A fair tourist experience and a well-deserved reputation of the most popular direction of Southeast Asia make themselves felt: almost everything in Thailand can be done or shown to tourists for money, there is done and shown . On the one hand - cool: the country is available a whole bunch of different leisure options with benefit and pleasure, from sex tours and round-the-clock "Ugar" in local bars and discos to diving in the islands and seeking enlightenment in ancient temples. - $ . On the other - Thailand, where all the tourist long ago, long time ago on the flow and on a solid commercial basis, well, you can not call it "exotic" . However, despite the seeming mass and openness of the direction, exoticism in Thailand is still . Simply it is not always available to visitors on the ticket .

Nevertheless, even those tourists who can not see with their own eyes the exotic and simply prohibitive rocket festival taking place in May in Yasothon city or take part in a colorful procession organized during the vegetarian festival in Phuket - even they will be able to touch the copy otica . For example, find out what is a Thai-style wellness Thai massage, or Asian-style cruel, but stunningly beautiful Thai boxing . In addition, over the past few years, Thailand has acquired the status of a country offering ideal conditions and the optimal price / quality ratio for foreigners coming to this amazing land in order to improve their health .

Capital - Bangkok (Bangkok). Resorts in Thailand: Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui; large cities: Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Kanchanaburi and others. All worthy visiting regions of the country are looking on the city page and resorts of Thailand.

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Travelers who want to learn about Thailand more than others can do this in several ways: for example, buy a guide to the country or dig on the Internet. However, neither the book nor the reviews can fully acquaint you with what is called the "atmosphere of Thailand."
Nikolay Pavlov


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets in Thailand
  • 2 Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 Safety of tourists
  • 6 The climate of Thailand is
  • 7 Transport
    • 7.1 Hire a car in Thailand with Best Price Guarantee
  • 8 Beaches of Thailand
  • 9 Hotels
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Thailand at the best price
  • 10 Banks and exchange points
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisines and restaurants in Thailand
  • 13 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing in Thailand
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get

Regular flights of Aeroflot Moscow-Bangkok (four times a week, duration of flight 9, 5 hours). Several flights a week are operated by Transaero Airlines and Thai Airways. "Transaero" also flies to Bangkok from St. Petersburg. Even before Thailand it is possible to fly with transfers by flights of "Turkmen Airlines". The best among the Asian airlines for the price / quality ratio are Etihad Airways, Emirates and Qatar Airways.

The most convenient variant of the flight from Ukraine is regular flights of the airline "International Airlines of Ukraine" Kiev - Bangkok. It is also possible to fly to Bangkok by Turkish Airlines flights with a transfer in Istanbul. Several times a week, Air Astana operates Alma-Ata-Bangkok flights.

On the return international departure from Utopao, immediately after registering the ticket, you must pay an airport fee of 400 THB. On Samui, the airport charge is 500 THB. Payment is made only in local currency, many companies include a fee in airfare.
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  • Are there flights to Thailand from Omsk?
  • How to get to Thailand from Ufa
  • Are there any direct flights to Thailand from Kemerovo
  • Rostov - Thailand: are there any direct flights
  • Are there flights to Thailand from St. Petersburg?
  • How to get to Thailand from Yekaterinburg
  • Can I get to Thailand from Samara?

Search for air tickets in Thailand


Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to Thailand, if they arrive in the country for tourist purposes and for a period not exceeding 30 days.


Crossing the border of Thailand: import and export of foreign currency is not limited, the declaration is needed in the amount of 10 000 USD. Export of national currency - no more than 50 000 THB, over this amount - only by special permission. Duty-free allowed to import 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, a liter of wine or strong alcohol, one photo, video or film camera (with a camera - up to 5 films, with a video camera - up to three cassettes).

It is forbidden to export platinum jewelry, unprocessed precious stones, gold bars, Buddha images (excluding cervical medallions), ivory and any leather and bone products of protected animals, as well as stamps and antiques without the permission of the Department of Fine Arts..Prohibited import of drugs, weapons (without police permission) and pornography .If the medicinal product imported into the country contains narcotic substances, it is necessary to have a doctor's prescription for its use ±​​$.For the export of jewelry you need to get a certificate in the store .

Persons detained with drugs are sentenced to death in Thailand. Those who want to take out the ingredients of the "Thai tablets" may well be detained for smuggling of narcotic drugs.
  • Do I need to show at the entrance to Thailand at 600 dollars per person
  • What can and what is forbidden to import into Thailand?
  • What are the rules for carrying hand luggage in Thailand?
Awesome Thailand

Useful phone numbers are

  • Embassy of Thailand in Moscow: st. B. Spasskaya, 9; phone: (495) 608-08-17, 608-08-56, website is
  • Consulate General in St. Petersburg: V.O., Bolshoy pr-t, 9; tel .: (812) 325-62-71, 323-25-38, fax: 325-63-13
  • Honorary Consulate in Vladivostok: st. Sukhanov 6, lit. AT; tel .: (4232) 432-300
  • Russian Embassy in Bangkok: 78 Sab Road, Surawongse; tel .: (2) 234-98-24; website
  • The police: 191, 193, 195, first aid: (02) 252-2171
  • Tourist police: 1699 (in Bangkok), (038) 425-237 (in Pattaya)
  • Representation of Aeroflot in Bangkok: Mezzanine Fl., Regent House Building, 183 Rajadamri Road, tel .: (02) 251-061-78, 251-122-35

The telephone code for Bangkok is 02, the code for Pattaya is 038, the code for Phuket is 076, Samui 077, the code for Cha-Am, Hua Hin-032, the Krabi code, Koh Lanta and Phi Phi-075, the code for Chiang Mai and Chiang -Rai - 053, Chang islands - 039.

Safety of tourists

It is recommended before the departure to vaccinate against cholera and hepatitis A. It is better not to buy food from street and beach cooks and traders - poisoning is possible. Nudism in the country is completely forbidden, although topless on the beach is by no means a rarity. It is worth reading the material on how to behave, if in Thailand you were accused of an offense or robbed. And, of course, always remember the untouchable traditions of Thailand.

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  • What are the basic rules for visiting Thailand?
  • Do I need a certificate for diving in Thailand?

Maps of Thailand

The climate of Thailand is

There are two main types of climate in the country - the tropical climate of the savanna and the tropical monsoon. The climate of the central part of the country can be divided into three seasons: hot - from March to May, the temperature reaches +42 ° C, rainy - from June to October, the temperature is +26 .. + 32 ° C, and cool - from November to February, the temperature +18 .. + 32 ° C. In the north of the country in the winter is cool, and at night it's even cold, so it's worth taking warm things with you. In the south from March to November, the climate is very humid, it's better to go there from February to March.

See also the weather forecast for the popular resorts in Thailand for the next few days.

There is no single "rainy season" in Thailand. In August, Phuket floods, in November - Samui. Usually, when talking about the rainy season, the Thais have in mind June-August, when the southeastern monsoon falls on the country, and the annual rainfall rate falls. In the foothills around this time there are torrential rains, and in Bangkok and Pattaya, rains go right after sunset.
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  • Is it worth to go to Thailand in the winter?
  • When the rainy season in Thailand is
  • When in Thailand the season of winds is


It is recommended to use public transport or a taxi. Approximate cost of the trip from the airport to the center of Bangkok by taxi is about 400 THB, on the air-conditioned bus - 150 THB. For more information about vehicles in Thailand, see the article "What to Travel in Thailand."

  • Airports of Thailand
  • Are there wifi in Thailand airports?
  • What rights are needed to rent a scooter in Thailand?

Hire a car in Thailand with Best Price Guarantee

Beaches of Thailand

Almost all the beaches in Thailand, sun loungers and sun loungers offer for an additional fee: about 100 THB per person per day. Exception - hotels with their own beach. All the beaches are sandy, however, which is quite logical, they all have their own unique features, you can read more on the page "Beaches of Thailand."

A few points that should be known in advance: the sea and beaches in Pattaya are dingy, in Phuket, strong ebb and flow.
  • Where to have a better rest in Thailand?
White Samete beaches, Thailand Thailand
White Samete beaches
Chiang Mai Attractions Thailand
Chiang Mai Attractions
Gorgeous views of Thailand Thailand
Gorgeous views of Thailand


Hotels in Thailand are very cheap and not bad at all. At the same time, they do not have any "stars": tour operators in their catalogs "assign" them levels, starting from their own, more or less objective views. Samet, Koh Samui and Chang are mostly modest bungalows, but there are also comfortable 4-5 stars hotels.

Buildings of hotels on the islands are mostly low-rise, so as not to disturb the surrounding landscape.

Dinners at the hotel should not be booked: most likely, you will have to eat alone. Day and night, the vast majority of tourists eat in urban restaurants and cafes, of which in any resort - a great variety, for every taste and purse.
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Book hotel in Thailand at the best price

Banks and exchange points

Change money in the "exchangers" at the hotels does not follow - the rate there is not the most profitable. It is best to do this in exchange offices or banks. In any large supermarket there is an exchange office of some bank. And also more about monetary transactions in Thailand.

Large banks operate only on weekdays from 8:30 to 22:00. Small banks and licensed exchange offices work on weekdays from 8: 30-09: 30 to 15: 00-15: 30. In resort areas, the operating mode of banks is often longer.

Most shops and restaurants accept the most famous credit cards - Visa, American Express, Diners Club. Traveler's checks in USD are also accepted. Read also more about prices in Thailand.

  • How are things with withdrawing cash from Thai ATMs

Shopping and shopping

Among other things, Thailand is known as a place where you can profitably buy jewelry with precious stones. In the same Pattaya, for example, a visit to a jewelry center is usually included in a city tour. Choosing jewelry in the country, you need to be extremely careful and in no case to buy them from hand - even if the price is well, very tempting.

The country should beware of buying fake brand and designer items: they can be confiscated at the customs office at the airport.

Traditional Thai souvenirs are all kinds of figures of elephants, as well as panels, plates and masks with their image (the elephant is a symbol of the country). On the plantations of Thailand, specially grown teak trees, from which they produce everything that is possible - from the same elephants to expensive "piece" furniture sets.

Northern Thailand, yet little "mastered" by tourists, is, meanwhile, the birthplace of Thai civilization and the edge of tropical forests, waterfalls, bright national holidays, dozens of ancient cities and temples.
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  • What are the opening hours of stores in Thailand?
  • What kind of unofficial souvenirs can you bring? $

Cuisines and restaurants in Thailand

The main food product in the country is rice, and in each region of Thailand prefer their grade .The second no less important ingredient of Thai cuisine is a mixture of curry spices that are often cooked on coconut milk .In general, Thai cuisine is a mixture of gastronomic traditions of Malaysia, China, Burma and Laos..In the country dishes from sea and river inhabitants are popular, but meat is traditionally considered a "luxury item" .Still here you can try a huge number of dishes from noodles - mostly rice $ ±.From the first course you should definitely try the famous soup "tom pit" with shrimps (which "podsevshie" Europeans then with varying success trying to make houses) or less known, but no less delicious "tom ha ha" from chicken with mushrooms .

The choice of catering establishments (except for hotel restaurants) in Thailand should be approached selectively: open cheap restaurants, where hygiene standards do not always meet the standards, it is better to avoid. In inexpensive establishments, you should stop using ice in drinks.

Also do not forget that many dishes of local cuisine can become very sharp with unaccustomed ones. Therefore, if the restaurant visitor is not sure that his stomach fully and completely approves something "sharp", he should warn the waiter in advance. To do this, you do not even need to know Thai / English - "spicey nitya" and showing your fingers the meaning "a little bit" will help even in a remote village.

Dishes of Thai cuisine Thailand
Dishes of Thai cuisine
Thai food Thailand
Exotic lunch
Traditional Thai food Thailand
Traditional Thai food

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing in Thailand

In Thailand, a lot of ancient and dazzling sights.

86 km north of Bangkok is the ancient capital of Siam and modern historical park of Ayutthaya, famous for the ruins of ancient temples and the ruins of the Bang-Pa-In Palace .To the west of Bangkok, next to the town of Nakhon Pathom, is the world's largest Buddha statue, 127-meter Pra-Pathom Chedi .Not far from the town of Kanchanaburi are the infamous bridge across the River Kwai and the "Road of Death", built by prisoners of war during the Second World War .Nearby - the famous cultural center "Garden of Roses", one of the best ethnographic expositions of the country, as well as the zoo and elephant reserve Sampran .

Northern Thailand, yet little "mastered" by tourists, is, meanwhile, the birthplace of Thai civilization and the edge of tropical forests, waterfalls, bright national holidays, dozens of ancient cities and temples..For example, in Chiang Mai and its environs there are about 300 temples and historical monuments: Doi-Suter-Shrin, Wat Phra Singh, Wat Chiang Man (the oldest monastery in the region), Pra-Satang-Man with miniature Buddha images, which is about two thousand years old, as well as one of the shrines of Buddhism - standing at the top of the mountain 16 km north-west of Chiangmai Temple Wat Phra Doi Suthep .

Nearby is the mysterious city of Maehongsong with the temple of Wat Chong Kham with ancient wall paintings. In the markets of Mae Hong Son, you can find interesting folk souvenirs from Laos or Burma and the works of masters of the northern tribes of Thailand.

To the north-east of Chiang Mai lies the city of Chiang Rai, which is famous for its beautiful nature and numerous Buddhist temples. In the neighborhood, on the banks of the Mekong River, lies another ancient capital - Chiangsheng, famous for its temples and rich museum of local lore. And just outside the city begins the famous "Golden Triangle" - a mountainous forest area near the convergence of the borders of Thailand, Burma and Laos - the cradle of Thai civilization, where many centuries ago the first independent states appeared.

In the forest park Namtok-Pa-Sia there is a six-step waterfall of the same name, in the Tham-Pla park there is a unique "Fish Cave" where billions of colorful fish live in underground streams, and in a small grotto - a huge number of snails of all colors and sizes. Nam-Tok-Me-Surin National Park is famous for the hundred-meter Me-Surin waterfall and Nam-Lot cave with a fantastic "garden" of stalactites and stalagmites.

Sergey Shnurov in Thailand (part 1)

The Sukhothai Historical Reserve occupies 70 square kilometers. km along the left bank of the Yom River, preserving more than a hundred dilapidated structures of this ancient capital of the country, including the famous Wat-Si Chum temple with the statue of a seated Buddha.

At 33 km from Bangkok is located the park of Muang-Boran ("Ancient City"), in which the entire territory of the kingdom with the most famous historical monuments is reproduced.

The world's largest crocodile farm with its own zoo and the Dinosaur Museum is opened in Samutprakarna.

Chiang Mai and the surrounding areas are inhabited by numerous tribes and nationalities whose original culture did not experience the influence of civilization until the 20th century. One of the most mysterious tribes of the region - Karen, the ideal of women's beauty are women with long necks and big ears. Therefore, on the neck of girls there at an early age begin to wind the copper tube, from time to time adding new turns as the future beauty grows.

Perhaps, only in Thailand you can visit a wildlife sanctuary, a massage parlor (Thai and not only) in one day, see spectacular shows with elephants, snakes and crocodiles, and even admire the ancient temples and pagodas to the heap. In addition, we can not fail to mention other, more active entertainment: diving, fishing, and dancing in the open air until the morning, which attracts young people from around the world.

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Photos of Thailand (699)

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Is it possible to visit Thailand if the validity of the passport is 6 months after the end of the tour
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Visa to Thailand
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Hotels in Thailand
Pattaya hotels
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