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Citizens of Russia and CIS countries to visit Syria visa is required .Formally, you can get it at the border, by presenting a simple list of documents (the validity of the passport must be 6 months at the date of entry) .In fact, it is better to arrange visas in Russia - then on the border it will be guaranteed without periodic unpleasant surprises .This is especially true of unmarried women going to Syria alone $ ±.The package of documents is quite standard, the consular fee is 20 USD, the visa is issued within 7 working days .
Tourists who are going to get a visa at the border, you should know that the chance to get it is 9 out of 10 for a man and 5 out of 10 for a woman. In addition, according to official requirements, visas on the border are not issued to citizens of those states in whose territory there are consulates of Syria, including Russia, and a verdict in each case is taken by the border service officer. In this regard, it is better not to risk and issue a visa through the embassy in advance.
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Visa processing at the border of

A tourist or transit visa can be obtained directly upon arrival in the country, at the airport of Damascus, or on any land border crossing from any of the neighboring countries (except Israel, whose border is closed).

When passing the border control, it is necessary to fill in the immigration card (you will have to return it at the exit from Syria), present your passport with a validity of at least six months from the date of entry into the country, and pay a visa fee of $ 20 USD .In order to prove the purpose of the trip (tourism or transit) you need to have return tickets or tickets along the entire route, a visa to the country of final destination (if it is supposed to transit through Syria), an invitation from a Syrian travel agency or private person, or hotel reservation confirmation .

The chance to get a visa to Syria on the border is 9 out of 10 for a man and 5 out of 10 for a woman, so it's better to get a visa at the consulate in advance.

Visa processing at the consulate

Required documents:

  • a foreign passport with a validity of at least 6 months from the date of entry into the country;
  • photocopy of the first page of the passport with the personal data of the tourist;
  • two recent photos measuring 3x4 cm;
  • a photocopy of the internal passport (pages with personal data and residence permit);
  • 2 questionnaires completed in English and signed personally by the applicant;
  • an invitation from the Syrian travel agency or hotel booking confirmation, certified by the stamp and signature of the competent person.

To issue a transit visa, you must provide the same package of documents, plus tickets along the entire route and their copies, a visa to the country of final destination (if required) and documents confirming the need for transit. An invitation is not required if you get a transit visa.

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Consular fee

The consular fee for the tourist and transit visa is 20 USD, it is paid at the consulate when applying. In case of refusal of visa the fee is not refundable. Children enrolled in the parent's passport are exempt from payment of the consular fee.

The standard time for visa processing is 3-7 working days, but it can be delayed if the documents are filed by an unmarried woman under the age of 35, intending to visit Syria unaccompanied by a man (brother, father). In these cases, immigration services sometimes have suspicions about the "indecent goals of such a visit."

Citizens of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Kiev need to provide an identical package of documents to the consulate, or obtain a visa at the border on the same conditions as Russians.

The visa to Syria under no circumstances is given to persons who have in their passports visas of the State of Israel and any Israeli marks, including a stamp on the refusal of an Israeli visa, a stamp on exit from border points with Israel (Aqaba, King Hussein's Bridge in Jordan, Taba, Rafah and so on)

Embassy of Syria in Russia - $

address: 119034, Moscow, Mansurovsky per., 4
phone: (495) 695-10-48, (499) 766-95-28