment from 50 square meters. meters in the new house in the heating season will be 120 EUR and above. Gas, water and electricity are paid for by an individual meter.

Prices for products in Estonia are lower than the EU average, and are roughly equal to the prices for products in Moscow stores. Prices for public transport and gasoline in Estonia are slightly higher than in Moscow.

Any owner of real estate in Estonia can rightfully rent it out .If you use the services of realtors to search for tenants, their work will have to be paid by the tenant himself .A lot to rent an apartment in Estonia to earn, alas, will not be able to .On average, the profit can reach a maximum of 50 EUR .Although the owners of housing in the center of Tallinn can be luckier if renting an apartment for the tourist season is .An advantageous option may be the purchase of an apartment in the city of Tartu, a student campus in Estonia, where one of the oldest universities in Europe is located..During the year, you can rent an apartment to students, and in summer you can come for vacations yourself at $ $ .If you do not plan to visit your house in Estonia yet, then it is worth buying in one of the resort towns, for example, Pärnu or Haapsalu .In summer these places are in great demand among tourists .

City of Sillamäe, Estonia
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Real estate in Estonia