Beaches of Gammarth

Gammarth Beach

Beaches of Tunisia On the beach of Gammarth, Russian tourists are as rare as a unicorn, which will serve as an excellent occasion to stop here for those who are used to relax in a pleasant distance from their compatriots. From the natural point of view, the beaches of Gammarth do not disappoint exactly - they are long, with one of the most extensive coastlines in Tunisia and extremely secluded. The

sandy beach

Beaches of Djerba

Djerba Beach

Beaches of Tunisia Beaches of Djerba are very wide, in some places the coastal sand strip goes deep into the territory for a good half a kilometer. The hotel beaches are slightly narrower, but rarely when their width is less than one hundred meters. All beaches are sandy, stony areas of the coast are rare. The

sandy beach

Beaches of Mahdia

Mahdia Beach

Beaches of Tunisia Beaches of Mahdia do not need a separate characteristic - for the whole of Tunisia it is a benchmark of quality. The amazing white sand of an incredibly shallow "grind," a calm sea of ​​fabulous azure color and the impressive width of the beach combined with its good landscaping - these are the strengths of the beaches of Mahdia.

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Beaches of Monastir

Monastir Beach

Beaches of Tunisia Among the features of the beaches of Monastir - a fairly narrow coastline, no more than 30-40 meters in the best cases. The entrance to the water is gentle, with a smooth lowering of the depth, the shallow water extends deep into the sea for a considerable distance, so the rest in Monastir is suitable for families with children.

sandy beach

Beaches of Sousse

Sousse Beach

Beaches of Tunisia The beaches of Sousse definitely do not keep the championship in Tunisia clean - the 200 thousandth population of the city affects and the abundance of tourists - however, if you are not too capricious to the sea, but prefer a vacation "exhaustion" - then it is better that Suss is not found in all Tunisia.

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Beaches of Hammamet

Hammamet Beach

Beaches of Tunisia The beaches of Hammamet in Tunisia are long and reasonably revered as a standard. It is here that the smallest and almost snow-white sand, a wide coastline and a smooth increase in depth, exposing the breathtaking azure shade of the Mediterranean Sea. The

sandy beach
Picturesque beaches of the Mediterranean Sea - the main wealth of Tunisia, attracting hundreds of thousands of domestic tourists every year .Beaches in Tunisia are really wonderful - clean, fine sandy, with a wide coastal strip and a gentle descent into the water .The length of the coastline of Tunisia is almost 1200 km, of which more than 800 km falls on the magnificent beach strip of the main eastern coast of the country .From the northern suburbs of the capital Gammarth to the island of Djerba you can find a beach to your liking: lively in Sousse, spacious and respectable in Hammamet, with surprisingly fine, silk sand in Mahdia and whole kilometers of undeveloped coastal space on Djerba .The

The use of umbrellas on the beaches of Tunisia is always free, with sun beds and mattresses - free of charge in most cases.

Beach Season

The beach season in Tunisia lasts from June to October .In May, the water is still cool (which, incidentally, does not frighten those who come here on holiday for the May holidays), and at the end of October it starts to cool down - the autumn nights are affecting .Peak of the season falls on July-August - then the beaches of Tunisia are occupied not only by tourists in hotels on the coast, but also by local residents coming here by whole families, and also by tourists from neighboring countries - Algeria and Libya .In the summer months it is extremely pleasant to swim in the early morning - the people on the beach are almost gone, the water is amazingly calm and warm, and the sun has not yet entered the hot noon zenith .The

Swim at night will not work in all hotels - some hoteliers prohibit night swimming for security reasons.

"Material" beaches

All beaches in Tunisia are sandy, with light, very fine sand (smaller only in the Sahara). The width of the coastline is from 15 to 50 m, depending on the resort. Of course, up to 300-meter ocean beaches, Tunisia is far away, but there is no cramping: it's quite possible to find an "overcrowded" beach even in the season.

Small parts of the rocky coast come across in the north of Tunisia - in the vicinity of Tabarka and Bizerta - and also at Cape Monastir and near the old city of Hammamet and Mahdia. They are partially natural, formed by a mountainous rock protruding into the sea, partly artificial, formed by stones, which strengthen the foundation of the city walls. However, after sailing a short distance, you see a sandy bottom under your feet.

Rules of behavior on the beach

All Tunisian beaches are formally state beaches, there are no private beaches here, so you can swim with a savage everywhere, without fear of stumbling upon a moralizing tablet on private property or, God forbid, getting a salt charge in a soft place. Behind every hotel on the coast is assigned its own beach area, and attempts to pass through it from the side of the local security are decisively stopped. Own beaches have and the hotels on the second line, they are neatly squeezed between the "first line".

Topless in Tunisia is not forbidden, nudism is forbidden. There are no nudist beaches in the country. Sunbathing topless is recommended only on the beaches of hotels. Also, do not walk along the seashore "in all its glory."
Road to nowhere, Gammarth Beaches of Tunisia
Gammarth Beach
Sunset in Hammamet, Tunisia Beaches of Tunisia
Sunset in Hammamet
Hammamet Beach, Tunisia Beaches of Tunisia
Beach in Yasmine Hammamet

Trade on the beaches of Tunisia

Traders are outlandish and not very goods - a frequent phenomenon on Tunisian beaches .Usually they are combing back and forth the line of the surf, with a loud voice calling tans on their "wealth" .In high-level hotels, the protection of beaches does not allow the approach of merchants to vacationers on sun loungers - if you are interested in some product, it is better to go to the seller yourself .In medium-sized hotels and cheap establishments, merchants are unhindered to sunbathe tourists, often sit down on a lounger and can rather obsessively offer their goods .As a rule, decisive "know-how!" "Enough to frustrate a traveling salesman .The

Do not rush to shop: absolutely the same goods are sold outside the hotel - in tourist souvenir shops and markets in the old city, the medina. The price "in the city" is often 5-10 times lower than the beach price. For example, for the cost of a small fruit basket (10 TND) on the market you can buy one kilogram of each of the names in it: peaches, plums, grapes ...

Paid and for free

Using umbrellas on the beaches of Tunisian hotels is always free, with sun beds and mattresses - free of charge in most cases .However, in inexpensive hotels, mattresses can cost 2 TND per day per person .Beach towels are usually provided for the deposit left at the reception (10 TND, returned after the towel at the end of the rest) .During the rest, beach towels can be changed at least every day in a special box on the beach or by the pool - just give the dirty and get in return clean .However, in some hotels towels are not given at all, but somewhere - for an additional fee of 1-2 TND per day - this point needs to be clarified when booking .The

The best beaches of Tunisia are the beaches of Hammamet and Mahdia, as well as a number of beaches of the island of Djerba.

"Wild" and city beaches of Tunisia

On the coast of Tunisia, many original, picturesque and absolutely deserted beaches .As a rule, this is a coastline between cities (for example, Hammamet and Suss), after the end of the resort area .On the shore there can be only small villages, and there can be nothing at all - olive plantations and a strip of sand .To get to such "blue lagoons", you will need to rent a car - public transportation is usually long and confusing .On the spot it's better not to overdo it.Despite the overall security of Tunisia, single girls should prefer a hotel beach, as they say, to avoid misunderstandings .The

The city beaches of Tunisia in the season (July-August) are usually densely "seated" by local numerous families with no less numerous children. Tunisians like to go to the sea for the whole day - from 9 am to 7 pm. Food is taken with them, they are placed under an umbrella brought from the house and dug into the sand. It's always noisy here, children play it, play ball, and the sea can not be called clean - so a visit to the city beach should be done except for the sake of exotics.

The best beaches of Tunisia

The best beaches of Tunisia are the beaches of Hammamet and Mahdia, as well as a number of beaches on the island of Djerba. In Sousse is not quite clean sea in the city, but in the Port El Kantaoui beaches are excellent. Monastir can not boast of perfect beaches; the nicest sites are in Skanes. In Gammarth, the beaches are quite good, but "looking" to the north often suffer from sea disturbances.