Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations these days, and for that there are a lot of reasons .The first is the numerous sandy beaches of this sunny country, plus the resorts of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands .There you can join the Spanish traditions of cooking - the world's most delicious ham and divine ambrosia called "sangria" .Do not forget about music: few people are left indifferent by the sounds of a classical guitar, supported by a shot of castanets, sonorous tapping of heels and cries of cantors .Complementing the picture, painting comes in: with the words "Spanish art" in memory so many images pop up that in the whirlpool of the beautiful it's easy to get lost .

Therefore, in the tourist market there is a steady demand for air tickets to Spain - and, as you know, demand creates supply! The main Spanish airports are in Madrid and Barcelona. At the first convenient and easiest way to get Airbus 'Aeroflot' and S7, there are also options from the companies Iberia and AirEuropa, however they are more expensive.

If the route lies in Barcelona, ​​the best choice can be a proposal from Ural Airlines: providing a modern airbus, this company offers a decent level of comfort at the lowest price in the market. In addition, Aeroflot, Transaero, Iberia and Vueling (including those from St. Petersburg) fly to Barcelona.

Depending on the expectations of comfort, everyone can find options for flight to Spain with economy or business class - in any case, provide enough time for the preparation of the trip, and the choice of air tickets will be wide and diverse. Have a nice rest!

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Flights to Spain for the New Year."