Thalassotherapy - "chip", attracting to Tunisia masses dreaming to build, look prettier and smoothed out, and the main reason for the filling of winter charters is .A rare hotel on the coast does not have its own thalassocenter - the absolute majority of "fencers", "fours" and even modest "triples" have long acquired cabinets for wraps, plasterings and irrigation, and Russian-speaking doctors in the set .Popular centers of thalassotherapy in the struggle for the client (and this business brings millions to corporate and private wallets) in every possible way tend to "blind Liza with a breadth of scope", from the outermost areas of their patrimonies, where one could place not only SPA cabins, but also a football field , to a multi-page list of procedures and glossy brochures with honeyed tales of paradise pleasures given by them .To determine the appropriate thalasso program, it is useful to find out what is meant by French and Latin SPA-terms and what procedures for thalassotherapy in Tunis are the most popular .

10 best thalassotherapy procedures in Tunisia - $
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Hammam + Gommage + Wrapping

An old good procedure, with which it is recommended to start any course of thalassotherapy .Assumes sweating in a traditional Tunisian bathhouse - hammam, steaming from under-floor boiling water vats .For more comfort, you can lie down on a marble bench, pre-laying a cotton sheet - "foot" .After the pores of the skin are opened, the bath-attendant will thoroughly scrape off the body with the mitten-koso and wash the usual loofah with folk soap based on olive oil .For wrapping, a special clay "tfal" is used, diluted to a plastic consistency with a floral distillate - most often from geranium .At the end of the procedure, the tfal is washed with cool water .

Massage under the drop sea shower

One of the most favorite holidaymakers and procedures is also inexpensive. Performed on a special table with 4-5 miniature showers located above it and along the entire length of the client's body. From the holes, the seawater warmed to a comfortable temperature is finely sprayed, and at the same time the master makes a general relaxing massage. Perfectly relaxes and saturates the skin with useful microelements due to the easy rubbing effect.

Most of the "fencers", "fours" and even modest "triples" have long acquired cabinets for wraps, plasterings and irrigation, as well as Russian-speaking doctors in the kit.

Bath of Cleopatra

VIP procedure, offered in large thalassocenter. According to legend, the famous queen took dairy baths daily to preserve youth and white skin color. Today, the whole milk is not put - only generously whiten them with hot sea water, but add a whole set of essential oils - verbena, rosemary, eucalyptus. And of course, for the peace of mind they can float on the surface different flowers.


Combines hydro massage and color treatment. As the oriental practices say, each of the seven chakras of a person has a certain color - from red to violet, and by observing correctly chosen color combinations, one can regulate their work, and thus bring the energy of the body into correct correspondence. In practice, you will be placed in a marine hydromassage bath with built-in lamps emitting a gently changing color, and leave a "gurgle" in an extravaganza of beautiful shades.

Thalassotherapy procedures in Tunisia (in French)


"Algae" in Greek - algae, therefore, algotherapy means "treatment with algae." This also applies to local applications of algal extracts to problem areas, and to a full-blown osmosis from head to foot with a useful substance. The procedure improves the metabolism, helps to cope with inflammatory processes, including joints, and softens the skin. Sensations are very pleasant: extracts are heated up to body temperature and due to the saturation of moisture they do not dry out on the skin.

Sea procedure for feet

A hit for those who have to sit or walk for a long time, the sea procedure for the feet is an effect on calves, ankles and feet of hydro-massage jets of various strengths. You are then put on the side of a tiny foot pool (of course, sitting it with all the amenities in the form of a soft litter and comfortable back), and the legs are lowered into the very "cup". Water is supplied at different temperatures, and the pressure of the jets varies smoothly. Feeling of ease in the legs after such a procedure - an unprecedented!

The procedure recommended to everyone without exception is an aquaton, a walk in the pool with sea water, equipped with various hydromassage gadgets.

Underwater shower

Variations on the theme of the jacuzzi, only not bubble-entertaining, but curative and relaxing. You will be accommodated in a bath with warm sea water, pour petals and light aromatic candles, and the massage therapist will massage your body with pressure from the hose. The head also can be varied depending on the sensitivity of different zones. In addition, all kinds of extracts from medicinal plants, essences and oils are added to the water, which increases the therapeutic effect.


The procedure recommended to everyone without exception, aquatonic is a walk in the pool with sea water, equipped with various hydromassage gadgets. You can stand on the elastic underwater fountains, massaging the heels, run along the narrow corridor among the strong jets directed at different angles to the calves and shins, thoroughly rinse the cellulite on the "underwater bomb", sit under the fan fountain, relaxing the shoulders, and relax in the area with smooth underwater currents.

Charcot shower

The most popular procedure for those who have something to "throw off." Charcot's shower is the impact of a powerful jet of water from a long distance, allowing you to increase the flow of blood to problem areas and effectively combat excess weight. You are in the literal sense of the word put to the wall and ordered to hold on to two handrails, so as not to be knocked down with a water jet. Feeling during the procedure - as in thorough tricking; all muscles work perfectly, trying to resist the flow of water. But then you understand how it's really easy and wonderful to live!

Recall that to achieve a visible effect, "thalassic" is better than courses - from 1 to 5 procedures a day lasting from 1 to 10 days.


The Arabic word "gassul" means a kind of volcanic rock, saturated with a mass of useful trace elements and minerals. It, like clay, is bred to the desired consistency with the help of floral essences, and then applied to the whole body. Gassul is much more effective than Tfal in the purification of skin pores, its smoothing and tone. Sitting in a thermae with a gassule applied to the body further increases the therapeutic effect on the body.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning other procedures, without which it is impossible to provide thalassotherapy in Tunisia. These are ayurvedic and stone massages, cryo and pressotherapy, henna applications, face and hair care programs. Recall that to achieve a visible effect, "thalassic" is better than courses - from 1 to 5 procedures a day lasting from 1 to 10 days.

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