It's hard to say why tourists should prefer a trip to Senegal to travel to another African country..Yes, bright colors, white-toothed smiles, hot sun .Yes, charming colonial houses, wide beaches and the cleanest ocean..But all this can be found in Kenya, and in South Africa .And here's what Senegal can not take away, so it's diversity: you want the desert - you're waiting for Lompool, want a riot of greenery - welcome to the delta of Sina Salum, crave for exotics - go to Lake Retba .In addition to all of the above, the original culture, the most beautiful women in Africa, the freshest royal prawns (mmm!) And the amazing friendliness of this hot, civilized-wild country .It turns out that the reasons for choosing Senegal are more than enough!

Like any other country on the Black Continent, Senegal is generously endowed with many truly African tourist advantages: spectacular and very diverse in nature (the number of national parks in the number of national parks is steadily "roaming" throughout West Africa), chic beaches, original culture and 100% exoticism. >.However, it was not without the special "chips" inherent in Senegal .Perhaps the brightest among them is fantastic fishing: even a simple listing of local scaly-tailed trophies will make the heart of every true knight of the spoon-bait and the bait ±.

The effect of Senegal is a simultaneous and powerful impact on all senses: the variegated diversity and staggering unity of the smells, sounds and "pictures" of West Africa .Landscapes are here for every taste: from the turquoise sea surface to the pink waters of a unique lake, from millennial baobabs and impenetrable mangrove forests to the stretch of brown-yellow savannahs .Smells, too, though more than enough: roasted peanuts and flowering orchids, ocean breeze and spices of "black" Africa .Sounds try to imagine yourself, remembering one of the thematic issues "Around the World" .

Recently, in Senegal, the rapid development of the tourism industry is under way - new hotels are being built (not inferior in quality to Egyptian or Moroccan), restaurants are being opened, routes are being developed.

The seaside and the national parks of Senegal are very well-nourished (in non-tourist areas of the country it is better not to interfere, as they say, to avoid), the service is quite at European level, and the possibilities for active recreation are: from surfing and diving to ornithological tours. $

The capital is Dakar.

The main beach resorts are: Saly, Cap Skirring, Petite Côte and Les Almadies. A separate point of attraction for tourists is the national parks of Senegal.

A complete list of interesting cities to visit the country can be found on the city page and the resorts of Senegal.


  • 1 How to get to Senegal?
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Senegal
  • 2 Senegal visa
  • 3 Customs in Senegal is
  • 4 Phone Numbers
  • 5 Safety of tourists in Senegal
  • 6 Transport of Senegal
  • 7 Rent a car in Senegal
  • 8 Banks and exchange points
  • 9 The climate of Senegal is
  • 10 It's interesting
  • 11 Senegal Beaches
  • 12 Senegal Hotels - $
    • 12.1 Book Hotel in Senegal at the best price
  • 13 Shopping and shopping
  • 14 Cuisine and restaurants in Senegal
  • 15 Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Senegal
  • 16 Fishing in Senegal is
    • 16.1 We also recommend

How to get to Senegal?

There are no direct flights from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus to Senegal. So travel in any case will not do without transit. The most convenient options for the flight through Europe are Air France (via Paris), Iberia (via Madrid) and TAP Portugal (via Lisbon). In addition, from the autumn of 2010, Emirates Airlines will fly to Dakar with a butt in Dubai (flight time, considering the docking about 20 hours). Another country can be reached via Istanbul with Turkish Airlines, Tunisia with TunisAir, Algeria or Morocco.

Search air tickets in Senegal

Senegal visa

Citizens of the Russian Federation to visit Senegal must first obtain a visa.

Customs in Senegal is

Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited, but the declaration is mandatory. Persons over 18 years of age are allowed duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 500 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, as well as perfumes and household items within personal need. Unprofessional audio, video and photo equipment can import a maximum of one item of each title. Allowed the import of gifts worth not more than 5000 XOF per person.

It is prohibited to import firearms, chemical, poisonous, narcotic and explosive substances. It is forbidden to export items from the elephant tusks, skins and stuffed animals - these rules apply all the time, except for the hunting season, when hunting permits allow you to bring in a gun and take out the tusks. For export of silver and handmade goods, the permission of the customs authorities of the country will be required.

Phone Numbers

Embassy of the Republic of Senegal in Moscow: 117049, Moscow, ul. Cow's shaft, 7/1, 7th entrance, offices 193-195; tel .: (499) 230-21-02, 230-22-75, fax: (499) 230-20-63; website

The Russian Embassy in Dakar: Avenue Jean Jaures & Rue Carnot, B.P. 3180; tel .: (33) 822-48-21, 822-23-25; website

Ministry of Tourism: (33) 821-11-26, 821-86-89, 822-73-66

Police: 17, fire brigade: 18, first aid: (33) 821-32-13

Phone codes of cities: Dakar - 33-820, 33-281, 33-822, 33-827, 33-829, 33-832, 33-237; Ziguinchor - 33-991; St. Louis - 33-961, 33-962.

Maps of Senegal

Safety of tourists in Senegal

Senegalese are very friendly and friendly people. And local women are considered the most beautiful in all of Africa. However, the security situation in the country is ambiguous. On the one hand, Senegal is a relatively calm and secure country, especially in the "pan-African" standards, on the other hand, in the Casamance area and along the border with Guinea-Bissau, clashes between government troops and separatists break out from time to time.

In any case, tourists are not recommended to walk alone at night and leave things unattended. Passport and money should be stored in the hotel safe (it is enough to have a photocopy of the passport with you). Water for drinking, brushing teeth and preparing ice should be boiled beforehand, or bought bottled.

Before going to the country, you need to get a yellow fever vaccination.

It should be borne in mind that the local population has a whole system of signs of attention and stressing the social status of the interlocutor, and religious norms play an important role. Not knowing these norms, a white visitor from the North risks inadvertently offending an aboriginal (even without realizing what it is), so when visiting a local village or home it is recommended to politely ask the elder or schoolteacher to act as a guide or interpreter.

Transport of Senegal

The river and bus services are well developed in the country, the situation with railroads is somewhat worse, but aviation is practically non-existent. True, by air you can get to neighboring Gambia, with the help of Brussels Airlines.

Between large cities there are many buses and minibas, the cost of travel in which is relatively small (5-6 EUR per 100 km of the way). For example, the route Dakar-Cap-Skying by bus will cost no more than 10 EUR and will take at least 10 hours. Another way of traveling on wheels is the sept places ("seven seats") minibus going out when the above seven seats are filled. They are even cheaper and even less comfortable.

In the country there are two lines of railways (in the amount of about 1300 km) - from Dakar to the border with Mali and from the capital to the city of Saint-Louis. In addition to them, and yet a short linen in the suburbs of Dakar, there are no other railways in the country. The fare on the train is much lower than on buses and fixed-route taxis, but frequent delays and late arrivals make this mode of transport not the most popular.

Tourists wishing to travel from the northern part of the country to the southern, visa problems will not arise: the miniature Gambia on their way permits a visa-free transit for a period not exceeding 24 hours.
Senegal - West Gate of Africa

Rent a car in Senegal

In addition to the fact that rental cars in Senegal - quite expensive, local roads also do not cause good feelings .The road surface is often of poor quality, and auto services, refueling or cafes are extremely rare (and this is despite the fact that the famous Paris-Dakar rally ends in Senegal!) However, the confident in their abilities tourists to find rent-a-car will not be great work: in Senegal are presented as large international (Avis, Herts, Budget and others), and local rental offices .Required documents: international driver's license, credit card and age not less than 21 years .

Local rental companies have lower tariffs, and quality, and reputation. To avoid misunderstandings, it is worth taking cars together with "full insurance" (full complementary insurance). On average, the cost of renting a budget means of transport is about 90 EUR per day plus 0, 2 EUR for each kilometer above the agreed 50-100 km. Cars in a class higher, and also off-road cars will facilitate a pocket of the tourist somewhere on 150 EUR per day.

Banks and exchange points

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8: 00-8: 30 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 16: 00-16: 30. During Muslim holidays - from 8:30 to 14:00, on Saturday - from 8:00 to 12:00, Sunday - the day off.

The euro in Senegal has virtually free circulation along with the XOF franc, while US dollars are far less popular and widespread.

Currency and travel checks are the most beneficial to change in large banks and at the airport Dakar-Yof. Attention: changing something "from hand" is not only unprofitable, but also dangerous! In large shops, restaurants and hotels accepting plastic cards American Express, Master Card, Visa and Diners Club (fee is charged from 1 to 5%, depending on the card).

Most of the Senegalese beaches are wide stripes of soft light sand, most often with a comfortable gently sloping entrance to the sea. But there are exceptions, for example, Les-Almadi with its rocky coastal line.

The climate of Senegal is

The climate is subequatorial, in the north of the country - transitional to tropical. The air temperature is approximately the same and varies from +23 to +28 ° C depending on the season. From November to April in Senegal, the dry northeastern winds "harmatan" from the Sahara are dominated, and from May to October the wet southwest monsoon brings abundant rains. Most precipitation falls on the south of the Atlantic coast. The rainy season in the south lasts 3-5 months, in the north -1-2 months.

The best time to visit Senegal is from the end of October to the end of March, when there is relatively cool and dry weather in the country.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and cities in Senegal.

It's interesting

The history of familiarizing the indigenous population of Senegal with Western values ​​is complex and ornate .For example ,the gallant French general Louis Federb, while he was governor of the colony, did nothing: the railway from Dakar to Niger was spent ,and now the famous arch bridge in St. Louis built (otvaliv ,among other things ,a tidy sum for the project monsieur Eiffel) ,and even tried to transplant the local from millet cakes to baguettes and croissants ... But all is vain: one of the indispensable conditions for the successful passing of examinations in Senegal is still the march to the hermit-marabout ,which for a modest fee and a modest sacrifice will make the pupil an amulet of ju-ju ,designed to provide clarity of thinking and every success in cheating So if in the bar of the hotel "De la Post" with a glass of "Widow Clicquot" under the unfading Aznavour you will be offered for the great success of the journey to smoke with smoke from the cock-dried paw - do not be surprised: you are in Senegal! And demand the paw of a black cock: they are the most effective !

Senegal Beaches

Most of the Senegalese beaches are wide stripes of soft light sand, most often with a comfortable gently sloping entrance to the sea. But there are exceptions, for example, Les-Almadi with its rocky coastal line.

Twenty minutes drive from Dakar is one of the best resorts in the country - Les Almidi. Along its beach lined a whole chain of fashionable hotels, the starry of which begins with at least a "four."

South of the capital, between Rüfisk and Joal Fadiut, is the Petit-Cote resort area ("Little Beach") .Since from the west this coast is covered by the Cap-Vert peninsula, which softens the sea winds, the ocean here is almost always calm .Petit-Cote is a series of pretty villages and chic beaches, where the sun shines brightly for 300 days a year..Here is the world-famous resort area of ​​Sali c with excellent service and a range of first-class hotels, bars, restaurants and water centers .Nioning - the second most important resort area of ​​Petit-Kot .The beaches there are clean and without any waves, but the water may not be too transparent due to the abundance of algae .

Mbour, which is 80 km south of Dakar, became today the center of fans of amateur fishing. In the coastal waters, you can hook on a hook tuna, barracuda, fish-saw, blue marlin and even several species of sharks.

Popengin is a place of attraction for ecotourism fans: in the 80s of the last century a large ecological reserve was created there. Among the local attractions are the grotto of the Black Virgin Mary and the church of Popengin (one of the oldest buildings in the country). In addition, the city is the residence of the current president of the country.

Ethnic Senegal Senegal
Ethnic Senegal
Senegal's identity is Senegal
Senegal's identity is
The coast of Senegal is Senegal
The coast of Senegal is

Located about an hour's drive from Dakar, Tubab-Dyallow is famous for its clean beaches, calm sea and mild climate. Its tourist infrastructure only begins its development: there is no hotel there yet, and the only option is to rent a villa.

Sali is the largest and most famous tourist area in West Africa. There are a lot of hotels of different levels, a lot of restaurants, bars, nightclubs and excellent opportunities for outdoor activities. In addition, Sali is a very convenient starting point for traveling around the country.

Finally, the beaches at Cap Cape Skyring in the very south of the country are among the best in the whole of Africa.

Senegal Hotels - $

Recently in Senegal there is a rapid development of the tourism industry - new hotels are being built, restaurants are being opened, routes are being developed .Hotels of the European level is becoming more and many of them are not inferior in quality to good Egyptian or Moroccan institutions .Still, accommodation facilities in Senegal are still not enough, so if you want to spend a vacation in a good hotel with a name it is worth to book it in advance .With less pretentious institutions it is easier - they can be easily found both in Dakar and in Saint-Louis .

The voltage of the electric network is 220 V, 50 Hz, the sockets are round two-contact. In small hotels, sudden outages of electricity are often involved.

Book Hotel in Senegal at the best price

Shopping and shopping

Shops are open from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00. Some work also on Sundays from the morning until 15: 00-16: 00 (with a break for lunch), others do not work on Mondays. During Ramadan many shops are open from 7:30 to 14:30.

From Senegal it is possible to bring traditional masks, there-tamas, figurines from silver and precious woods, as well as exotic fabrics (whose colors were rescued from the creative crisis of not one eminent designer), interior elements, furniture. We recommend that we pay attention to the traditional Senegalese batik. The symbol of the country, baobab, can be taken away in a dwarf form, like bonsai. Of natural gifts, it is worth buying honey, mango vinegar and shea butter. In most private shops and markets, it's common to trade.

Cuisine and restaurants in Senegal

The national cuisine of Senegal is a bizarre but very appetizing mixture of European and African traditions..The rice in it - the whole head is .And also millet, sorghum and, in the southern regions, corn .And, of course, seafood .In addition to all kinds of shrimp, squid and oysters, you can taste delicious boiled fish with rice and "Tibo-diennes" sauce, presented in two variations - red and white, depending on the sauce .Further development of the fish theme - "diagga" with a lot of gravy and fish teftelek .Still worth trying rice with peanut sauce "maafee" or onion "Iasi", pancakes with fish and vegetables "pastels", stuffed mullet "dem" and "avocat-a-shriveth" - avocado with shrimp meat .

Going to Senegal, definitely try a few local dishes .It is better to write down just in case: gourmets-travelers assure that to miss even one position from the list will be an inexcusable stupidity .So, the first point: the Senegalese maffe - meat in a coconut milk sauce baked in a special pit lined with leaves of a sago tree .Point two: spicy fish soup - served in a pot, "sealed" with corn tortillas .Finally, the last, but not least - baobab juice! Bright ruby ​​color and wonderful taste: during a trip around the country, even the most avid drinkers of beer or soda "steadily" sit down on it .

The tea is very popular in the country with mint, which is drunk quite unusual - the first cup is brewed very hard, the second is added a lot of sugar, and the third one turns into sugar syrup .It is worth trying coffee with pepper and cloves, as well as local brands of beer "Gazelle" and "Flag" .Despite the fact that Senegal is a Muslim country, alcoholic beverages are available everywhere: both local (palm wine from Casamance) and imported production .At the same time, local alcohol is much cheaper: if a bottle of Senegalese whiskey costs 1500 XOF, then for imported Jim Beam it is necessary to lay out at least 25 000 XOF .

Tipping in restaurants is usually left in local currency, as a rule, it is traditional 10% of the total amount of the order. Most hotels automatically include a 10% surcharge on the bill. 2-3 EUR in gratitude to the jaegers, drivers and other attendants on the tour will also not be superfluous. The taxi tip is not accepted, but the rounded-up amount of the bill will be accepted with gratitude and a white tooth smile.
Nature Reserve in Senegal

Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Senegal

St. Louis is one of the most interesting cities on the continent, in combination the oldest city in the country and the first European settlement in West Africa..Founded in 1659, it was considered an important commercial center since the end of the 19th century, even having "lighted up" in the role of the capital (from 1872 to 1957) .In 2000, the historic center of St. Louis was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and there is for it: there are a lot of old colonial mansions, the Governor's Palace with the Feidere Square, the Cathedral and the unique Muslim cemetery .

Ziguinchor - the main gate to the southern regions of the country .It is difficult to say what attracts tourists here: there are no remarkable ancient or cultural attractions, picturesque nature .From the point of view of the chopping, the local market of the March-Saint-Maur (one of the best and cheapest in the country) can be of interest, as well as a craft center famous for its metal works .But from here it is convenient to go deeper into the country: to the villages of Ediungu and Mlop (400-year-old baobab and ethnographic museum), to the island of Karaban (once an important center of colonization of the country) and to the De Jibalor farm .

In Kaolak (he is also the "peanut capital") Sufi-Tijaniya mosque and the covered market are interesting. Near the city are the unique ruins of the capital of the Kingdom of Salum with the famous baobab "Guye-Ndiuli", as well as the historical battlefields of Tanda-Bar and Pathe-Bdian, the island of Ile-Mar-Lodge with houses of traditional architecture and the ruins of the first capital of the Kingdom of Sin-Mbissel. $

The unique Lake Retba, 30 km from Dakar, is famous for its colossal water content in various salts (primarily magnesium). Special bacteria - the only inhabitants of these waters - give the lake a characteristic pinkish color. If this sight seems small, you can go to the nearby turtle reserve.

Other attractions of the country: Tuba with the largest mosque in West Africa, Thies is the second largest city in the country after the Dakar with amazing flora and fauna, Lompul desert and the traditional village of Varang, where famous liqueurs and Senegal wines are produced.

Fishing in Senegal is

Fishing is one of the most popular local entertainments. Warm coastal waters of the Atlantic are exceptionally rich in fish: sharks of different species, barracuda, yellowtails, mackerel and tuna - that's far from a complete list of local trophies. In addition, in Senegal it is possible to organize both marine and river fishing.

At many high-level hotels own fishing clubs are opened, where you can rent equipment and rent a ship. The first fishing for vacationers is often arranged free of charge.

Photo by Senegal (21)

Maps of Senegal
Visa to Senegal
Cities and resorts of Senegal
Flights to Senegal
Lake Retba
Managers for Senegal on the "Tonights of Tourism"
Weather in Senegal
Video about Senegal
Photos Senegal
National Parks of Senegal
Tours to Senegal
St. Louis
Senegal Hotels