Book hotel in Mozambique at the best price

Local hotels do not have any official classification or "star rating" - most hotels have only a local assessment of the quality of the services provided. This estimate can be greatly overestimated, and so the price also increases, therefore, the services provided by the hotel should be known in advance.

Most hotels are in the same condition as they were in 1975 when Mozambique gained independence.
The official language in Mozambique is Portuguese. English is only distributed in large cities.

Expert Reviews of Mozambique Hotels

 Hotels in Mozambique
Editions of Subtleties

Peak tourist activity in Mozambique accounts for December and January, during this period prices increase significantly. Payment is mainly in cash - not all local hotels accept credit cards.

Variety of hotels in Mozambique allows you to quickly make a choice to any tourist, depending on your desires and needs. Here you can find hotels from cheap to elite. The average cost of a double room per night is $ 50.

In local restaurants "for tea" it is customary to leave the traditional 10% of the bill. The hotel staff should be left as a bonus for a dollar per day.

Where to stay in Mozambique

Despite the diversity and abundance of accommodation options, Mozambique can not be called a country developed with respect to the hotel infrastructure. First of all, this is connected with the civil war that lasted several decades. In fact, the entire hotel complex of the country - a few resort complexes on the coast and about ten "elite" hotels in the country's capital, Maputo. In the capital there are also three low-end hostels. Worldwide hotel chains are represented here by Radisson Blu, Holiday Inn hotels.

Tourists with a limited budget will easily find a suitable option in the cities of Maputo, Vilanculos and Pemba. In addition, in Mozambique, there are hotels in which the cooking falls on the lodgers themselves. For lovers of camping, camping is perfect, and you can find it practically in any coastal city of the country.

The main disadvantage of accommodation in hotels in Mozambique is the unstable water supply. It is usually served by the clock and not all hotels take care of the availability of backup capacity in case of a trip.

Family hotels are located mainly on the coast. Depending on the level of the hotel in the rooms and on site, additional options are provided, such as air conditioning and swimming pools. Rooms and public areas are officially banned from smoking, but this ban is almost ignored.

The main disadvantage of accommodation in hotels in Mozambique is the unstable water supply. It is usually served by the clock and not all hotels take care of the availability of backup capacity in case of a trip. Some hotels are without water supply almost daily, and this applies even to the capital's institutions.

In addition, in the national parks of Mozambique you can settle in special tourist camps, where small wooden guest houses are built for guests - loggias: without special amenities, However, this is more than compensated by the opportunity to feel like a part of the wild.