Oranienbaum - now the city of Lomonosov - the only palace and park ensemble of the XVIII century that was preserved in its original form, in 2011 celebrated its 300th anniversary. Unlike all the other royal residences in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, he managed to avoid ruin and destruction during the Second World War. The palace and park complex of Oranienbaum consists of three parts - the ensemble of the Great Menshikov Palace, Peterstadt and the Own Dacha.

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How to get

From Art. m. "Avtovo" on the minibus № 424A, 300 or 404, by bus number 200 to the final stop. On the express train "Avtovo-Lomonosov", which moves along the ring road.

From Art. m. "Baltiyskaya" by shuttle bus No. 404 or by train from the Baltic station.

On the ferry St. Petersburg - Kronstadt - Lomonosov.

Search for air tickets to the city of St. Petersburg (nearest a / p to Lomonosov)

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Opening hours of the museum and the cost of tickets

The park is open daily from 9.00 to 20.00, entrance is 40 rubles, after 17.00 - free of charge. Museums work in the summer from 10.30 to 18.00 all days except Monday; in winter - only on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30 to 17.00.

Palace of Peter III - 100 rubles., Pavilion "Stone Hall" - 80 rubles. All prices are for October 2011.

The Chinese palace is closed for visitors until the spring of 2012, and the museum in the Grand Menshikov Palace, on the contrary, opened after the restoration in September 2011

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Oranienbaum

The Great Menshikov Palace (1710-1727) is a magnificent example of the Petrine Baroque .His first owner was Prince Menshikov, who was commissioned to oversee the construction of Kronstadt .Above the roof of the palace still rises a tiny turret-belvedere, from where Menshikov could see Kronstadt in a telescope .Later the palace belonged to Peter III, where he signed the act of abdication, and after him to Paul I and his sons .Before the northern facade of the palace a garden is broken, the main alley of which seems to continue the staircase leading to the central entrance to the palace .This garden, called the Lower, is one of the first regular parks in Russia..

The Potestate Fortress of Peterstadt was built on the orders of Peter III, who received the Oranienbaum Manor as a gift for his wedding day from the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna .Here were all the reputable fortresses of the structure: arsenal, barracks, powder storehouse; toy ships stood on the water at the confluence of the river Karost in the Lower pond .Until now, only the Honorable Gates (1757) have been preserved from the whole fortress .Not far from the fortress for Peter III built a small stone palace, which was equipped with only 6 rooms .One of the corners of the palace is cut in an arc, which gives it an unusual appearance .Be sure to look inside, in the Picture Hall posted more than 200 paintings written in the XVII-XVIII centuries ., in the order dictated by their color scheme, and the bedroom was once occupied by the former luxurious Chinese silk with watercolor painting of the XVIII century .

Peterstadt is surrounded by the picturesque Petrovsky Park, sometimes called Russian Switzerland.

To the south and west of the Great Menshikov Palace, there is the Upper Park, in which there are several interesting pavilions and structures. One of the most noteworthy is the Stone Hall, intended, most likely, for concerts. Today it houses an exhibition of park and interior sculpture from the museum reserve.

Multimedia guide on Oranienbaum

Ensemble Own cottage of Empress Catherine II consists of the Chinese Palace and the Roller Coaster Pavilion .Chinese palace began to be called because in its interiors Chinese motifs were used, and here also the rich collections of objects made by masters from China were placed .In it there is no one repeating another room, and the 18th century parquet is made according to Rinaldi's drawings .A masterpiece of interior art is considered to be the Glass Cabinet in the Chinese Palace .Its walls are decorated with 12 panels in carved gilt frames, on which glass-embroidered silk embroidered flowers, landscapes, fabulous birds - it all looks fantastic! The building in the form of a Greek cross on the shore of the pond, crowned with a dome with a chimney, is a Chinese cuisine built in the middle of the 19th century for the Chinese Palace..

Pavilion Roller Coaster - the most original project by Antonio Rinaldi, having no analogues either in Russia or in Europe .Its creation was due to the tradition of erecting ice mountains for skiing to Maslenitsa .To the southern ledge of the pavilion at the level of the second floor (and its total height of 33 meters) adjoined the wooden ramp .On the trigger pad came from the galleries of the third floor, decorated with a colonnade .Ride on small wheelchairs, which with the help of special devices raised on the side tracks .Colonnades and stingrays have not survived to this day, but the interior of the pavilion demonstrates to us a genuine interior of the mid-18th century .

Photo by Lomonosov (13)