Tallinn is one of those European cities where Russians can at any moment break for the weekend. Between Russia and Estonia the railway communication is excellent: from Moscow to Tallinn it is possible to reach for 16 hours, from Petersburg - all for six hours, and the Estonian capital is definitely worth the time spent for the journey.

Between Russia and Estonia the railway communication is excellent: from Moscow to Tallinn it is possible to reach for 16 hours, from Petersburg - all for six hours, and the Estonian capital is definitely worth the time spent for the journey.
In Tallinn by train article Tours to Tallinn by train
By train to Tallinn, the article is Tours to Tallinn by train

Trains from both capitals

Direct trains run from Tallinn and Moscow to Tallinn. Train # 034R from the capital leaves from the Leningrad station at 18:05 and the next morning at 8:15 arrives at the Tallinn railway station. The minimum ticket price is 4600 RUB (the price for a seat in a general car of superiority), the ticket to a regular compartment will cost about 10 000 RUB, and for a trip to a luxury compartment you will have to pay 18 000 RUB.

Tourists from St. Petersburg were lucky to noticeably more than .Since the distance from the Northern capital of Russia to the capital of Estonia is almost half the distance between Moscow and Tallinn, they will reach the goal twice faster than Muscovites, and tickets will cost less than $ $ .Every day an evening train No. 809R leaves from the Vitebsk railway station to Tallinn (departs at 17:24, arrives at 22:58) .In June, every day, at other times of the year, there is a morning train No. 811R (sent at 6:55, arrives at 12:30) 2-3 times a week ±​​$$.The morning train makes 6 stops, of which two - in Ivangorod-Narva and Narva - for more than 30 minutes, the evening train stops at seven stations, also lingering in the Narva area for passage of customs .

Ticket prices for the following on the route to Tallinn are much lower than in Moscow: from 1600 RUB for a common car and from 2000 RUB for seats.

What are the tours in Tallinn by train

The main segment of tours to Tallinn by rail is weekend travel. In just two or three days you will be able to see all the main monuments of the Estonian capital, erudite guides will acquaint you with the numerous Gothic cathedrals that have survived to this day defensive towers and medieval castles. The main highlight of all the railway tours to Tallinn, without exception, is a walk through the Old Town, which, incidentally, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The five-day tour "Weekend in Tallinn" costs only from 8000 RUB, this price includes accommodation and meals - breakfasts, transfers, guide services; tourists pay their own fee for travel, visa fees and railway tickets.

If at your disposal there is at least a week, you can consider the option of buying combined tours to Tallinn, they are interesting in that they introduce simultaneously to different Baltic cities .For example, the route of the program "Three Baltic Capitals" covers the most interesting sights of Vilnius, historical and architectural monuments of Riga, and, of course, the historic center of Tallinn will not be forgotten .The minimum cost of a week round is 25 000 RUB, including accommodation, meals - breakfasts, bus transfers, sightseeing tours; visa, medical insurance and railway tickets are paid additionally .

In Tallinn by train Tours to Tallinn by train
By train to Tallinn Tours to Tallinn by train

Information on prices is given for September 2014

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Tours to Tallinn by train