Beautify, hail Petrov, and stand
Unshakable, like Russia,
Yes, it's the same with you.
And the vanquished element ...

A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman"

Little Sasha Pushkin was first brought to St. Petersburg at the age of two years .In 1811, Sasha entered the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and spent six years there .After graduation, the young poet finally settled in Petersburg and lived here for 15 years, excluding the years spent in exile .Here was a fateful duel, in January 1837, the end of the life of the great Russian poet .In his work, Pushkin repeatedly turned to the image of the city .Petersburg - the scene of the poem "The Lodge in Kolomna", the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", the story "The Queen of Spades" and the poem "The Bronze Horseman" .

Places in St. Petersburg related to AS Pushkin

Demutov inn

Washing, 40

At the time when Sasha came to enter the Tsarskoe Selo Lyceum, at that address was one of the best hotels in the city, where the uncle of the poet and the young Pushkin himself were staying. The rooms in the hotel were rented for every taste and purse. At different times Chaadaev, Griboyedov, Alexander Turgenev stayed here.

House in Kolomna

Embankment of the river. Fontanka, 185

Part of the city between the Moika and the Fontanka was at that time called Kolomna and was considered the outskirts of St. Petersburg. In the house number 185 lived Pushkin with his parents after the end of the Lyceum from 1817 to 1820 years. Pushkin occupied in his rented apartment a small room with one window in the courtyard. The Church of the Intercession and the elevating Kalinkin Bridge were the only sights of the wooden Kolomna.

... I live
Now not there, but with the true dream
I love flying, falling asleep in reality,
To Kolomna, to the Pokrov - and on Sunday
There to listen to Russian worship.

A. S. Pushkin "The Lodge in Kolomna"

Collegium of Foreign Affairs

The British Embankment, 32

Here the young Pushkin, together with Kiichelbeker and Gorchakov, was assigned to the service after graduating from the Lyceum. Diplomatic activity did not attract Pushkin, and therefore in the institution Pushkin appeared infrequently and in inadequate wide-brimmed hat and broad dress coat, attracting everyone's attention.

Arrow of the Vasilyevsky Island, St. Petersburghttp: // export = view & id = 1pk0-asweMWmvVuwxCHov6DiNHXCo3208 Pushkinsky Petersburg
Beginning of the bridging of bridges, St. Petersburghttp: // export = view & id = 1UdjDaZbwzIz6Beq_NYtunNghXo4bOD0d Pushkinsky Petersburg
The Bronze Horseman, St. Petersburg Pushkinsky Petersburg

Apartment Turgenev

Fontanka embankment, 20

AI Turgenev occupied an apartment on the third floor, often there were meetings of the literary society "Arzamas", which included Karamzin, the brothers Turgenev, Zhukovsky, Batyushkov, Vyazemsky. Pushkin was a frequent guest in the house. From the windows of the cabinet in which guests gathered, a view of the Mikhailovsky Castle opens, in which Pavel I was killed. Here the poet will write the lines included in the ode Liberty:

When the gloomy Neva
The midnight star is sparkling
And carefree chapter
Quiet sleep burdens,
Looks pensive singer
On the menacingly asleep among the fog
Desert monument of the tyrant,
Oblivion abandoned palace ...

AI Turgenev "Liberty"

"The Green Lamp"

Prospect Rimsky-Korsakov, 35

In this house in the winter of 1818-19. a literary-political society was assembled into which Pushkin was also a member. Its participants sat around the table, over which hung a lamp with a dark green lampshade. Each member of the society, whose motto was the words "Light and Hope," swore to keep secret everything that happened at meetings.

Lavalay House

English Embankment, 4

Reached to our days, the mansion belonged to the spouses Laval, who arranged evenings with many guests. Here Pushkin read the ode "Liberty" and the tragedy "Boris Godunov."

The Literary Salon of Avdotya Golitsyna

Millionnaya street, 30

One of the most beautiful women of her time Avdotya Golitsyn did not take in her salon before 10 pm, for which she was nicknamed "The Night Princess". Young Pushkin often visited her house and was passionately in love with her. There are 3 poems of the poet, addressed to Golitsyna.

Memorial Museum-apartment of A. Pushkin

Embankment of the Moika River, 12

It is part of the museum complex of the All-Russian Museum of AS Pushkin. The apartment in the house of Princess Volkonskaya Pushkin removes a few months before his death, they brought here wounded in a duel Alexander Sergeevich January 29, 1837, and here he dies, saying goodbye to his wife and children. The museum tells about the last months of the poet's life, his personal belongings are collected in the office, the situation is reconstructed in the apartment.

Above the poet's apartment there is a literary exposition "Life and work of Alexander Pushkin". In 17 rooms collected objects of Pushkin's time: the images of the poet and his friends, the views of St. Petersburg, the manuscript of the poet, the works of contemporaries, household items.

The exposition of the museum-apartment of A. Pushkin

Place of the duel

Opposite the house number 10 on Kolomyazhsky Prospekt there is a small square in which the alleged place of Pushkin's duel with Dantes is a monument (1937); a small alley leads to it, at the beginning of which there are two granite stelae - one with a memorable inscription about the duel, the other with lines from Lermontov's poem "The Death of a Poet."

Church of the Savior of the Holy Face (Konyushennaya)

Koniushennaya pl., 1

In this small court church the burial service of Pushkin was held, the church was allowed to go to the church and only the higher society. The coffin with the body of the poet was taken to a place of rest in the Svyatogorsk monastery of the Pskov province secretly, at night, in order to avoid popular farewells. Only Turgenev alone escorted the body, and the old servant of Alexander Sergeevich stood on the funeral cart - Nikita Timofeevich Kozlov.

Author - Gulshat Zakirova