"Wedding destination" - in this category Seychelles invariably stands in foreign travel guides: happy moths-newlyweds fly to its idyllic lands all year round . Seychelles offers a very rare product in this vain world - absolute peace, solitude and measured rhythm (if not to say, the complete absence of such) - in a word, the ideal conditions for the beginning of a life together . Paradise kuschi, let's face it, are not cheap, on the other hand - the wedding is also one ... at least a few people during the honeymoon so planning the next wedding .

Another category of local tourists - people who love the sea: around the archipelago are many exceptionally beautiful dive sites and its coast 115 islands washed by the waves on any surfer taste. In addition, there go lovers of sea fishing, yachting and exclusive beach holidays without any frills. Is it necessary to add that all these amateurs are at least very wealthy people?

In short, the continuous improvement of air. Disadvantages of direction, you ask? Well, there is one ... although it's for someone like ... look at the price list - you'll understand what it's about.

Capital - Victoria, Mahe island.

The main "tourist" islands are Mahe ), Praslin and La Digue. Also known island hotels: Frigate, St. Anne Island, Derosh Island, Silhouette, Cerf and another private island hotel Deniz. The favorite occupation of local tourists is diving. - $

The full list of islands and cities of the country you can find on the city page and the resorts of Seychelles, and about when it is best to go here and what to do, is told on the page tours to Seychelles. $

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to the Seychelles
  • 2 Airport in the Seychelles
  • 3 Visa to the Seychelles
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Useful phone numbers are
  • 6 A Brief but Very Rich Story
  • 7 Seychelles Transportation
  • 8 Rent a car
  • 9 Safety of tourists
  • 10 Climate Seychelles
  • 11 Season in the Seychelles
  • 12 Beaches
  • 13 Seychelles hotels
    • 13.1 Book hotel in Seychelles at the best price
  • 14 Banks and exchange points
  • 15 Shopping and shops in the Seychelles
  • 16 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 17 Wedding in the Seychelles
  • 18 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Seychelles
  • 19 Surfing
  • 20 Fishing in the Seychelles
    • 20.1 We also recommend

How to get

The most popular flights are scheduled Emirates flights with a landing in Dubai (travel time, counting the docking time - about 13, 5 hours) and Qatar Airways with a landing in Doha (about 13 hours). You can fly an Air France flight with a landing in Paris (the same 15 hours) or choose the company Lufthansa, but this option is an uncomfortable docking: you have to spend the night in Frankfurt. The international airport Pointe-Larue is located on the island of Mahe, 9 km from the capital of the country of Victoria.

From Minsk it is possible to fly to Seychelles by flights from Emirates, Lufhansa and Air France with connections in Dubai, Frankfurt and Paris. Citizens of Ukraine also use the services of the same companies.

Search for air tickets to the Seychelles

Airport in the Seychelles

Seychelles International Airport or Aéroport de La Pointe la Rue, as it is called local, is located on the island of Mahe, not far from the capital of the country, the city of Victoria.

At the airport, the national carrier Seychelles, Air Seychelles, operates direct flights to Johannesburg and Mauritius. In addition, the international airport terminal accepts flights from Addis Ababa, Kenya Airways, Dubai, Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways, as well as regular charters from Frankfurt (Condor) and Of Amsterdam (Martinair).

All inter-island flights are carried out from the internal terminal of the airport, located within walking distance from the international one. In high season, planes take off here every 10-15 minutes, in the rest of the year - every half hour.

With the capital of Seychelles, the airport is connected via the Victoria Highway - Providence Highway, as well as regular bus routes departing from the Victoria bus station.

Visa to the Seychelles

Citizens of Russia, arriving for a period not exceeding 30 days, do not need a visa to the Seychelles.

10 things to do in Seychelles
  1. Do nothing, do nothing and do nothing again on the secluded white sandy beaches of the Seychelles archipelago.
  2. Dive into the captivating underwater world off the coast of Seychelles.
  3. To appreciate the delights of Creole cuisine - and not necessarily a ragout of bat, for example, fish with rice is a miracle as good!
  4. Try to find pirate treasures on the island of Moyen.
  5. Walk around the capital of the island of Victoria and look at one of the two traffic lights throughout the country.
  6. Fly by helicopter over the turquoise smoothness of the Indian Ocean.
  7. Fishing for tuna, secretly hoping to catch blue marlin.
  8. To risk - and to be combined by legal marriage under the approving whisper of the ocean.
  9. Attach to the proud brethren of the "parishioners" on the Grand Anse beach.
  10. To take with you to the homeland the coco de-mer nut, so that there was something to remember for a long Russian winter.


Import and export of foreign and local currency is not limited. Allowed duty-free import of 400 cigarettes or 500 g of tobacco, two liters of alcoholic beverages and 200 ml of perfume. Import of other goods is limited to 3000 SCR.

It is forbidden to import weapons (including pneumatic and for underwater hunting), vegetables, fruits, plants, uncooked meat and meat products, as well as medicines and drugs. It is forbidden to export shells, corals, tortoise shell wares and coco-de-mer nuts without special permission.

Useful phone numbers are

Consulate of the Republic of Seychelles in St. Petersburg: st. Children's, 30; tel .: (812) 322-38-11, 322-38-16, website is

The Russian Embassy in Victoria: P. O. Box 632, Le Niol, Victoria, Mahe; phone: (248) 426-65-90

Emergency telephone (police, emergency, fire): 999.

Maps Seychelles

A Brief but Very Rich Story

Lounging in a chaise longue under a palm tree, now and then falling into a doze under the whisper of the ocean, it's hard to believe that Seychelles has an exceptionally turbulent past .First there settled the French - ponabezli slaves, arranged plantations of spices .Then the islands were captured by the ubiquitous Britain: first it was annexed to Mauritius, then it was allocated to a separate colony, and in the end - it chopped off several islands, turning them into "British territory" .But the most interesting began in 1976, when the archipelago gained independence: a year later, as a result of a little bit of zavarushki, Marxists came there .With all the ensuing: one-party system, "the land-the peasants" and even the collective farms! In 1981, they successfully fought off mercenaries from South Africa, who tried to seize power in the Republic, and in 1991 they themselves pushed all their achievements: they returned multi-party system, free elections and even abandoned the Marxist ideology .And you say "bounty"!

Seychelles is prohibited from exporting shells, corals, tortoise-shell wares and coco-de-mer nuts without special permission, which is easy to obtain with a check.

Seychelles Transportation

Seychelles is an island nation located on 115 islands of the archipelago, 33 of which are inhabited. The most convenient way to travel between them is with Air Seychelles. Internal communication with large tourist areas, as well as (bespoke) with remote islands, is provided by Seychelles Helicopter company, whose services cost about 4000 SCR per hour of flight.

In addition, the connection between the islands, even the most remote ones, is provided by numerous ferries and schooners. Tickets are sold on board and cost about 70 SCR for one-way fare.

Strangely enough, the bus network in the Seychelles is also quite well developed. The fare is from 3 to 5 SCR. And on the island of Mahe there is even a taxi. All cars are equipped with meters: 5 SCR per km, first km - 15 SCR.

On the island of La Digue you can move eco-friendly (on a bicycle) or exotic (on a cow-ox).

Rent a car

To rent a car you need international or national driving license. The driver must be at least 22 years old and have a driving experience of at least three years.

In addition, the islands have many bicycle rental offices - perhaps the most convenient means of transport in the island. True, the very two-wheeled friends in them are often just not enough for everyone.

The maximum speed in the city is 45 km / h, outside of settlements - 65 km / h and only on the highway leading to the airport, it is allowed to accelerate to insane 80 km / h.

Attention! Before you rent a car, you need to think carefully. The movement on the islands is left-handed, and besides - many mountain roads, the quality of which leaves much to be desired: travelers who do not have a serious experience of such difficult driving will take a lot of risks while sitting at the wheel of the car. If you still want to travel around the country on your own, and you do not have enough driving skills, it's better to bargain with a taxi driver and organize a study tour around the island - it will not cost too much.

If you already rent a car in Seychelles, then let it be some jeep: it is best for local roads. On the whole island of Mahe there are only six petrol stations. And on Praslin it is three times less.

On the last Saturday of every month, people from all over Mahe come to Victoria to squander the salary they just received. Therefore, the pandemonium in these days is simply amazing (according to local, of course, standards) - and on the sidewalks, and on the roads. And to find parking in the city center these days is almost impossible.

Traveling Seychelles

Safety of tourists

Special vaccinations are not required. The country is quite safe: here you can safely walk even at night - the aborigines are friendly, and the police do not sleep. But elementary security measures still need to adhere, beware of thieves and do not leave unattended things, swimming on the "wild" beaches. On the island hotels, tourists are not at all threatened.

Water from the tap is usable, however it is recommended to drink bottled water. Tourists should take with them funds from an upset stomach, sunscreen and repellents.

The danger for bathers is represented by sea urchins and some poisonous fish. Avoiding unpleasant encounters with them can be by choosing safe places for swimming, in some cases it is recommended to wear special bathing slippers.

Climate Seychelles

Tropical, very soft, with no significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year .There is never too cold or too hot here..Average annual air temperature + 26 .+30 ° C .Rather for the pro forma, it is still customary to distinguish between two seasons: conventionally hot (December - May) and conditionally cool (June - November), when monsoons are blowing .During the "conventionally hot" season, most of the annual precipitation falls, mainly on the mountainous islands of Mahe and Silhouette .The rainiest month is January .Rains are strong, but short-lived .See also: current weather forecast for the Seychelles for the next 10 days .

  • What is the climate in the Seychelles?

Season in the Seychelles

The warm season in the Seychelles is the period from November to March, when the winds blow from the north-west, and the cold season - from May to September, when the winds blow from the southeast. April and October are the "transition" months between the two monsoon seasons, when the wind direction changes to the opposite.

In winter, during the monsoon season, the weather is generally warmer and rainy, while in summer it is more dry and cool.


All beaches are municipal, sandy, in the form of small coves. Each hotel has its own beach area, but not the fact that only tourists from this hotel will sunbathe on it. Umbrellas and sun loungers - free of charge.

Seychelles hotels

Hotels in the Seychelles do not have an official classification of hotels, and tour operators evaluate the hotels themselves, giving them conditional three, four or five "stars."

The hotel chain covers all the major islands, and small bungalows of varying degrees of comfort take tourists on small coral islands. Moreover, even the smallest hotels and lodges in the Seychelles are guaranteed to provide a service that meets all world standards.

The voltage in the network is 240 V, a British standard plug with three square plates is used. To connect Russian appliances, you will need an adapter that can be requested from the receptionist.

  • Rest in Seychelles: what food is better to take

Book hotel in Seychelles at the best price

Banks and exchange points

Money at the official rate can be exchanged at banks or at the airport, the reverse exchange is made at any exchange office if there is a certificate of initial exchange. Banks usually work from 8:30 to 14:00 on weekdays, on Saturdays - until 11:00. Unlike most countries, travel checks in the Seychelles are more profitable to exchange than cash. Many shops and souvenir shops accept US dollars and EUR for payment. In hotels you can pay by credit card, local currency, dollars and EUR.

In Seychelles, unlike most countries, traveler's checks are more profitable to trade than cash. Currency exchange with hands is prohibited and punishable by law.

Shopping and shops in the Seychelles

Large shopping centers and shops can be found only in Mahe. On the other islands - only small shops with polite owners. Shops are open from 8:00 to 17:00, on Saturdays - until 17:30. Some small shops, especially those owned by Indians, work until late in the evening.

As a gift, you can buy a coco-de-measure nut of a peculiar shape, a liqueur made from it, or models of sailboats made by local craftsmen .Also in the range - the entire standard "souvenir" set in the form of T-shirts, hats, pareos and shells .In the metropolitan shops they sell interesting ornaments from pearls, and in art galleries - canvases by local artists .Prices for souvenirs here are higher than in other countries, and bargaining is not welcome .In general, shopping on the islands is minimal - with Seychelles they bring mostly souvenirs, coconuts and tan .

"Coco de measure" is growing on the island of Praslin, where it is best to buy it - the choice is wider, and the prices are lower. The cost is from 200 USD, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of an excise stamp. In general, all exported "natural" souvenirs need to get permission. As a rule, it is issued if there is evidence of their acquisition by an official way - or, in a human way, a check.

Kitchen and restaurants

Most restaurants accept orders only until 22:00 pm, after which guests eat up what they have ordered, and at best they can only take more drinks. And more often at 22:00 restaurants just close. Until late at night, only bars work.

Local cuisine was formed on the basis of traditional recipes of islanders, but under the powerful influence of European, especially French, culinary traditions, while also with a noticeable Indian bias .The basis of the local Creole cuisine is seafood, rice, coconuts and curry, and the most popular Seychelles dish is Pvason ek Diri (fish with rice).Also worth a try is a soup made of sea-shells tek-tech, bat stew (brrr!), Braised breadfruit stew, French stewed bananas "Saint-Jacques", pudding from bananas and coconuts as-kat .

The basis of Creole cuisine is seafood, rice, coconuts and curry, and the most popular Seychelles dish is Pvason ek Diri (or simply fish with rice).

In the surrounding waters of the Seychelles, there are thousands of species of fish (and not only fish), so it is simply impossible to imagine a Creole table without sea dishes. Especially popular baked fish-bourgeois, small crabs "trululu", lobsters in lemon sauce, kari from octopus in vegetables, "crab-giraffe" in coconut kari, and also "zurit" - octopuses in coconut curry.

Typical local drinks are Seybryu beer, fermented coconut juice "kalu", a sufficiently strong "tank" - fermented sugar cane juice, as well as a tincture of lemon mint "dieterelle". In addition, a large number of first-class South African and French wines are imported to the islands. In large quantities, tea (black or vanilla) is used, as well as coffee, imported in recent years, imported from Ethiopia, Colombia and Yemen.

Types of Mahe, Seychelles Seychelles
Types of Mae
Beaches of La Diga, Seychelles Seychelles
Beaches of La Diga
Bright colors of Praslin, Seychelles Seychelles
Bright colors Praslin

Wedding in the Seychelles

Wedding abroad is becoming more and more popular among honeymooners - more and more couples are choosing some paradise tropical island for this solemn ceremony, and Seychelles with their virgin nature is perhaps the most suitable place for a romantic wedding. Marriage ceremonies in the Seychelles are held in the presence of the registrar and in accordance with the law of the country. The ceremony itself can be held on any day except weekends and holidays.

  • Maldives or Seychelles: what to choose for a wedding ceremony? $

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Seychelles

Historical "excursion" in the Seychelles is present in minimal quantities - yes, by and large, and do not need .All the main attractions here are exclusively natural: snow-white (and sometimes even gently pink!) Beaches, clear water, a unique tropical nature, stones of multi-colored marble and a stunning underwater world..Service in hotels, bungalows and lodges - always at the level of .Aborigines are cute and friendly..Sunsets - fantastic, waves (where there are no strong currents) - invariably affectionate .And also fantastic (and this is not artistic exaggeration) underwater world .

George and Georzhin - a pair of old turtles living on the island of Kuzin, often persecute tourists to scratch their necks.

Kuzin Island, a nature reserve since 1968, is located two kilometers from Praslin Island. It serves as a home for several endangered species of animals and a nesting place for seabirds and turtles. Two of which, the old George and Giorgine, live here and often follow tourists in the hope that they will scratch their necks.

Bird Island can be reached in half an hour by plane from the island of Mahe. The island is known as a shelter for about 1.5 million black terns that live here from May to September. Still here lives a giant tortoise Esmeralda (they say that it is already over 150 years).

The island of Curious, named after the ship that opened it in 1768, is famous for its large colony of giant tortoises and thick thickets of tropical plants. There is also a national marine park.

Arid Island is located only 15 km from Praslin. In 1973, it was bought for the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature by Christopher Cadbury, the English "chocolate" magnate. The island serves as the main "gathering point" for seabirds in the entire region and a refuge for the world's largest colonies of pink terns, small mule and red-tailed tropical birds. This is the only place on the planet where a lemon tree grows, whose flowers exude a wonderful fragrance.

Marine National Park Sv .Anna consists of six small islands .Tour of them begins with a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom, which allows you to observe the life of coral reefs .Next, the road goes to the island of Moyen, which is privately owned by a Mr. Grimshaw, who has been living on the island for a long time and is still trying to find pirate treasures here .You can explore the island, see pirate graves and historical ruins (and try to hammer Mr. Grimshaw tanks, searching for the notorious treasure) .

Lovers of vibrant nightlife can be disappointed: all local entertainment is represented by a couple of discos and casinos .On the island of Mahe there are only three casinos: in the Plantation Club, Berjaya Beau Vallon and not so long ago, open, but already become the best casino in Victoria .With clubs - the same problem is .They are far from numerous and often represent a little interesting..Pleasant exceptions: the "Lovant Club" in the center of Victoria, the disco "Catiolo", resembling the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and the rural disco of the 80s and 90s, the very small "Club 369" and "Barrel" (or simply "Bochka"), - a cheap and cheerful institution, mainly with the local public .Praslin Island has a casino at the Lemuria Resort Hotel .

But on the islands throughout the year there are many festivals and sporting events, the most famous among them are the Great Regatta and the Creole Culture Festival.

  • What excursions can be visited in the Seychelles
Fairy Seychelles


The best places for surfing are the islands of Mahe and Praslin. In the north-west of Mahe is the Grand Anse beach, the most popular among the "whistleblowers": the waves there reach a height of two meters. Other Beaches of Mahe, suitable for surfing, are Bo-Valon and Anse Bougainville. In general, the sea near the beaches of the eastern part of the island is quieter than in its west.

The best season for surfing on the islands is from November to April, because in the summer months there can be dangerous because of too restless water.

Fishing in the Seychelles

But sophisticated fishermen talk about the Seychelles with aspiration. Here you can catch tuna, barracuda, tiger shark and shark-mako. But the most coveted trophy is blue swordfish or blue marlin, whose weight can exceed 400 kg. On fishing it is better to go early in the morning to have time to dig up a worm ... that is, to get to the deep-water places where you first need to catch small fish: it is she who is attracted to this prey. The best period for fishing is from October to April. Photos Seychelles (87)