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Reviews experts about the hotels of Tunisia

 Tunisia hotels
Aleksandra Azarova
The general level of the Tunisian hotel base is slightly lower than that of the competitors on the beach and the sea - Egypt and Turkey .There are not many new hotels, most of them were built in the 90s . Renovation is usually done selectively and not completely - only in exceptional cases hotels are closed for a complete renovation . Renovation of the hotel room is usually expressed in cosmetic works, furniture, interior decorating and t . p . Strictly speaking, Tunisian hotels can be safely written off at least half a star in comparison with European standards, and often - and with a full star .
The official category of the hotel is assigned by the Ministry ministries of Tourism of Tunisia. To get the coveted stars, the hotel must provide services on a specific list, have the right number of restaurants, the pool of the desired area ... - in short, formally meet the official requirements. So two hotels of the same category often differ very much - for a variety of food, interior refinement, paid and free services, beachfront prizes, beach quality, etc.

Hotel categories and what to expect from them

Very high-quality modern "fencers" in the country - by 2-3 hotels in each resort; in the mass of its five-star hotels offer good service, convenient territory and direct access to the sea - nothing more. Quality four-star hotels do not differ much from the majority of "fencers", and they are not much cheaper - so it often makes sense to pay a little and not to deny yourself the pleasure, say, to swim in the basin not with ordinary but with sea water.

Strictly speaking, Tunisian hotels can be safely written off at least half a star in comparison with European standards, and often with a full star.

Tunisian hotels of the category "three stars" are oriented, as a rule, to mass tourism and work on the system " all included. " In the general mass of "treshkas" there are hidden pearls, where for a moderate fee to a tourist they will be treated like their own - but here, as they say, places need to know.

A distinctive feature of some three-star hotels built in the 70-80s (and as a consequence, small, slightly dilapidated and without special amenities) - a wonderful area. In those days, land on the coast was worth negligible, and far-sighted hoteliers preferred not to save on square meters. Today, the extensive, well-tended gardens of these hotels are the envy of many pompous "fencers."

"Dvushki" in Tunisia tourists are practically not offered - usually an "one-night option" for local people and poor neighbors, Algerians and Libyans. Basically, these are city, not beach hotels.

Another option of accommodation in Tunisia, interesting rather to individual tourists and soulful travelers - the so-called hôtels de charme, small cozy boutique hotels with 10-15 rooms located in authentic and For example, in Sidi Bou Said, Carthage, in the towns of Djerba Island, in Matmata, in the old neighborhoods of resort towns . As a rule, such "charm hotels" are owned by a Tunisian family (sometimes it's a converted family house or part of the house) . Here the house reigns The mistress herself cooks breakfast and watches that the guests do not need anything . Of course, in "charm hotels" there will not be a spacious pool and noisy discos, but there is an opportunity to enjoy home comfort and feel the true atmosphere of the family Tunisia . @ However, sometimes exceptional options are also offered - for example, a walk on a yacht belonging to hotel owners, or mastering the subtleties of Tunisian cuisine under the guidance of Madam Managing Director .

Some words about all inclusive

Tunisian all inclusive is not always if so can but to say, includes all . In other words, it's better not to focus on the Turkish or Egyptian option, in which "all inclusive" really means free use of everything that only is in the hotel and in general, all the pleasures on a wide scale . In hotels Tunisia variations of all inclusive is great, and it is better to specify in advance which type of food and what services will be free and which will require additional costs . Here are some of the most common features of the Tunisian "all inclusive":

  • three or four meals a day. Do not expect that the hotel restaurant will be open almost day and night - the time for breakfasts, lunches and dinners is clearly established. Some hotels offer a "night snack" until 2 am. Barbecue on the beach, where grilled fish and seafood are served, as well as additional bars and a la carte restaurants may not be included in all inclusive.
  • alcoholic drinks can both be included in the concept and be offered at an additional cost. Non-alcoholic drinks are always free. In some hotels, there is a waiting system between alcohol orders (according to the barcode of the all inclusive bracelet, 5-7 minutes).
  • the hotel's spa services, as a rule, will require additional payment. This always applies to balneotherapy and thalassotherapy, and is often applicable to hammam-sauna-massage. However, there are hotels offering to sweat in the hammam for free. However, in this case for additional services - wraps, massage, etc. - most likely will be asked to pay.
  • umbrellas, sun beds and mattresses are included in all inclusive, but for beach towels often charge a fee (1-2 TND per day) or, at best, take a 10 TND deposit when returning from the hotel.
  • sports events on site, as well as other types of "cultural enlightenment", such as animation, mini club, water aerobics, etc. are always provided free of charge. In contrast, water sports on the beach: parachuting, water skiing, jet skiing etc. are paid.

About "our" and "strangers"

It is certainly worth mentioning the possibility of passing to the hotel territory of the local population . This is strictly followed (or rather, they try to follow closely) in the "five", a little less assiduously - in the "fours" and are not at all worried about this fact in the "treshki" . At the same time, one must take into account the mentality of the local population, compassionate by nature its . So even in a five-star hotel you can not be sure that about some Tunisian ("I ask your mother's head, miss, I really need to talk with the girl ...") .

In the hotels of Tunisia there are a great variety of all inclusive variations, and it's better to specify in advance what type and which services will be free of charge, and which will require additional costs.

The same applies to the beaches Hotel . Do not be surprised if you have to sunbathe next to the Tunisians: as a rule, this is the case in three-star hotels . "four" and "five" more closely approach the this issue, but here lies in wait for another thing: in some decent "pyatizvozdochnikah" on the beach is officially allowed local - so to speak, the elite of society, come to the hotel to spend the money to eat in the restaurant and make use of the spa facilities (which is financially beneficial hoteliers) . Sometimes comes to the chicken There are no cases when there are not enough sun loungers and umbrellas for hotel guests - they are all occupied by the Tunisian "golden youth" . Summing up, you can say: you do not necessarily meet at a local hotel in Tunisia, but you can not exclude this opportunity .

Which resort to choose Tunisia

The most popular beach resorts in Tunisia are located on the east coast of the country . In order from north to south is Hammamet (plus tourist area of ​​Yasmine Hammamet) and Nabeul, Sousse (plus tourist area of ​​Port el Kantaoui) , Monastir (plus the tourist area Skanes), Ma as well as the southern island of Djerba, separated by a couple of kilometers from the mainland, with several tourist zones - on the north, northeast and east coasts . In addition, on the northern coast of Tunisia there is a small resort town of Tabarka; rest in Gammarth suburb of the capital and the resort village of Korba in the neighborhood of Nabeul . only therapeutic thermal spa Hammam Bourguiba also has a couple of options for placing .

  • Hammamet should prefer lovers respectable rest as "homebody," so and party-goers - there are a very large number of accommodation options: from luxurious "fencers" with thalassocenter and quality five-star hotels of world famous chains to solid "quads" and "treshkas" all inclusive. Among the advantages of this resort are picturesque green landscapes, a separate tourist area of ​​Yasmin, where everything is given to tourists, a huge number of restaurants and discos. The sea and beaches in Hammamet are wonderful.
  • Sousse is a more democratic resort compared to Hammamet, although here it will not be difficult to find a respectable "five", despite the fact that most of the hotels are 3-4-star. It's more noisy, fun and crowded, and the public, so to speak, is more simple and "intertogether". By the number of restaurants and discos, Sousse is not inferior to Hammamet, but in the air there is a reckless atmosphere of not always expensive burning of life, rather than a fleur carpe diem. The sea is a bit inferior to Hammamet and Mahdia, and the beaches are more resting.
  • Monastir is a cross between the noisy Suss and the quiet Mahdia. Located in the hotels of the resort, you can combine a peaceful pastime with a splash of waves with trips to the "riot" in the neighboring Suss (10 km). Here is a good "excursion" on the site - several significant medieval buildings, museums and a luxurious mausoleum of the country's first president. Cons - almost no entertainment in walking distance from hotels, they will have to get to a taxi. The sea is quite decent, but not outstanding.
  • Mahdia is a nice little town, which stands apart from other resorts. It is very quiet, very few hotels and almost no "weekend" options - for a couple of discos and restaurants for the whole resort. From the pluses - the opportunity to enjoy nature in relative privacy, taste the thalassotherapy courses and observe the authentic leisurely life of local residents. The sea and beaches are considered to be the best in the country.
  • Djerba is the southernmost resort (more precisely, the resorts of Tunis), where it is always slightly warmer than on the mainland . The island is interesting by some kind of "extraterrestrial" - everything from landscapes to local garments and the way of life here is quite different than on the continent . Rest here is enough solitary, measured and noisy . Many hotels with thalassocenter . In general, here you can find all the options for accommodation . The proximity to the beauties of the Tunisian south draws here active travelers . Among other things, and and the island has many interesting attractions and museums, an amusement park and even a crocodile farm . sea and the beach is traditionally sung songs of praise, but there is no doubt as a magnificent stretch of coastline and a very mediocre beaches .
  • Nabeul can be recommended to budget tourists without special requirements for accommodation and services. At the same time, the resort is not so much fun, so you only need to tune into hotel games. But with all the proximity to the boiling spa life of Hammamet, it is quite secluded here even in the high season. Most hotels are "treshki" and a few "four" without fanaticism in satisfying the customers. The sea is quite decent, there are very high quality beaches.
  • Gammarth-picturesque suburb of the capital with magnificent hotels . The local beauties - green hills, steeply descending to the sea, built up by rich villas . Gammarth, as a rule, tourists are chosen who are equally interested in respectable beach rest, beautiful "rough-sea" species (forests, rocks and foam surf), sights - Carthage and Sidi Bou Said, only 6 km and proximity to the metropolitan twist . There are modern thalassocenter as well as all the entertainment table sourced from the rest of Tunisia sushi restaurants to the boutique Max Mara in the elite area of ​​Le-Berge-du-Lac . The sea is more contemplative, often troubled, but very beautiful . Hotels, of course, have quality sandy beaches .
  • Tabarka is the westernmost enclave of the north-Tonis coast, a quiet resort village, the number of hotels does not exceed a dozen. . Here there are exceptionally picturesque green surroundings: coniferous forests, hills and plateaus, a beautiful rocky coast with sandy areas and abundant opportunities for diving , the good is here is a 300-kilometer coral reef . Here it makes sense to go to the fans of a secluded holiday with average requirements for comfort and practically without any requirements for entertainment . Sea ry clean and beautiful, but a little cooler than on the east coast, and often hectic .
  • Korba - "appendage" to the fair copy, which is the only tourist hotel in Africa Jade. There is absolutely nothing to do behind the territory of the hotel, but in the hotel itself they try to entertain guests as much as possible. A lot of attention is paid to children, which will be appreciated by families with the youngest. Even here they like to come to retirees and those who absolutely do not need an exuberant vacation "exhaustion". The sea is quite decent and, given the absence of bathers around - very clean.