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Tunisia is always striving to return the former tourist flow and rival competitors in the warm and inexpensive sea, and on December 1, 2014 introduced pleasant changes in the migration policy .Russian tourists can now visit this country without a visa for up to 90 days .The only condition - the validity of the passport must be at least 3 months at the date of entry .But those who plan to stay longer in Tunisia will have to apply for a visa to the Tunisian Embassy in Moscow..The package of documents is standard, the visa fee is quite "up" - 1800 RUB .

When leaving Tunisia, a tax of 30 TND is levied. A special brand must be purchased in advance at the reception of the hotel or immediately before departure at the ticket office of any bank in the departure hall, before passing the passport control. A border service officer pastes a stamp in his passport and puts an exit stamp.

Entry into the country is

For citizens of Russia a visa is not required in Tunisia. The entry stamp is placed on arrival at the airport. An immigration card is also filled in. On arrival, you must present a passport, the expiration date of which expires no earlier than 3 months, counting from the date of entry into the country.

For children who were fortunate enough to have a rest without their parents (as part of a children's group, with distant relatives, friends of parents, etc.), a notarized power of attorney from the parents must be sent to the accompanying person.

Of all the CIS countries, only citizens of Armenia are required to issue a Tunisian visa.

Visa to Tunisia - $
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Schengen visa for a year at the super price in rubles !!!
Schengen to the inhabitants of Crimea with a guarantee.
Urgent visa for 1 day. Visas with a guarantee after failure.
Multivision for 1-5 years with 100% guarantee. Visas to citizens of the CIS countries.
Agencies special prices on request. We work with all regions of the Russian Federation.
(495) 223-84-29, 223-84-25 •
Visa to Tunisia - $ - registration of visas Online and in the office!
Visa processing in the UAE and Singapore. Urgently. On-line: without presence and in the office. Price from 3 200 rub. Term from 1 day. Required documents:
Passport and photo. Guaranteed. Tourist invitations to Russia.
Complicated cases, work with refuseniks.
(499) 714-54-74, (812) 715-20-61 •
Visa to Tunisia - $
Euro-resident - visa and immigration service for 5+!
Visas are urgent! Visa for a year for 3h! Complicated cases, guarantee! Visas Schengen from 3 300 rub. Bulgaria 2,200 rubles., The United States, Great Britain from 2,500 rubles., United Arab Emirates for 1 day 9,000 rubles. and for 3d 7 200 rubles.
Passport passport, 2-nd passport, urgently (from 2 days). Visas to Russia from 1 000 rub. Also: residence permit and permanent residence in the EU from 1,500 EUR.
(495) 665-02-60 •
Visa to Tunisia - $
"Delta Visa" - a visa is guaranteed!
Annual Schengen from 130 EUR! Multivision for 1 year, 3 and 5 years. In a clean passport! Visas from 2 500 rub. without the presence in Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, the United States, Great Britain, the countries of Asia, etc. Passports. Invitations to the Russian Federation. Help refuseniks. We work with regions.
(499) 922-66-30, (495) 621-26-01 •
Visa to Tunisia - $
VisaMoscow - visa service at the highest level!
Professional registration of visas: visas to France, Italy, Greece, Spain and other Schengen countries, urgent Schengen visas, visas to the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. Promotions and discounts for visas: children free of charge or insurance as a gift. Office in the center of Moscow, we work 6 days a week.
(495) 664-97-06, 789-02-09 •
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Visa processing at the consulate

To apply for a visa at a private invitation or a multiple entry or transit visa to the consular section of the Tunisian Embassy in Moscow, you must submit the following documents:

  • valid passport (the validity of the passport must exceed the period of stay in the country);
  • a copy of the first page of the passport with personal data of the applicant;
  • 1 black and white or color photo 3x4 cm;
  • 1 questionnaire in English or French, which can be filled directly at the consulate;
  • invitation (original or fax) or hotel booking confirmation for the entire period of the trip, printing from the Internet is allowed.

The consular fee is 1800 RUB, paid at the consular department at the filing of documents.

Reception of documents is carried out from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 15:00, issuance of ready visas - from 12:00 to 15:00. There is no preliminary record. The time required for visa processing by the consular department is usually from 3 to 7 days.

The visa is valid for entry within 1 month from the date of issue at the consulate. The term of stay in the country is from 30 to 90 days, in practice the Embassy issues visas under the term of travel and extremely reluctantly visas for a period of more than 30 days.

Embassy of Tunisia in Russia

address: 121069, Moscow, ul. M. Nikitskaya, 28/1
phone / fax: (495) 691-28-58, 691-28-69, 691-62-23, 691-75-88

Visa-free flight July 22, 2014

Flew savages (without a travel agency). Tickets, hotel reservations and transfers bought with his wife themselves through the Internet. We flew from Astrakhan to Tunis via Istanbul (arrival of Sabiha departure Atatürk). They wanted through a travel agency from Volgograd, but did not have time and therefore had to do everything themselves. Most worried about the entry into the country, tk. only at the last moment they found out that it would seem that if you fly through another country, you need a visa. I even called the embassy of Tunisia in Moscow and there is a woman in pretty tough ... Read the whole review