The nature of Senegal is surprising, but quite naturally combines the semi-deserts of the north, dry savannah foothills, tropical forests and delta Sin-Salum. Over 550 species of animals live on the territory of the country, millions of migratory birds hibernate, and by the number of parks and reserves it has long and confidently ranked first in all of West Africa.


The National Park of Niokolo-Koba, a UNESCO heritage site, is one of the largest in Africa: it covers an area of ​​about 1 million hectares. On its expanses one can find practically all kinds of animals and plants typical of the savannas of the western regions of Africa. Lions, hippopotamuses, wild boars, antelopes and monkeys live here, and dozens of marshes serving the house of various water birds stretch at the foot of the hills and in the old rivers.

Jude Park

Interesting third-largest ornithological park of the world - the park Dzhudzh. As if 200 species of local birds are not enough, more than 3 million birds from all over Europe and Western Asia arrive here for wintering. In Djujj, there are about 70 species of mammals, 60 species of reptiles and 100 species of fish and amphibians. In 1981, the park was listed in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

Lange de Berberi

Lange de Berberi, lying 20 km south of Saint-Louis - the favorite refuge of numerous birds. First of all, pink flamingos, white and gray pelicans, gray-headed gulls and brook mockingbirds. In addition, the reserve has a lot of sea turtles.

Gümbel Reservation

The Gümbel special reserve, which is also close to St. Louis, serves as the wintering ground for thousands of migratory birds. Still here you can meet a rare gazelle "lady", monkeys "patas" and turtles "sulkata."

National Park of Niokolo-Koba

Reserve Bandia

A small reserve Bandia is located 65 km from Dakar, next to the beach resort of Sali. Here, around a giant baobab of about 1000 years old, you can see dozens of species of local mammals, as well as an African crocodile and hundreds of bird species.

Shin-Silum region

The unique region of Shin-Silum, lying to the south of Petit-Kot, is named after the once-flourishing ancient empires here .This is one of the most beautiful places in Senegal with a huge historical heritage .The mangroves, salt and fresh lagoons, rainforests and picturesque sandy beaches stretched here since 1981 are included in the list of biosphere reserves of UNESCO .This is the second largest reserve in the country and one of the most interesting parks in Africa: 72 species of animals, 370 species of birds, more than 200 species of fish and rare manatees, river dolphins and sea turtles. .The


In the reserve Fatala-Reserve in the south-west of Senegal near the coast you can see giraffes, rhinoceroses, antelope and many birds. And this is the only place in the world where western canna is found - the rarest variety of the African antelope.

Other parks

Also interesting are the Mbour reserve, the Madeleine island, the turtle protection center in Sangalcam, the forest park Hann, the nature reserve Popengin, the Ferlo Nor reserves and the Somone reserve, the Kalissaye ornithological reserve and the Bass Kazamance nature reserve.