Thalassotherapy is the main reason why most tourists travel to Tunisia in the winter .Thalassotherapy programs here are great: "general improvement", pre-and postnatal programs, arthrosis treatment, "anti-stress", foot health programs, "anti-rheumatism", programs for those who want to quit, postoperative course, post-traumatic course, course to improve blood circulation, course "refined silhouette", a course from back pain, cosmetic course .The average age of patients in any center is about 40 .True, among them there is one small number - quite young girls who go here to harry cellulite, sleep, tidy the skin and generally build up .

The abundance of thalassotherapy programs will allow you to choose a course to suit any tourist.
Thalassotherapy in Tunisia - $
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In Tunisia, freshly harvested marine mud is widely used. In fact, this is a big rarity: usually in the centers of thalassotherapy use the "packaged" mud of famous cosmetic brands, which you can buy in Moscow. But in Tunisia, the therapeutic mud is the freshest - it comes directly through a pipe, taken out to the sea.

Such pipes for the intake of sea water, stretching from hotels to the sea, often embarrass tourists, forcing us to think about secret draining of sewage into the azure waters of the Mediterranean. Dispute suspicion: the pipes in the thalassocenter come clean sea water from a distance of about half a kilometer from the shore and 8-10 meters depth.

Usually the procedure is 3-4 times a day, a week course is enough. It is best to start "doing thalasso" from 12 o'clock (when the sun is dangerous) and spend up to four days in the center. By the way, doctors advise after the procedures to take a horizontal position and go to bed early. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that a rare man will endure a whole week of such "sanatorium treatment."

In Tunisia, only fresh products are widely used - the mud was still lying on the bottom of the sea yesterday, and the sea water for the procedures goes to the center on-line - through a pipe far out to sea.

Thalassotherapy centers

The main thalassotherapy centers in Hammamet: Bio Azur (with the hotel complex Royal Azur 5 * - Sol Azur 4 * - Bel Azur 3 *), Thalassa Palace Nahrawess Center (at the hotel Nahrawess 4 *), Vital Center Thalgo (at the Karthago Hammamet 5 * ), as well as centers for hotels Hasdrubal Thalassa 5 * De Luxe, Rio Park El Kebir 4 *, Aziza 4 *, Iberostar Solaria 5 *, Iberostar Belisaire 4 *, Vincci Lella Baya 4 *.

Sousse: Hasdrubal Thalassa & SPA 4 * (Port El Kantaoui), Abou Nawas Bou Jaafar Center (at Abou Nawas Bou Jaafar 4 *), El Mouradi Palace 5 *, Karthago El Ksar 4 *.

In Monastir: Image Health Center (at the Skanes Beach LTI 4 * hotel), the center of the Royal Miramar Talassa hotel is 5 *.

Mahdia: centers for hotels Mahdia Palace Thalasso 5 *, Thalassa Mahdia 4 *, Vincci Nour Palace 5 *.

On the island of Djerba: centers for hotels Hasdrubal Thalassa 5 *, Yadis Thalassa 4 *, Athenee Thalassa 5 *, Ulysse Palace 5 *, Vital Center Thalgo 4 *.

Pool Room Hasdrubal Sousse 4 Thalassotherapy in Tunisia - $
Pool Riu Palace Hammamet Marhaba 5 Thalassotherapy in Tunisia - $
Belvedere Park in Tunisia - $ Thalassotherapy in Tunisia - $
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