Are there excursions from Taba to Jordan?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
An excursion from Taba to Jordan at an average cost of $ 210 includes first a ferry to the port of Aqaba in Jordan (45 minutes), from there to Petra (2, 5 hours) by bus, where the Russian-speaking year will tour the sights of Petra: El-Qazne, amphitheater, main street, tombs. Then tourists are waiting for lunch (it is included in the price), free time for visiting souvenir shops, and returning to Aqaba by bus, and then by ferry.

In total, about half a million tourists come to Jordan every year to see Petra and the nearby Sik canyon, which is a kilometer long, to which the Treasury has survived - a majestic building with a facade carved from a huge rock back in the 1st century..e .From the canyon tourists get into a natural amphitheater with many caves .All these buildings testify to the presence of Romans in the city in the I-II centuries .Here, the Bedouins offer tourists a ride on a camel, sell souvenirs and water their herds of goats from urban sources, quenching thirst for people and animals..

February 3, 2014

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