Peterhof was needed by Peter I in order to rest on the way from Petersburg to Kronstadt. Who knew that later "passing light" would expand to a whole city - the emperor wanted his summer residence to be in no way inferior to the French Versailles.

Peter I froliced ​​here in plenty: I tried myself as an architect, I laid a huge water pipe and left a descendant inheritance to what the Northern Capital is proud for almost 300 years. By the way, Peterhof received his final - translated from German - name in 1944, just after the bombing of the city by fascist troops. The Germans did not take it, but they left a mark in the history of Peterhof.

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  • 1 How to get
  • 2 Climate of Peterhof
  • 3 Transport
  • 4 Kitchen, restaurants
  • 5 Peterhof Hotels - $
  • 6 Shops
  • 7 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Peterhof
    • 7.1 Palace and park ensembles
    • 7.2 Architectural Constructions
    • 7.3 Fountains
    • 7.4 Museums
    • 7.5 St. Petersburg and surroundings

How to get

You can get to Peterhof by train, minibus, meteor or private car. By train: from St. Petersburg's Baltic station to New Peterhof, and from there - to the destination. On the way you will spend 40-50 minutes.

Marshrunks also depart from the Baltic station. In addition - from metro stations "Avtovo" and "Leningrad Prospekt". On your own car you need to get on the Peterhof highway, which will lead directly to the destination.

Despite the romantic nature of the meteor image, it can not be said that this is the best mode of transport, where you can get to Peterhof. Judge for yourself: the cost is higher every 20, the deck is not released, and the window does not get to everyone. Moreover, if the train comes directly to the city, the meteor is to the pier inside the park.

Climate of Peterhof

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime -5 -4 + 1 + 8 + 16 + 20 + 22 + 20 + 15 + 8 + 2 -2
night -11 -10 -5 + 1 + 7 + 11 + 14 + 13 + 8 + 3 -2 -7
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In the city there are buses and minibuses. Do not think that Peterhof is exclusively parks, museums and palaces. This is a small town with a well-developed infrastructure, where you can very well live.

Marshrunks connect Peterhof with St. Petersburg, as well as Lomonosov and the settlements of the Lomonosov district.

"And bring us a cabbage soup, my dear!" "- With this phrase it is necessary to start communicating with the waiters in the restaurants of Peterhof.

Map of Peterhof
In the summer of Peterhof, it is best to ride a bicycle. On a two-wheel drive it's great to drive through parks and alleys. In addition, you will never get into a traffic jam. By the way, the bicycle was promoted by the family of Nicholas II, and the Imperial cycling festival is held every year in Peterhof.

Kitchen, restaurants

The restaurants of Peterhof are a continuation of local hotels. If you have eaten well and feel that without outside help you will not continue your journey, you will be offered an hour or two to take a nap in the room. It is very convenient for digestion and a little painful for a wallet.

Typically, restaurants focus on classic Russian cuisine. In fact, do not eat the same in Peterhof hamburgers. "And bring us a cabbage soup, my dear!" "- with this phrase begins communication with the waiter.

What is Russian cuisine in the restaurants of Peterhof? These are pickled mushrooms, ruffles, kurik, roast with beef and prunes, pancakes with red and black caviar, a sturgeon with baked potatoes and many other things that can not be found in the menu of ordinary cafes of any Ryazan region.

View of Petrodvoretshttp: // export = view & id = 1Xzt0diaPs1-wRLxh1uNx15n1krtGZPxZ Peterhof
View of the Catherine Palace, Peterhof Peterhof
Catherine Palace
Figures of the upper park in Peterhof Peterhof
Sculptures of Peterhof, Upper Park

Peterhof Hotels - $

Hotels Peterhof - a combination of modern civilization and architecture of the 17-19 centuries. Many hotels are either built in the spirit of noble manors, or are located in old buildings. Accommodation in Peterhof is not cheap. After all, you will spend the night in a museum - and for this you will be asked for a large sum. Taking into account the fact that foreign tourists come to Petergof, the city tries to show itself in the best light. Hotels here for every taste - from ordinary three-star to luxury.

Often, local hotels are entire complexes with a restaurant, a spa, a conference room, a luxurious garden and other charms of life. The cost of living varies depending on the season: from 2-3 to 20-30 thousand rubles per night. You can easily find numbers and more - there would be a gold credit card.


For tourists, local shops are needed for one purpose - to buy souvenirs. In Peterhof, souvenir shops are more than enough. The competition in this market is high, so if you stroll leisurely and ask the price, then you can save a couple of thousand rubles.

Basically, the shops offer souvenir sets in the form of architectural structures of Peter and Peterhof - these are monuments, cathedrals, temples, bridges, palaces, fountains. In general, you can take with you a miniature copy of the city and organize excursions at home. And do not forget to buy a calendar for the kitchen!

4 things without which you can not leave Petergof
  1. You can not leave until you ride a bicycle - the best, and most importantly - healthy, way to travel around Peterhof is not.
  2. Until you learn to stay in the saddle - in the city there are horse clubs where you can learn how to ride a horse and go on an exciting walk through the parks.
  3. Until you go skiing - in this city there is something to do in the winter. For example, you can ride on skis, sleighs, "cheesecakes" right up to the Gulf of Finland.
  4. Until you catch a sturgeon - a fish in the ponds of Peterhof is waiting for you! You can catch sturgeon and leave it to yourself (pay 1500 rubles per kilo), or catch and release fish (1000 rubles for the pleasure of sport fishing).

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Peterhof

For one day all Peterhof can not be seen, unless you make a marathon jerk. It is better not to hurry, but to feel the fullness of the sensations against the background of mesmerizing historical scenery.

Palace and park ensembles

So called the huge territory, full of all kinds of buildings, avenues and parks. There are two large ensembles - Peterhof and Alexandria. A detailed description of each of them will take hours, they are saturated with so many details that you are amazed. In short, these are true historical reserves that send us 200-300 years ago. Frankly, you do not feel like going back to our days. Parks

In Peterhof there are so many parks, that there is a feeling that the imperial families and their approximate people only did that they were walking. Among the main parks can be identified Kolonistsky, Alexandrovsky, English and Meadow.

Architectural Constructions

Peterhof is full of unusual buildings, which continue to operate in our days. For example, there are complexes of estates, villas, estates. The building of the railway station is in operation. On the shore of the Olgin's pond is the Cathedral of the Holy First-Martyrs Peter and Paul, and at the beginning of the last century a church of St. Seraphim of Sarov was opened in Peterhof.

Festive opening festival in Peterhof


In principle, in order to entice the listener with stories about Peterhof, it is enough to describe local fountains to him. No wonder Peter the Great pulled a huge water pipe: in the city there are countless fountains, for every taste - from majestic to joke, which escape from the ground at an unexpected moment.

And what are their names! Samson, Sun, Adam and Eve, Sheaf and Bells, Favorit - poetry!


The museums of Peterhof are an important part of the history of the city. For example, in "Imperial Yachts" they tell about the origin of the fleet in Russia. In the "Church Corps" there are historical church utensils, icons and vestments of clergymen. The "Bicycle Museum" is a collection of two-wheeled cars belonging to the Russian emperors. There is a model of 1867 called "kostotryas" with wooden wheels.

Photos of Peterhof (65)