Cradle of civilization Greece - a tourist paradise
Cradle of civilization Greece - a tourist paradise
Picturesque Rhodes

Greece can be justly proud of its centuries-old history, full of legends and myths. But the times of its heyday were in the past. Now Greece is a poor state in the southern part of Europe, constantly suffering from political cataclysms. We want to note that when we were going to Greece, we found cheap tickets only in the system and on the AviaZd website, which served us to fly to Greece.

It is not in vain that Greece is considered the cradle of civilization in Europe, after all, in the 8th century BC Greek writing appeared on the basis of a common language in which different tribes communicated. The basis of most of today's natural and exact sciences was the research of the scientists of Ancient Greece, and many works on philosophy are relevant to this day. And the art of Hellas was an inspiration for sculptors and artists of the Renaissance, who were the founders of modern culture.

The times of prosperity were replaced by a period of decline due to the disunity of Greek policies that are not alone able to resist the aggressors .For many centuries, the political independence of Greece was lost .Only Turkish patronage lasted from 1456 to 1821, and only in 1829 Greece became a sovereign state .Although this did not bring stability to them - the entire twentieth century in the country fought political parties, socialists and rightists .The European Union also accepted Greece as early as 1981, .We want to pay attention if you want to buy cheap air tickets to Greece, then it's worth to think about the flight in advance .

Geographically, Greece occupies a significant part of the Balkan Peninsula. Deep into the coast a huge number of bays and picturesque bays are cut. Peninsula Peloponnese, for example, is almost completely separated from the continent, connecting with it only a narrow strip of land through which the canal was laid in 1893.

Greece also has a large number of islands, more than 1300, while the inhabited ones are only 250. A unique picture is a combination of dark blue sea waves that wash white limestone rocks. Greece is like a whim of nature, lying between the sea and the mountains. As the legend says, Greece is the fruit of the love of the goddess of farming Demeter and the god of the sea of ​​Poseidon.

Many tourists come to Greece, attracted by monuments, historical and natural, as well as world-famous local cuisine. Tourism is about 10% of the country's economy. And the flow of tourists is constantly increasing. For comparison: 1952 - 52 thousand tourists; 1969 - 1 million; 2007 is 17 million! Every year only tickets to the Acropolis are sold for more than 2 million, and the Cretan palace of King Minos is visited by about 700 thousand people.

But in this sunny region you can see not only the ruins of ancient monuments and beaches with white sand, but also traditional fishing villages whose residents do not want to change the usual way of life, despite crowds of tourists and inevitable technological progress.


  • in Greece there is an area where the entrance to women and children is strictly forbidden, it is Mount Athos, on which Orthodox monks reside
  • the approximate prices for flights to Athens are 3500 rubles
  • The Olympic Games have their history from 776 BC. e. In antiquity games were held four times a year in the sacred city of Olympia, which is located in the western part of the Peloponnese Peninsula
  • already 35 years the capital of Greece, Athens, almost constantly shrouded in a yellow haze smog
  • the climate of Greece is Mediterranean, with mild winters (+10 in January) and dry, warm summers (+28 in July)