Nizhny Novgorod land has always played a prominent role in the life of the Russian state. None of the important historical events in Kievan Rus, the Moscow state, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union did not pass without the participation of Nizhny Novgorod citizens (Gorky residents).

Today the Nizhny Novgorod region is a large industrial, cultural and scientific center of Russia. On its territory there are more than 3000 monuments of history, architecture and town-planning, as well as many quality hotels, sanatoriums and tourist centers.

Regional center - Nizhny Novgorod.

Tourist centers: Arzamas, Pavlovo, Balakhna, Bogorodsk, Gorodets, Semenov, Bolshoe Boldino, Voskresenskoye, Kazakovo, Makaryev, Chkalovsk.

The Nizhny Novgorod region
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The climate of the Nizhny Novgorod region is

The climate of the region is moderately continental. The average temperature in January is -12 ° C, July +19 ° C.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Nizhny Novgorod region

On the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region there are unique natural objects: the Kerzhensky Reserve, the Ichalkovsky Reserve, the nature monuments of the Vadskoe Lake and the Svetloyar Lake, in which, according to the legend, Kitezh hail in the first half of the 14th century.

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Arzamas (108 km from H .Novgorod, + 7-83147-phone number) - the third most populated city in the region .In 1578 it arose as a fortress and became a kind of defensive shield for the Russian state; was famous for the local variety of onion and geese breed .Arzamas is included in the number of historical cities of Russia, there are more than 30 monuments of history and architecture (Voskresensky, Savior-Transfiguration Cathedrals, Magistrates, Seating Seating, church and monastery buildings preserved to this day) .The first art school in Russia appeared in Arzamas, almost 200 years ago .Having existed for 60 years, it played a huge role in the formation of the national art culture and enlightenment of Russia in the 19-20s .One of the most remarkable creations of pupils of the art Stupino school - painting in the Resurrection Cathedral (1814-1842) .


Pavlovo (75 km from H .Novgorod, + 7-83171-telephone number) - the city since 1919 is famous for its historical and architectural monuments, including residential and public buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries, the house where the academician A ±​​$ was born. .E .Favorsky .In addition, the city visited and wrote about it ±​​$ ±.Assumption, P .Boborykin, V .Korolenko, here lived and worked an actor G .Zhzhenov .Pavlovians were famous for the fact that in their city in the end of the 19th century a special room grade of lemon was introduced, and then a mandarin .Pavlovian breeds of fighting hens and geese are known .Pavlovians were lovers and connoisseurs of canary singing, they were able to keep these birds, and now bird song contests are held in the city, collecting participants from across the country .The city has a State Museum of Local Lore, where a rich collection of unique products of metalworkers from the city and the district is collected..

Presentation of the Nizhny Novgorod region


Balakhna (35 km from H .Novgorod, + 7-83144-phone number) was first mentioned in 1536 .There are about a dozen historical and cultural monuments in the city: the Nicholas Church (1552) is one of the first tented stone buildings, the Church of the Savior (1668), the Church of the Nativity of Christ (1675), the Trinity Church (1784), the Sretensky Church in the Cubans (1807) $ .Opposite Balakhna, on the left bank of the Volga, is the ancient village of Nikolo-Pogost, which houses the only ensemble of the 18th century pogost, preserved in the region, .Balakhna is the birthplace of Kuzma Minin, who has a monument on one of the central streets here..

Map of the Nizhny Novgorod region


Bogorodsk (43 km km from N.Novgorod, + 7-83170-phone number) is known as a commercial and artisan village from the 16th century (according to tradition, the village was founded by exiled Novgorodians and was originally called Podolets). Here lived a famous storyteller AP Markov, was born the actor Anatoly Alekseevich Solonitsyn (1934-1982). In the vicinity of Bogorodsk (5-12 km) there are estates of historical and cultural value.


Gorodets (70 km from H .Novgorod, + 7-83170-phone number) - the first Russian city of the Nizhny Novgorod Volga region, was a frontier fortress protecting Rus from the raids of the Bulgars, was known as Gorodets Radilov and Small Kitezh .The city was repeatedly burnt by the Tatars (in 1238, 1408, 1536) and was called the Empty Gorodets .In the 19th century, Gorodets was known as the Old Believers merchant trade and artisan village .Here was developed icon painting, leather production, soap making, sawmilling, processing of agricultural products .Continue to develop its ancient crafts - Gorodets painting and carving, production of spinning wheels and gingerbread boards .In Gorodets architectural monuments have survived - residential houses decorated with carvings, the city's old shaft is intact .Gorodets is the birthplace of the twice-Hero of the Soviet Union pilot and writer A .At .Vorozheykin, his bronze bust is set here .


Semenov (69 km km from H .Novgorod, + 7-83162-phone number) arose in the beginning of 17 in .as a settlement of the Old Believers, in 1644 it is mentioned as Selishko Semenovskoe, in 1717 - the village of Semenovo, and since 1779 - the county town of Semyonov .The name of the city came from the name of Simon - the first settler .Famous crafts of Semenov - woodcarving, making wooden utensils, Khokhloma painting .Here is a museum of handicrafts and art products (opened in 1934) .Semenov - the birthplace of the poet B .Kornilov .In the city there are monuments В .To Lenin, B .Kornilov, the communists who died during the mutiny, В .Kuznetsov, one of the leaders of the Soviet state in the 70-80s .To the east of Semenov there is Lake Svetloyar, which is associated with an ancient legend about the invisible city of Kitezh, which allegedly sank to the bottom of this lake .

Big Boldino

Big Boldino (230 km from H .Novgorod, + 7-83162-phone number) is built on Mordovian lands, known since the 16th century as Zabortniki (the modern name is probably derived from the personal Mordvinian name Boldai) .A .С .Pushkin thrice (1830, 1833, 1834 yrs .) came here and worked fruitfully .Preserved park, beloved poet grove Luchinnik, restored manor with a complex of buildings, which became the core of the state museum-reserve .Pushkin's holidays are held .State Literary-Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve A .С .Pushkin "Boldino" - one of the largest literary reserves of the country .The museum's funds have about 7, 5 thousand units of storage .


Makaryev (100 km from N.Novgorod) - a working village in the Lyskovsky district on the left bank of the Volga. The settlement developed around the famous Makarevsky Zheltovodsky monastery, which arose in 1620 on the site, where in the 15th century stood the cell of the old man Makariya. An architectural monument is the ensemble of the monastery, which includes fortress walls with towers, the Trinity Cathedral, the Mikhailoarchangelsk and the Assumption Church, cells (17th century). From the 17th century to the year 1816 in Makariev, the largest fair in Russia operated, which was later transferred to N. Novgorod.


Diveevo (160 km from N.Novgorod, + 7-83143-phone number) is named, probably, by the name of Mordvina-first settler Divey. Has gained fame thanks to the monastery, where the relics of Seraphim of Sarov are located.


In the city of Vyksa, on the territory of the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant, there are unique monuments of industrial architecture and technical art built by Russian engineer Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov at the end of the 19th century. This is the shop with the world's first canvas steel mesh shells of double curvature and one of the first hyperboloid structures in the world - a steel openwork mesh hyperboloid tower. In the building of this workshop, it is possible that a "Museum of Steelwork in Russia" will be created. Photo of the Nizhny Novgorod region (85)