The Amazon jungle, the gold beaches of Rio de Janeiro, the delicate aroma of coffee, the thunder of mighty waterfalls - all this, like a magnet, attracts millions of tourists to Brazil from around the world..In addition, the beaches in the country - entirely with world names (one Copacabana is worth), the sea is warm and transparent, and about Brazilian cuisine - as well as about Brazilian women - tourists invariably say with aspirations .One is sad: only travelers with very voluminous wallets can get into this fairy tale (at least from Russia) - the high cost of tours to Brazil affects, depending primarily on the cost of a transatlantic flight .

Carnival in Brazil is another popular bait for tourists. Travelers who go here for the carnival procession are more demanding on the quality of the rest and usually book hotels of level 5 *. But with the children here almost do not go.

... First you want to see the first capital of Brazil, the ancient and renewed city of Salvador de Bahia, to experience Pelourinho - the historic center where there was once a market of slaves and where everywhere magnificent examples of colonial architecture, neatly restored and partially adapted to combine useful functions with a proud the role of the world's historical heritage ...
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The capital of the country is Brasilia. Resorts - Angra dos Reis, Buzios, Salvador.

A full list of Brazilian cities is available on the city page and the resorts of Brazil.


  • 1 Getting to Brazil
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Brazil
  • 2 Visa to Brazil |
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 Transport
    • 5.1 Cheap car rentals in Brazil with best price guarantee $ $
  • 6 Rent a car in Brazil
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 The climate of Brazil is
  • 9 Brazil hotels - $
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Brazil at the best price
  • 10 Banks and exchange points in Brazil - $
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisines and restaurants in Brazil
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Brazil
    • 13.1 We also recommend

Getting to Brazil

There are several variants of flights: flights of the main European airlines Air France and Iberia on the route Moscow - Rio de Janeiro with docking in Paris, Madrid, London and Amsterdam, respectively. From Moscow to São Paulo fly the same Air France (via Paris) and Iberia (via Madrid), as well as Lufthansa (via Frankfurt) and Swiss (via Zurich). The flight time is usually from 17 to 19 hours, taking into account the connections. There are no direct flights from Russia to Brazil.

Those who want to get to the north-east of the country can fly through Madrid to Salvador or get to one of the European cities, where you can fly to the same Salvador, Recife, Fortaleza, Natal and other cities through Lisbon by flights from the Portuguese airline TAP. ±​​$ br >

From Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to Brazil can also be reached by flights of one of the listed airlines.

  • How much to fly to Brazil?
  • Transit flight to Brazil via Paris: time of docking and what to do if you do not have time to transfer to the flight

Search for air tickets to Brazil

Visa to Brazil |

Citizens of Russia for the purpose of tourism, short-term business visits or visits to friends and relatives for a period not exceeding 90 days are not required.

  • Do I need a visa to Brazil?
  • Do I need a visa when traveling to Brazil through America?


Import of foreign currency is unlimited (amounts over USD 1,000 must be declared), national - limited to .Permission to export foreign currency within the declared amount declared at the entrance, national - only under the license of the Brazilian Central Bank .Imported video, film, audio equipment from non-Brazilian production is taxed at the rate of .Duty-free allowed to import one of the following items: radio, player, video camera, business notebook with computer memory .The import and export of drugs, firearms, ammunition, medicines and radioactive materials is prohibited .It is forbidden to export any wild animals, their hides and products from hides, shells, feathers and claws .

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Brazil in Moscow: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 54; phone: (495) 363-03-66, fax: 363-03-67, website is

Embassy of Russia in Brasilia: Avenida das Nacoes, SES, lote A, Quadra 801; tel .: (61) 223-30-94; website.

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Rio de Janeiro: Rua Professor Azevedo Marques, 50 - Leblon, CEP.:22450-030; tel .: (21) 227-400-97; website.

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in São Paulo: avenida Lineu de Paula Machado, 1366, CEP 05601-001, Jardim Everest; tel .: (11) 381-441-00, 381-412-46; website.

Police: 199, fire service: 193, first aid: 192

Telephone codes of cities: Brasilia - 61, Manaus - 92, Recife - 81, Rio de Janeiro - 21, Salvador - 71, São Paulo - 11.

View of the Gulf of Rio de Janeiro Brazil
The Gulf of Rio de Janeiro
Brazil, Iguazu Falls Brazil
Iguazu Falls
Symbol of Rio, Brazil Brazil
The Statue of Christ the Redeemer


Buses on which the local population moves between cities, there are several levels of comfort .The most convenient and expensive are called leito, instead of seats in them are real beds .Night sleeping buses should be booked at least a day (except the Rio-São Paulo line, on which they run every half hour) .For long distances it is better to fly by airplane (for example, a bus from Salvador to Rio goes 36 hours) .The big country of Brazil has a dense network of domestic airlines connecting almost all major settlements .

You can move around the cities by taxi (at prices approaching European, but not at all the European size of some cities - in the first place, São Paulo) and buses. In Rio and São Paulo there is also a subway.

In many inland and coastal areas, a large proportion of traffic is carried out by river and sea transport. Numerous boats, ferries, coasters and just motor boats - the main transport in the Amazon.

Cheap car rentals in Brazil with best price guarantee $ $

Special offers of rental companies in Brazil
  • From company Movida - the insurance of damage at collision with other vehicle, the insurance of damage to the third parties and two additional. driver included in the price of (valid until 31.03.2015) ±​​$

Rent a car in Brazil

To rent a car you need an international driver's license and a credit card .The points of hire are, as a rule, near large hotels and airports (they usually work from 9:00 to 16:00, and at airports - around the clock) .When renting a car, insurance is calculated at about 10-13 USD per day, and a cash deposit is charged (if you do not have a credit card) .Local firms usually take rent on average 10% less than international ones, but their cars are usually older, and it's not always possible to return a car in another city..To travel outside of Brazil in a rented car is prohibited .

Safety of tourists

Tap water in Brazil can not drink, but you can and should use sunscreen. Also, tourists need to be as attentive as possible on the streets with money and valuables, in order to avoid the attack of hooligans. Bathing on most of the beaches of the country has one unpleasant feature: strong ocean currents run along the shore, presenting a certain danger to a biker who is unfamiliar with the nature of the local waters and forming dangerous "standing" waves creating a powerful surf zone.

  • In which language can you communicate in Brazil? $
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  • Do I need to get vaccinations against hepatitis and malaria for a trip to Brazil?
  • Do I need to vaccinate before going to Brazil?
  • What is the criminogenic situation in Rio de Janeiro?

The climate of Brazil is

The climate in the country is typical for tropical countries, it varies greatly in different localities: from equatorial to subtropical .On the coast of Brazil you can travel all year round .Winter can only be in the far south (Sao Paulo and below), and even then, the winter here is when the temperature can suddenly drop below + 10 ° .The rainy season (in Rio - from January to March, in Salvador - from April to June) usually means not so much tropical rainfall as high cloudiness, and also does not pose a particular obstacle for tourist trips .The "peaks" of the tourist season fall on the New Year and the carnival (in February): hotels at this time are booked in advance for a minimum of 4 nights - and cost several times more than .

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts in Brazil for the coming days.

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Brazil hotels - $

Most hotels in Brazil have a category from three to five "stars". In Rio de Janeiro, almost all hotels are high-rise, urban type. It should be noted that 3 * hotels in the country are quite a good level. The main disadvantage is that many hotels are quite old. The quality of the service is quite high, although in it there is a certain slowness, however, characteristic of almost all directions of Latin America.

The voltage in the electrical grid of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo is 110 or 120 V, in El Salvador and Manaus - 127 V, in Brasilia and a number of other cities - 220 V, frequency 50/60 Hz. The adapter can be obtained from the receptionist.

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Book hotel in Brazil at the best price

Banks and exchange points in Brazil - $

Banks usually work from 10:00 to 15: 00-16: 30 from Monday to Friday .You can exchange currency in banks (the most profitable rate), exchange offices at travel agencies and shopping centers, in hotels (change only dollars) or at the airport .Most major international credit cards are accepted for payment in large hotels, restaurants and shopping centers of large cities..In restaurants, foreign currency and traveler's checks usually do not accept .You can cash out traveler's checks in hotels, banks, travel agencies and most major stores, but the rate is usually less profitable than when you exchange cash in cash .

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  • Which currency is better to take in Brazil?
  • How much money does Brazil need for daily expenses?

Shopping and shopping

Shops usually work from 9:00 to 18:30 (large - until 22:00) on weekdays and from 9:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays.

As a souvenir from Brazil, you can bring hammocks and beautiful lace. For fans of "shmotochnoy" shopping Rio - not the best city: local styles will come except for the mulattos with magnificent forms. But Brazil - the birthplace of many rare precious stones: citrine, tourmaline, diamonds. Here you can also buy high-quality leather goods: shoes, bags, belts and wallets.

The annual carnival is held not only in Rio de Janeiro. It takes place in all five thousand Brazilian cities.

Cuisines and restaurants in Brazil

Brazilian national cuisine was formed from three, at first glance, poorly blended components: European, African and Indian culinary traditions.

In the country are popular "feijoada" (a kind of assortment of black beans, meat, vegetables, flour and spices), thick mashed beans "tutu" from beans and meat, marinated and fried liver "sarapatel" with various sauces, sun-dried meat " do-salt. " In the Amazon, the cuisine has purely Indian roots, almost without European influence, which gives its dishes an original taste.

Dozens of types of soft soft drinks from tropical fruits and fruits are produced throughout the country. Alcoholic beverages are popular with beer (many experts consider it to be the best varieties on the continent of Brazil), rum, vodka "cachas" (more similar to moonshine) and lemon cocktails "kaipirinha."

Tipping in expensive restaurants and bars makes up to 10% of the bill (although often it already includes a service charge), in cheap eateries - 1-2 BRL, in a cafe on the beach tip is not given, a porter at a hotel or airport is usually handed 1 BRL. Tipping must be left to the hairdressers (10-20%), the duty of petrol stations, shoe cleaners. In a taxi, the account is rounded up (the newer the car, the wider the mathematical range the chauffeur operates), and a separate charge is charged for the activation of the air conditioner.
One day in Rio

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Brazil

In Brazil, the present abundance of natural and historical attractions. Here are some of them:

Rio de Janeiro ("January River") - the former capital and the most visited city in Brazil.

São Paulo is the largest industrial center not only in Brazil, but throughout Latin America. Interesting are the Museum of Contemporary Art, the "Pakaembu" stadium, where the "football king" Pele often performed, as well as the Butantan snake reserve.

Brasilia is a "city-plane": the center of the "fuselage" occupies the area of ​​the Three Powers, the "wings" - residential quarters, and in the "nose", away from the center, is the palace of Aurora, the residence of the president of the republic.

Attractions of Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonia: the Museum of the Indians, the city theater (1896), the colossal Palacio Negro Palace, the San Sebastian Church, the Museum of Man, the Numismatics Museum, the Teatro Amazonas Opera House, numerous floating markets, and many magnificent houses decorated with blue ceramics "azulezhush" .At 12 km from Manaus there is a unique natural phenomenon - the merging of the rivers Solimoes and Rio Negro, whose waters are not completely mixed together due to different density, and flow a number of multi-colored ribbons a hundred kilometers .

Iguazu Falls is a true wonder of the world, located in the Iguazu National Park at the meeting point of the Paraná and Iguazú rivers, on the border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, and represent an impressive spectacle of water cascading down to three kilometers from a height of 72 meters. The noise of the falls is heard for many kilometers, and huge whirlwinds of spray create a rainbow of extraordinary beauty. A little less known is the waterfall of Guayra (or Seti-Kedas) in Parana.

In every Brazilian city there is at least one football stadium. Brazil - the absolute record for the number of stadiums in the world.

The city of Salvador is famous for the richness of its churches and the beauty of its historical buildings, crazy festivals and a rich history. The sights of the city include the historical quarter of Pelurinho, the old port of Barra (Vila Velha), the Afro-Brazilian Museum, the Carlos Costa Pinto Museum, the Carmelite Order Museum, the Medical Memorial, the Abelardu Rodriguez Museum.

Recife, the capital of Pernambuco, is 835 km north of Salvador. This city is often compared to Venice. 7 km from Recife is the city of Olinda, one of the best-preserved colonial cities in Brazil, famous for its old quarter, protected by UNESCO.

Belo Horizonte is the first city of the country, which was created "from scratch", thus paving the way for the modern capital. The historical museum of Abilio-Bareto, the Palace of Freedom and the religious center of Congonhas do Campo are interesting here, 80 km from the city with the famous "cross road" of 78 statues.

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Photos of Brazil (173)

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Rio de Janeiro
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Angra dos Reis
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