In the passport, a visa to the United States is fixed until December 2015, and the passport ends in August 2013. Will it be possible to somehow use this visa?

Responds Andrey Prischepov, head of the US and Canada department of the Russian Express company, $
An open US visa should not be transferred to a new passport. On subsequent trips to the US, you need to bring a new passport + old passport with a valid US visa.
Responds Oksana Blida, company Unex
According to official requirements of the US Embassy, ​​to enter the country you need a foreign passport with a validity of at least six months from the date of the beginning of the expected period of stay in the United States. In order not to risk, I would advise you to issue a new foreign passport and keep the old one. Thus, having an old passport with an American visa and a new valid passport, you can easily enter the US and use the American visa without having to re-register it.

May 14, 2013

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