The Bazaruto Archipelago


Attractions in Mozambique - $ Archipelago Bazaruto consists of five idyllic islands: Bazaruto, Benguerra, Magaruke, Santa Isabel and Santa Carolina (formerly - Paradise Island). It is without exaggeration one of the most beautiful places on the whole African continent. Two of the five islands, the smallest, are uninhabited.

The Kirimbas Archipelago

Quirimbas Islands

Attractions in Mozambique - $ The Kirimbas Archipelago is a national park in Northern Mozambique, near the border with Tanzania. The chain consists of more than 30 islands stretching from Pemba in the south to the city of Palma in the north. This archipelago is one of the best and little known in the world places for fishing and, in particular, diving.

Gorongos National Park - $

Gorongosa National Park

Attractions in Mozambique - $ The Gorongos National Park is located in the southern part of the East African rift valley and covers an area of ​​4,000 square kilometers. m. The rivers flow from the 1862-meter mountain of Gorongos. Seasonal floods are not uncommon in the valley, the soil of which is not uniform due to this.

Nucleo de Arte

Maputo, Rua D'Argelia, 194

Attractions in Mozambique - $ The union "Nucleo de Arte" plays almost the decisive role in the cultural life of Maputo. This association was created by the oldest in the country community of artists. Today, Nucleo de Arte occupies an old beautiful villa in the center of the capital and is a modern art gallery.

Inhaca Island


Attractions in Mozambique - $ A small island of Inhaka is located directly opposite the capital, separating the Maputo bay from the Indian Ocean. This islet, only 30 km from Maputo, has become a popular destination for tourists. The length of the island is about 12 km, its width is about 7, and about 7,000 years ago it was still part of the continent ..

Attractions in Mozambique - the most natural beauty .Although there are enough places in the country where it is possible and necessary to get acquainted with both traditional culture and everyday life..This is, for example, the popular and lively port city of Pemba with its remarkable traditional market, where tourists can buy plenty of folk art and crafts .Or Ponto do Ouro, the "Golden Cape" in the very south of the country, on the border with South Africa, which can only be reached by all-wheel drive cars .Or the coastal Vilanculo, the "gateway" to the Bazaruto archipelago .

Those who are interested in history and culture should visit Mozambique, in the old colonial capital. Here are preserved two completely different cities from one another: Kamenny (built by the Portuguese in the 16th century) and Reed, which is a noisy and crowded traditional settlement. On this tiny island you can get the quintessence of impressions from the history and modern culture of Mozambique.

And yet, the main and undeniably most worthwhile attractions of Mozambique are its natural beauties.

The capital, the city of Maputo, also preserved several examples of Portuguese architecture; most of them today are reserved for administrative buildings .The most significant buildings in Maputo are the fortress, the Central Railway Station, built in 1913-1916 .(sometimes mistakenly declare that Gustav Eiffel has put his hand to it), the Cathedral, Villa Algarve (former office of the Portuguese secret police) .In the center of the city there are gardens Tunduru, public park and botanical garden, created in 1885 .British gardener .It is worth to stroll along the Julius Nyerere street from the Cardoso Hotel to the Polana Hotel: there are restaurants, shops and boutiques here .Also worthy of attention is the Casa Do Ferro in Zamora Marseille, the "Iron House", in fact designed by Eiffel .And in the bright Central market in the area of ​​Baixa, you can (and it is completely safe) to buy fresh fish, fruits and vegetables..

Other metropolitan attractions are the National Art Museum with a small collection of Mozambican art items, as well as the Natural History Museum with many stuffed animals, including full-sized elephants, and a collection of traditional wood carvings..Finally, it is worth visiting the art gallery of the Nucleo de Arte association, where contemporary artists, sculptors and ceramists are exhibiting .The most famous social art project of the association - Arms to Art, sculptures made from old weapons, used in a long war .

And yet the main and undeniably most worthwhile attractions of Mozambique are its natural beauty .National parks here amaze the imagination .First of all these are two archipelagoes: Kirimbas and Bazaruto .Each archipelago (and each islet) is unique in its own way, the islands of Kirimbas are north, and they are more green, and Bazaruto can boast mostly sand dunes and beaches .But both there and there you can find the best comfort in one of the first-class hotels, and devote rest to the observation of marine life .

The small tourist Tofo is located in the south-eastern part of Mozambique, at Cape Ponto do Bara, and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Tofo is an ideal place for divers who want to watch whale sharks and manta rays. For the mask and fins is not too good: deep; but Tofo beach is long and beautiful.

Mainland national parks and reserves of Mozambique suffered quite a lot during the war and later because of poachers, but still here you can see many unique animals, including endemics. It is primarily a large park of Gorongos with several unique natural areas, a habitat for hundreds of species of birds and large animals. Or the largest in the camp of the Niassa Reserve, famous for its miombo forest.