Let's open the material on Morocco with a recipe of authentic Moroccan tea. Each self-respecting Maghreb in his life drinks his car and a small cistern. We think that Russian tourists, who are saved from the summer heat, will be in the mood.

So, a liter of water is taken half a tablespoon of green tea (it is best to use the grade "green gunpowder"), 5 tablespoons of sugar and a small bunch of fresh mint. Once the water boils, it must be poured into a metal kettle, add tea, sugar and mint. How to stir and hold on low heat for five more minutes. Done! It is necessary to pour out the tea with a special Maghreb chic: holding the teapot high over the glass to make the drink a little foam.

And yet Morocco is perhaps one of the few countries where it is still possible to taste traditional Arab exotics without sacrificing comfort and without risking well-being. In addition, enterprising locals have long studied all the subtleties of thalasso, the power of the waves and the rose of the winds on the coast, and also noticed the love of tourists to Moroccan carpets and silks - so that you can surf, bargain or simply poke in the hotel spa here.

The capital is Rabat.

The main resorts are: Agadir, Marrakech, Essaouira, Casablanca, Fes, Tangier, Oualidia and El Jadida. ±​​$ The

For a complete list of the cities of the country, search on the city page and the resorts of Morocco, and about when it is best to go here and what to do, is told on the page tours in Morocco.

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  • 1 How to get to Morocco?
    • 1.1 Search airfares in Morocco
  • 2 Morocco visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Phone Numbers
  • 5 Transport Morocco
  • 6 Rent a car
  • 7 Safety of tourists in Morocco
  • 8 The climate of Morocco is
  • 9 Beaches
  • 10 Money
  • 11 Morocco hotels
    • 11.1 Book hotel in Morocco at the best price
  • 12 Cuisine and restaurants in Morocco
  • 13 Thalassotherapy in Morocco
  • 14 Hammams
  • 15 Shopping and shopping
  • 16 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing
  • 17 Popular Excursions in Morocco
  • 18 Surfing in Morocco
    • 18.1 We also recommend

How to get to Morocco?

Direct flight Royal Air Maroc from Moscow to Casablanca (departure from Sheremetyevo 3 times a week). Travel time is about 6 hours.

Another option is regular flights of foreign airlines on the same route with a transit stop in Europe .The easiest way is to fly Lufthansa (via Frankfurt) or Air France with a transfer in Paris, where the same airline operates flights to Casablanca, Marrakech and Rabat .The duration of the flight is at least 8-9 hours (depending on the docking time, which can take from 1 to 3 hours) .There is a direct charter Moscow - Agadir, which flies from May holidays to the end of November every 10-12 days, the flight time is about 6 hours .The internal flight from Casablanca to Agadir (or Marrakech) takes about 45 minutes (Royal Air Maroc) .

To get to Morocco from Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan is possible only with docking in Paris, Frankfurt and other European cities. Another variant of the flight is via Istanbul with Turkish Airlines.

  • Are there ferry flights connecting Spain and Morocco

Search airfares in Morocco

Morocco visa

Russian citizens do not need a visa in Morocco if the period of stay in the country does not exceed 90 days.


Import and export of foreign currency is unlimited, but its circulation on the territory of Morocco is prohibited. Export of national currency is prohibited. Duty-free allowed: no more than one bottle of spirits and one bottle of wine per adult, up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco.

Hunting equipment and professional photographic equipment are subject to mandatory declaration, in some cases, an official permit for import is required. It is forbidden to import photo, video and printed products containing elements of pornography that are contrary to the norms of Islam materials, as well as drugs and weapons. Prohibited export without special permission of objects and things of historical and artistic value.

Phone Numbers

Embassy of Morocco in Moscow: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 51; tel .: (495) 690-20-85, 691-17-62

Russian Embassy in Rabat: 4 km, avenue Mohammed VI, Souissi; tel .: (537) 753-509, 753-609; website

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Casablanca: 17, rue Bayt Lahm Palmier; tel .: (522) 255-708, 251-873; website

Police: 19, first aid: 177, single reference: 16, fire service: 15

Codes of the main cities: Casablanca - 22, Marrakech - 44, Rabat - 37, Agadir - 48.

Arriving in Morocco as a tourist and having money, you can buy yourself a camel and use it as a personal transport. On average, a single-horned camel-dromedary costs about 1000 EUR.

Transport Morocco

Buses are the most popular form of transport in the country, so sometimes it is difficult for them to buy a ticket. They are equipped with air conditioning, travel to them is inexpensive (from 3 to 10 USD depending on the distance). Intraurban buses are few and they are seldom enough (the interval is 20-25 minutes, the fare is 5-10 MDH).

In the northern and central parts of the country, the network of ONCF railways is well developed, linking Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Meknes and Marrakech. Traveling on trains is safe and quite inexpensive. Fast trains are quite comfortable and equipped with air conditioning, most of them have bars or a buffet.

Inside the city line there are "small taxis" (maximum three people) that are clearly visible due to the bright color, flag and roof rack .They can accommodate other passengers .The fare is about 1 USD per 1 km, but more often the price of the trip can be negotiated with the driver in advance (bargaining is appropriate), as there are no taximeters in such cars..Travel around the city costs an average of 10-50 MDH plus tips .There are also so-called "big taxis" (an analog of "minibus" for six people), intended for intercity and suburban trips (they are sent only after filling in all seats in the cabin) .The fare (20-50 MDH) is agreed in advance and divided into all passengers (paid to the driver at the end of the trip) .The cost of a taxi ride from the airport to Casablanca (30 km) is about 250 MDH (about 30 USD) .How to get around the city by taxi - 20-50 MDH .

  • Are there bus services between Agadir, Marrakech and Casablanca?

Rent a car

For rent it is necessary to have an international driving license, a credit card and an age of 21 years. Rent a car - a very popular service in the country, quite often the car is rented "in the kit" with the driver.

Offices of international rental firms are widespread, prices are low. Rent a middle class car costs about 400 MDH per day. Taxes, mileage, insurance, roadside assistance and transportation costs are paid separately depending on the type of car. In large resort areas it is recommended to reserve a car in advance. Before renting out, you should pay special attention to the technical condition of the car: often cars have hidden defects that you have to pay when you return.

Maps of Morocco
Road markings are internationally marked, road signs are usually written in French and in Arabic. Seat belts required

Often cars are offered for rent on the street, but it is better to refuse such an option: the presence of a billboard and a patent is not a guarantee of the lessor's honesty. Traffic regulations are observed by local drivers in a peculiar way: in cities they practically do not recognize the rules, especially in terms of the order of the trip and the speed limits, reducing their fervor only at a distance of direct visibility from the policeman. And in the provincial regions, on the contrary, many people show excessive politeness on the road, which sometimes leads to absurdity. At the fork of a mountain highway, two motorists can persuade each other for a long time to pass first.

Safety of tourists in Morocco

Moroccans are warm to Russian tourists (as, in principle, and to guests from other countries). Their pleasant difference from the same Turks or Egyptians is unobtrusiveness.

The country is socially and politically stable, in terms of crime it is relatively safe. In the areas of hotels you can walk even at night. However, in markets and in places of large concentrations of people, a bag with valuable things must be kept in front of you and constantly monitor the surrounding people, do not leave things unchecked. The local population is highly respected by the police.

Access to the mosque by non-Muslims, with rare exceptions, is prohibited. Cuddling, and generally showing strong emotions in public is not accepted.

It is not recommended to drink tap water or offered by water carriers on the streets - just bottled water. Juices with ice, which are offered everywhere, too, should be drunk with great care.

Unaccompanied men should exercise greater caution. In Morocco, it is customary to eat with three fingers of the right hand, folded into a pinch. Do not touch the food with your left hand, considered to be "unclean". Refusal of the invitation to visit (or in the cafe "for a cup of tea") can be considered as a serious reason for insult. At the beginning of lunch, a bowl of hot "rose water" is often served to wash your hands. Bread is a symbol of prosperity, it should be consumed sparingly and with dignity.

Traditional tea drinking is accompanied by a certain ritual - the glass is filled by not more than two thirds, the tea should foam, it should not be blown, but deeply inhaled its aroma. On a visit, most likely, you will have to drink at least three glasses of tea: only from the fourth one you can refuse without risking appearing impolite.
  • Do I need to vaccinate to visit Morocco?
10 things to do in Morocco
  1. How to relax on one of the magnificent beaches of the Kingdom.
  2. Relax body and spirit in one of the traditional hammams in Marrakech.
  3. Look at the Jema El Fna Square in Marrakech, where the best artists of Morocco demonstrate their mastery in music, dance, theater and circus art.
  4. Buy charming jewelry in the jewelry market at the gate Bab-Smarin in Fez.
  5. Get lost in the labyrinth of the streets of the medina of Fez and get out of it, convulsively clinging to the sleeve of the local.
  6. Drink a glass of authentic Moroccan tea at a coffee shop on Jemaa el Fna Square.
  7. Saddle a stormy wave of the Atlantic on one of the surfer beaches in the vicinity of Agadir.
  8. To see Europe on the other side of the Strait of Gibraltar from Tangier.
  9. To make a difficult trip to the mausoleum of Moulay-Idris in the homonymous village, which is 4, 5 km from Volubilis, along with hundreds of pilgrims.
  10. To buy real Little Flour shoes - to walk around the house with long Russian winter evenings.

The climate of Morocco is

Due to the large differences in the terrain and the proximity of the capricious Atlantic, the climate in Morocco varies considerably throughout the country .On the Mediterranean coast, the country's climate is mild, subtropical, with hot summers and moderately cold winters .The temperature reaches + 29 ±​​$ in the summer .+ 35 ° C, and in winter + 15 .+ 20 ° C, in the mountains -15 ° C .Summer heat is well tolerated thanks to a cool ocean breeze .Average water temperature + 18 .+ 21 ° C .In the mountains, even on the hottest days, the temperature does not rise above +15 ° C, in winter some peaks are covered with snow .Snow at an altitude of 2000 meters lies more than 5 months a year .

In Morocco, there is rarely a continuous cloud cover. In Marrakech and Fez, as in Agadir, an average of more than eight hours of sunshine per day. Number of frosty days per year 120.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Morocco for the coming days.

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  • What is the weather in Morocco for May holidays? $
  • What is the weather in Morocco in May?
Dakhla Mosque, Morocco Morocco
The Dakhla Mosque is
View of the fortress Kasba Udaya, Rabathttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1g3dTlDK60OBUhteRwpyGTLQESwkspMll Morocco
Fortress Kasba Udaya
View of the mausoleum of Mohammed V, Rabat Morocco
Muhammad's Mausoleum V


Wide sandy beaches, less often - own (with free sunbeds and umbrellas), more often - municipal (1, 5-2 USD for the equipped place under the sun). On some sections of the Moroccan coast - noticeable tides.


Money is better to exchange in banks or special exchange offices with a "golden" inscription. Banks Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 11:30 and from 14:15 to 16:30. Exchange points are also available at airports. Eurocard, MasterCard, Visa and American Express credit cards are accepted in most restaurants, in almost all hotels and in many stores.

Tipping is usually given a little, but often - in restaurants and hotels up to 10% of the order amount (often they are already included in the bill, but additional "baksheesh" is welcome), maids - 2-10 MDH per week, car guards - 1-2 MDH , car washers - 5 MDH, guides, drivers -10 MDH per excursion. However, these are only general recommendations: in any case, the size of the tip remains at the discretion of the tourist.

Changing the currency, you should certainly take a certificate.
  • What is the currency in Morocco?
  • What currency to take with you in Morocco?

Morocco hotels

The European classification of hotels operates in the country. Hotels for the most part are made in Arabic style, most - on the coast. Hotels 2-3 * are located at a distance of 500-600 meters from the sea, 4-5 * - closer to the coastline - at 200-300 meters. Of course, there are also hotels located directly on the first line of the beach. Meals are often half board, but you can find a good all inclusive.

Along with classified hotels there are also unclassified. Service in hotels differs from European in the direction of greater simplicity. At the same time, the "star" classification was carried out quite arbitrarily: in a five-star hotel, hairdryers and shampoo in the room can easily be absent, while in the neighboring "treshka" all this will be available. There is no European clarity in the work of staff.

The voltage in the electric network in the new buildings is 220 V, in the old buildings - 110 V, frequency 50 Hz. Sockets standard European, with grounding.

For youth of 13-30 years old, there are "youth hostels." In some hotels 4 * and above there are heated pools with sea water. Many 4-5 * hotels have their own fitness centers and thalassotherapy centers.
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Book hotel in Morocco at the best price

Cuisine and restaurants in Morocco

Moroccan cuisine is widely used fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood and, of course, spices .As elsewhere in North Africa, couscous here - the whole head is .It is prepared from crushed wheat grains, garnishing a stew of meat, vegetables, tomato paste and spices .Another national dish is tazhin: stewed with vegetables and seasoning lamb, lamb, chicken or fish (prepared differently in different parts of the country) .National drink - sweet tea from fresh mint ."Couscous", fish and seafood, sweets and a huge number of own delicacies in each locality .

Traditional Moroccan drink - tea with mint and coffee, as a rule, very strong and hot, often with cardamom. Coffee with milk is much less common and is called "kahu cash desk."

The country produces the best wines in North Africa: red "Buluan", "Ostale", "Cabernet President", "Taleb", "Pierre Antoine", "Cardinal Amazir", and white "Shud-Sotel" and "Valpierre".

Eat better in hotels, decent cafes or restaurants. Pure, tasty and safe for the gastrointestinal tract.

Thalassotherapy in Morocco

It can not be said that the thalasso in Morocco is the most affordable or some kind of super-unique $$ .But what is - quite decent quality and their money is worth .Thalassotherapy centers usually offer the following treatments: all kinds of massages, electrophysiotherapy, lymphatic drainage of the body and face, whirlpool baths, Charcot's shower, seaweed wrapping (thalotherm), hamam with mud mask or algae mask, gommage, sea pool with phlebological paths, underwater music therapy, cardio training, facial skin care, cavitasonics and much more..Procedures can be ordered separately or as a course lasting 3-9 days and at a price of 500 USD .

In Agadir, thalassotherapy centers are available at the hotels Atlantic Palace, Palais des Roses and Riu Tikida Beach. In Casablanca - at the Riad Salam, in Essaouira - Sofitel Thalassa Mogador, in Marrakech - at the Palmeraie Golf Palace & Resort.

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Hammams, that is, steam baths, in Morocco are available in two types: .The first - especially for tourists, where they strongly sweat under the supervision of local bath specialists $ $ .Visiting the "tourist" hammam will cost about 150 MAD .The second kind of hammam is an authentic public steam bath, where the Moroccans themselves go - $ .With it, you need to take a cleaning mitten, a towel and lingerie .For men and women either separate hammams are set up, or different visiting hours are taken .Men in public hammams are strictly forbidden to walk naked, whereas women can walk in or underwear,.Finally, the cost of public hammams is much lower than the tourist ones: 7-15 MAD per entrance, 30 MAD for scrub and 30 MAD for massage .

In the medina you will not find two identical doors. Each door is created in accordance with the tastes of the owner of the house and can tell a lot about it.

Shopping and shopping

The schedule of shops is unstable: the owners set it at their discretion. State stores operate, as a rule, from 8 am to 6 pm; some supermarkets are open around the clock. The main trade occurs in markets that are usually open until light.

In the city "medina" and souvenir shops you can buy souvenirs for all tastes, as well as paintings, lamps (from leather, copper, etc.), national clothes, tui products, silver and gold gizmos and jewelry, handmade carpets, clay, porcelain and much more. In large salons, the quality of goods is higher, but also the prices are appropriate. In "medina" and in souvenir shops everything is cheaper by 30-50%. It is worth to pay attention to leather goods: Moroccan tanners are famous throughout the East.

Original souvenir from Morocco - traditional oriental shoes with curved noses (as in Little Flour, for example). They are made of soft leather and decorated with silk embroidery with gold and silver threads.

Alcoholic beverages are sold everywhere, but their sale in stores stops at 20:00 (in hotels from this rule often make exceptions).

Bargain, bargain and bargain, mercilessly and mercilessly. Only in this way you can buy something in only 5, not 15 times more than the current price. In this case, sellers are important not only to sell their goods, but also to chat heart to heart. They will be happy to guess which country their customers came from, as Russian tourists for them are still new.
Stunning views of Morocco

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

Morocco is exceptionally rich in a variety of interesting sights.

Casablanca: The Great Mosque of Hasan II, the cathedral of Notre-Dame, the ruins of the ancient city of Anfa.

Marrakech is another ancient capital of Morocco, whose central square of Djemaa el Fna is inscribed on UNESCO's cultural heritage list. This is the real quintessence of the Moroccan exotics: snake charmers, tattooists, storytellers, singers ... It is almost impossible to find the sights recommended by the guide in the maze of this city. But we will list the main ones, all of a sudden, luck will come to someone: the Kutubiya Mosque 77 meters high, the El-Badi Palace, the tomb of the Saadid dynasty.

From Marrakech it is convenient to do one-day forays into the mountains. For example, in the clay fortress of Teluet, a bright red clay ruin with wrought-iron gates, which must be unlocked with a meter key. Inside - a failed staircase, tiled tiles and rooms for the harem. They get to Teluet through the highest in the Atlas mountains, the pass of Tizi-n'Tishka. Alternative to Teluetu - Uzud waterfalls in the picture valley (bonus - caves with stalactites) and mountain resort of Ukayimeden.

Essaouira: national parks of Tubkal and Tazzek.

"Fantasy" is a Berber equestrian festival, regularly held in different parts of Morocco. During such festivals, a tent town is broken, in the center of which the whole action takes place. Dozens of Berbers, dressed in snow-white gelabies and waving antique guns and sabers, rush to the sound of drums, shaking the ground with hoofs of horses and issuing war cries.
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Popular Excursions in Morocco

Survey of Agadir - about 15 USD, Tafraut - 50 USD. Folklore show "Fantasy" in Inzegan, a town 10 km from Agadir - 20 USD. Excursion to Marrakech for a day - 65 USD, the route Marrakech - Essaouira (for 2 days and one night) - 130 USD. Oasis Immuzer with a waterfall "Cover of the Lovers" (1 day) - 30 USD, "Berber evening" with dinner in the village of Tassil - 30 USD, "jeep-safari" (1 day) - 45 USD. And also: sea walks, hunting for sharks, walking on camels and horses.

Moroccan museums are usually open from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 17:30. "Jeep Safari" to the valley of Massa: this excursion covers the beginning of the Antiathlas Ranges, the Sousse Valley and Ued-Massa, where thousands of birds live, including pink flamingos. Acquired in Agadid, it will cost about 55 USD per person.

Surfing in Morocco

Atlantic coast of Morocco - a recognized paradise for surfers..Here, quite inexpensive living and developed infrastructure, and the waves are no worse than the costly exotic .The best conditions for practicing this sport - north of Agadir .The most famous surfer villages - nearest to Agadir Tagasut and Tamarhat .There are a lot of convenient spots for beginners and sections of the coast, visited by "insidious" waves for advanced surfers..Surfing in Morocco is possible all year round - in the summer "naked", in winter it is better in a wet suit, as the water in the Atlantic is not too warm up .At the same time, however, you can catch the biggest waves .Basically, the waves in Morocco are right, not very large, ideal for beginners .A lot of surf schools are operating on the coast . Photo Morocco (207)

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