Immerse yourself in the cool waters of the Mediterranean Sea in the immediate vicinity of the once-destroyed Carthage, admire the beauty of the largest coral reef in North Africa, pass, or rather swim in the footsteps of Jacques-Yves Cousteau in search of Roman artifacts laden with artifacts, explore the underwater remains of World War II ships it can experience an amateur underwater beauties, who decided to go diving in Tunisia - $ .Let Tunisia and not included in the top ten of the world's must-dive destinations, but the available underwater attractions are enough to enthrall a novice and not too demanding a diver..The diversity of the seabed, where rocky areas alternate with white sandy expanses, the rich world of the flora and fauna of the southern Mediterranean, combined with a developed beach and beach infrastructure and divine dive prices - all this makes Tunisia a very attractive place for scuba diving..

Before a dive trip to Tunisia, do not forget to issue extended travel insurance.

Should I go for scuba diving in Tunisia?

Let's answer briefly: yes, if you want to spend a good time in diving, if you do not have clear requirements for an extensive list of representatives of underwater life and if you are an adherent of the budget variant of diving, and in general travel .In addition, diving in Tunisia is what you need if you can not yet rank yourself as a scuba diving fan, but just want to try .Even if this activity is not pleasant to you, there will always be something to do "on land" - to relax on the beach and go on interesting and various excursions .

Let Tunisia and not included in the top ten of the world's must-dive destinations, but the available underwater attractions are enough to enthrall a beginner and not too demanding a diver.

Where to dive and what to see

The length of the coastline of Tunisia is 1250 km, during which it will not be difficult to find a place for diving to your liking.

North coast

The most famous among the divers the northern coast of the country - from Tabarka to Bizerta - is a rocky coastline (and as a result very pure water even at great depth), a lot of underwater grottoes, in which there is just an astronomical amount of underwater animals, long corridors and tunnels .In addition, there is the largest in the Mediterranean Sea coral reef - it stretches for 300 km along the coast of Tabarka .In addition to the corals themselves and all kinds of cute "near-root" flora and fauna, you can see pike-perch, dub and sea bream, eels and octopuses, barabules, squids and shrimps, grupers, tuna of all sizes - from 50 cm young to giants weighing 200 kg .

To admire the underwater beauty and at the same time feel the spirit of Tunisian life, it is worth to swim to the reef along with the coral catchers. Their catch will then be used in the jewelry industry - Tabarka is famous for the whole of Tunisia with wonderful coral ornaments.

Another popular dive site in the outskirts of Tabarka is the La Galith archipelago, consisting of 6 islands and located 60 km from the coast .In the coastal waters of the archipelago fishing is prohibited, so there is a crazy variety of cold-blooded life .In addition, here you can admire an interesting seabed - La Galith - the only archipelago in Tunisia, formed under the influence of volcanic activity .Another subject of interest is the merchant ship sunk in 1958 .In addition, rare monk seals live here .Dive tours to the archipelago are usually offered for 3 days .

Diving in Tunisia, Sousse

Peninsula of Cap Bon

The peninsula of Cap Bon has a predominantly rocky coastline, but along its length there are vast sections of sandy bottom. This region is ideal for beginners scuba diving: the depth is small and the bottom is shallow. At the same time, sea life is no less diverse than in the north - doradas, meadows, morays, perches and various mollusks. More experienced divers will be interested in visiting several racks.

East coast coast

Coastal expanses of the Sahel region - from Hammamet to Sfax - where the popular resorts of Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir and Mahdia are located is mostly a sandy coast with a gentle descent into the water and depths from 5 to 20 m, rare rocky areas (as, for example, in neighborhoods of Monastir and Cape Africa), as well as several islands at a small distance from the coast, where it is so convenient to observe the shallow fauna, not frightened by crowds of splashing tourists..Marine life literally boils just a few meters from the shore, which makes this region an attractive place and for fans to swim with a mask and snorkel .Among other things, here you can see reefs and grottoes, see sea stars, sea urchins, sponges and a variety of algae .Near the coast of Mahdia, there are several racks of World War II, including even the remnants of a military helicopter .

The coastal waters of Mahdia are known for the fact that it was here that the great Cousteau discovered the flooded ancient Galleon, which transported numerous artifacts now exhibited in the National Museum of Bardo - marble statues, magnificent specimens of forging and coining (including masterpiece Hercules "under the fly", amusing, so to speak , with itself).
On the northern coast of the country, in the Tabarka area, is the largest in the Mediterranean Sea coral reef - it stretches for 300 km

Djerba Island

The island of the Djerba lotophages, separated from the continent by only 2 km, offers to the attention of divers a gently sloping sandy bottom from the inside and a depth of 20 to 40 m with the outside .Marine flora and fauna are as diverse here, especially when entering the open sea off the east and northeast coasts - by estimates, as many as 86 types of cold-blooded .The underwater world of Djerba is quite different from the continental one - here you can see entire gardens of gorgonians, observe the skylessly floating rays and even, perhaps, meet a hammer fish .Away from the shore, there are also several sunken ships .

Underwater world off the coast of Mahdia

Cost of

Prices for diving in Tunisia are more than acceptable: boat trips to the open sea and free diving are valued at between 15 EUR .A half-hour boat trip on the selected dive site will cost approximately 30 EUR, a night swim - around 40 EUR .Also often offered courses from 5-6 and 10 dives at a price of about 150 EUR and 250 EUR, respectively .There is also a week-long version of intensive diving: two per day plus one night - costing about 250-300 EUR .Training from scratch to the simplest CMAS certificate (2 theoretical classes and 5 dives) will cost about 200 EUR .

Tunisian dive centers mainly offer CMAS training.

Dive centers

In Tunisia, about 20 dive centers certified by the Tunisian Federation of Underwater Activities (FAST), as well as diving centers operating at hotels .Even diving centers not accredited by the federation are completely reliable, as the hotel administration very carefully approaches the choice of "service providers" - after all, in case of what to be responsible for an injury or an accident with a tourist will have it .Of course, inquiring about the documents and certificates of the center will never be redundant .In general, to find an office to your liking will not be difficult in any resort - from Tabarka to Djerba .

Hammamet coastline Diving in Tunisia - $
Kerkenna Islands, Tunisia Diving in Tunisia - $
Kerkenna Islands at sunset, Tunisia Diving in Tunisia - $

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