Ancient Egypt is a favorite place of rest for our compatriots, and neither the accidents of tourist buses, nor cannibal sharks, nor even the revolution can frighten the cheerful Russians, firmly convinced: where there is nothing to wish for in the warm sea in winter!

Tourism in Egypt - almost the main income item, because the sights are known to everyone from the school bench: the pyramids of ancient pharaohs, the impressive Sphinx, the unique Luxor ... Divers around the world respect the underwater beauty of the Mediterranean and Red Seas, and everyone else knows - when the organization of beach holidays is of such quality, and even works all year round, there is simply no need to doubt the choice of a holiday destination!

The year-round demand of tour operators for flights to Egypt could not but affect the offer, and as a result, the lion's share of flights departing for Cairo, Hurghada, Sharm-el-Sheikh from Russian cities, mostly work for Russians.

Naturally, inflating ticket prices in such conditions makes no sense, and many airlines try to join this stream of tourists. Among the carriers that organize flights to the country of the pyramids are Emirates, Qatar Airways, Aegean, Turkish Airlines, Etihad and many others.

However, one should take into account that there are almost no direct flights to Cairo, and if the transfer in Europe is not satisfied, tickets are better to book in advance . With Hurghada the situation is not much better - direct flights are organized mainly by Transaero, and tickets for them are also better to book in advance (we are not talking about charter flights now, but about regular flights) . This is one of the most accessible offers, besides the promising flight duration of his four and a half hour - it is no wonder that tickets diverge like hot cakes! Flight to Sharm el-Sheikh will cost a little more, direct flights there organize by Aeroflot and China Eastern .Please note that you have to spend almost nine hours on the way, plan your time according to this schedule .

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Air tickets in Egypt for the New Year. "