In Venezuela there are: a) the old cities of conquistadors, b) a couple of thousand kilometers of beaches, c) the absolutely unearthly beauty of the Andes, d) the great Orinoco river, e) the world's highest waterfall Angel. And all this list is surrounded by a luxurious flora, under whose shelter live amazing animals: ocelot, tapir and armadillo, not counting the ducks of anteater and anaconda (undoubtedly also souls, but somewhat in a different sense). By the way, not one and not two Venezuelans won at various times the world beauty contests (and continue to win). This is so, by the way had.

In the role of tourists in Venezuela, individuals with stubbornly "do not want" passports, a long track record of visited countries and a thick purse usually act as tourists.

The capital is Caracas. The main tourist centers are Margarita Island, national parks.

For a full list of the country's cities on the site, search on the city page and the resorts of Venezuela.


  • 1 How to get to Venezuela
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Venezuela
  • 2 Visa to Venezuela
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Venezuela phone numbers are
  • 5 The climate of Venezuela is
  • 6 Banks and exchange offices of Venezuela
  • 7 Transport
  • 8 Rent a car in Venezuela
  • 9 Safety of tourists
  • 10 Venezuela hotels - $
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Venezuela at the best price
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisine and restaurants of Venezuela
  • 13 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing of Venezuela
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get to Venezuela

There are no direct flights from Moscow to Venezuela, from all the "interchange" options it is more convenient and cheaper to fly through Frankfurt (Lufthansa), Madrid (Iberia) or Paris (Air France). Flight from Moscow to Caracas lasts 18-20 hours with a transfer in mind.

When departing from the country, a fee of 207 VEF is levied, on domestic flights the fee is 23 VEF at each airport.

Search airfares to Venezuela

Visa to Venezuela

Citizens of Russia and Belarus are not required to enter the country for up to 90 days. For citizens of Ukraine, a visa is opened at the consular department of the Embassy of Venezuela in Moscow.


Import and export of foreign and local currency is not limited, amounts above 10 000 USD, gold and jewelry must be declared. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars, 2 liters of alcoholic beverages, 4 bottles of perfumery, as well as other goods in a package worth not more than 1000 USD.

It is prohibited to import and export vegetables, plants or materials of plant origin, drugs and narcotic preparations, meat and meat products, firearms and ammunition (necessary permission from local police), as well as objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value.

Venezuela phone numbers are

The Russian Embassy in Caracas: 60313, Qta. Soyuz, Calle Las Lomas, Las Mercedes; tel .: (212) 993-43-95, 993-45-31; website

Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Moscow: B. Karetnyi per., 13/15; tel .: (495) 699-40-42, 699-95-61

Police: 169, ambulance: 171, fire fighting service: 161

Codes of some cities: Barquisimeto - 251, Barcelona - 281, Caracas - 212, Ciudad Bolivar - 285, Maracay - 243, Merida - 274 (275).

The climate of Venezuela is


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 27 + 28 + 29 + 29 + 29 + 28 + 27 + 28 + 28 + 28 + 28 + 28
night + 16 + 16 + 17 + 19 + 20 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 19 + 18 + 17

Most of the country is dominated by a subequatorial climate. And since it is located only a little to the north of the equator, the temperature varies little throughout the year. For example, in Caracas - from +18 to +20 ° C, and in Maracaibo - from +27 to +29 ° C. In mountainous regions, the temperature in January keeps within +4 .. + 9 ° С, in the summer it can reach +23 ° C.

The best time to visit the country is from November to May, but some of the world famous landmarks (Angel Falls and others) are the most picturesque during the rainy season. In the dry season, it is impossible to get to the waterfall by land - only by helicopter. See also the current weather forecast for the main Venezuelan resorts for the coming days.

Beauty Venezuela Venezuela
Nature of Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela Venezuela
Types of Caracas
Unearthly beauty of the Andes, Venezuela Venezuela

Banks and exchange offices of Venezuela

Banks usually work from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 15:30. The currency can be exchanged at the casa de cambio exchange offices, at the airport, banks, hotels, shops and transport agencies. Reverse exchange of local currency is not an easy task.

In the country it is advantageous to exchange USD, when exchanging EURO is less popular. In markets and private institutions, you can pay USD.

In Venezuela, you should not use bank cards. And here's why: the official rate is very different from the "black" rate, and when calculating a bank card you will be calculated at the official rate. The official exchange rate of the dollar is 11.3 VEB, while at the "black market" it is much higher. In order not to become a victim of speculation, it is better to exchange with accompanying guides.


The bus service in the country is well developed (not as an example for the railway). There are stations in all major cities, and buses there usually adhere to the timetable. In remote areas, the situation is somewhat different - flights infrequent, outdated buses go, the schedule is constantly changing and it's very difficult to plan a trip.

Between the city of Puerto la Cruz and the island of Margarita ferries run (3-5 hours depending on the type of vessel). In all major cities there is a ramified system of public passenger transport - buses and shuttles.

In the rainy season, many roads are washed out, traffic is severely hampered, or even stopped for a few days or even weeks.

Maps of Venezuela

Rent a car in Venezuela

Renting a car in Venezuela is not a cheap thing. Car class "A" will cost at least 70 USD per day, plus a separately paid mileage. To be able to turn the steering wheel yourself, you must be over 21 years old, have a driving experience of 3 years, a credit card and an international standard.

Safety of tourists

In recent years, the level of crime in the country has grown significantly. Therefore, moving around the capital at night is not recommended, and the city center is considered unsafe even in the evening. Outside Caracas, security problems are not so acute.

It is recommended to avoid bathing in local freshwater bodies (swimming pool water is usually chlorinated and safe). To drink, brush teeth or ice, use only boiled or bottled water. Vegetables should be thoroughly washed and processed, and fruits - skinned.

Traveling around the country during the Christmas and Easter holidays, Carnival and Holy Week is not the most brilliant idea. At this time, half a country is traveling somewhere, there is a shortage of tickets and places in hotels.

Always take insect repellent with you and settle only in hotels that are equipped with mosquito nets.

A traveler flying to Venezuela directly from Russia does not need vaccinations. But if after that he decides to visit strange Central America, then it is necessary to get a yellow fever. Also it should be done if the tour includes visiting the Amazon areas. Complete list of necessary or recommended vaccinations should be checked with a doctor.

Venezuela hotels - $

Classification of hotels in Venezuela - a standard five-star, with high requirements for service. And the hotels not only correspond to the claimed star rating, but even sometimes noticeably exceed it. For example, a simple "treshka" can boast a level of service like a good hotel 4 *.

The voltage in the electrical network is 110 V, 60 Hz. Rosettes "American" type with two pins.

Book hotel in Venezuela at the best price

Shopping and shopping

The best souvenir from Venezuela is, of course, rum. Also, original local products are popular, for example, clay dolls, as well as hammocks, baskets, colorful capes and laced baskets performed by local Indians. Must buy aromatic local coffee and chocolate.

Most stores in the country are open from 8:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, but outside Caracas many shops close by noon and open no earlier than 14: 00-15: 00. Many shopping centers are open until 21: 00-22: 00.

Beautiful Venezuela

Cuisine and restaurants of Venezuela

Like many other countries in Latin America, the basis of the cuisine of Venezuela is meat, legumes, corn, special bananas, as well as many vegetables and spices, often used in the most unpredictable combinations.

Tipping is usually 10% of the bill. Most bars and restaurants automatically add to the account that much, but even in this case, it is customary to leave "for tea" directly to the waiter. Most often, money is simply left on the table.

A special attraction of Merida is the local ice-cream parlor "Koromoto". This institution is rightfully listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as it has the widest assortment in the world. In addition to the stunning fruit and sweet varieties, you can taste ice cream with a taste of shrimp, beer, sardines and even garlic!
The most popular word in Venezuela is "manana", which here besides its initial meaning "tomorrow", has many other translations, and is used by local residents for any reason.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing of Venezuela

The picturesque city of Mérida is one of the most popular tourist centers of Venezuela, where many trails and hiking, trekking and other outdoor activities begin. Around Angel there are four picturesque waterfalls - Salto Aça, Salto-Uchayma, Salto-Galondrina and Salto Guadima, plus the picturesque Laguna de Canaima with small sandy beaches.

The plateau of Roraima is considered to be the Indians "the center of the Earth" and received its name by the name of the highest mountain of the massif - Roraima (2772 m). However, in the vicinity there are enough other famous mountains: Cerro-Autana, Cerro-Pintado or "Colored Mountain" (several dozen petroglyphs, many of which have no analogues on the continent), Serra de La Neblin or "Mist of Mists" Cerro-Sasarinarama with huge canyons.

Also in Venezuela are interesting caves Cueva del Guacharo, the city of Barquisimeto and Coro, the plains of Llanos. Photo of Venezuela (38)

Maps of Venezuela
Venezuela is a small Venice
Tours to Venezuela
Cities and resorts of Venezuela
Managers for Venezuela on the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Airline tickets to Venezuela
Questions about Venezuela
Weather in Venezuela
What is the security situation in Caracas?
Do I need to bring to Venezuela adapter for the outlet
Photos Venezuela
Video about Venezuela
Attractions in Venezuela
Visa to Venezuela
National parks of Venezuela
Hotels in Venezuela