Israel can boast a well-deserved year-round popularity: some go here to immerse themselves in ancient history, others - to correct the shattered nerves in the healing expanses of the Dead Sea (which, by the way, is not very much immersed, too dense water due to salt), the third - to sink into general anesthesia on the operating tables of the best doctors, the fourth - again to dive, but already in the Red Sea, with scuba diving, the fifth - to spend a vacation on the beach, as you already guessed, plunging into blissful doing nothing - $ . Yes, a little do not forget: young people often go to Israel yet and then, in order to properly retreat to the carbon monotonous parties in the local nightclubs, plunging into the rhythms of fashionable music and fragrant smoke clubs .

Two issues that are not worth it before Russian tourists in Israel - the issue of the language barrier (almost a quarter of the country's population speaks Russian fluently) and the issue of services (here everything is clear - in hotels of any level and on excursions), not so long ago one more visa was added autumn 2008 visa for entry to Israel to citizens of R F is not needed.)

The most difficult thing is to write about what everyone already knows. Israel is very close to Russia: there were many here, and the rest here have relatives or acquaintances. Those who can afford it, visit holy places in Israel. Other, no less wealthy tourists, go to Eilat or on the coast of the Dead Sea. But, apart from the rich program for visitors that our country has to offer, there is also the simple routine of Russian Israelis.
Lyudmila Lapinskaya
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The capital is Jerusalem (Jerusalem).
Major cities and resorts in Israel: Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Nazareth, Tzfat, Hevron.
The main resorts on the seas of Israel: Herzliya, Caesarea, Eilat, Hamat Gader and Arad.

Details on when to go to Israel and what to do on the spot are told on the page tours to Israel.


  • 1 How to get to Israel?
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Israel
  • 2 Visa to Israel
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Phone Numbers
  • 5 Transport Israel
  • 6 Rent a car in Israel
    • 6.1 Israel Auto Rentals with Best Price guarantee $ $
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 The climate of Israel is
  • 9 Israel hotels - $
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Israel at the best price
  • 10 Banks and exchange points
  • 11 Shopping and shops in Israel
  • 12 Kitchen and restaurants
    • 12.1 Kosher cuisine
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Landmarks in Israel
  • 14 Excursion programs "Cascade"
    • 14.1 We also recommend

How to get to Israel?

Daily scheduled flights Moscow - Tel Aviv are performed by El Al and Transaero, the flight time is about 4 hours. Israir operates charter flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv and Eilat, and Arkia to Tel Aviv. Aeroflot flies from Moscow to Tel Aviv (only in winter) and to Ewat Airport Uvda located 50 km from Eilat, while flights from Ross and El Al fly from St. Petersburg to Tel Aviv. There are also direct flights to Donavia from Rostov-on-Don.

Passengers from Belarus to Israel carry Belavia and El Al. "International airlines of Ukraine" and El Al fly to Tel Aviv from Kiev.

Check before landing on the flight El Al - abruptly than at the entrance to the office to the president. This is both dignity (security!), And the company's lack - many passengers are unhappy with such strict control and questions from the category "How many sexual partners did you have? »
  • How to get from Moscow to Israel?
  • Are there flights to Israel from St. Petersburg?
  • Are there any direct flights from Russian regions to Israel?
  • How to get from Moscow to Tel Aviv?
  • Is there wifi in Israel airports?

Search airfares to Israel

Visa to Israel

Russian citizens can visit Israel without a visa if the period of travel does not exceed 90 days.

  • Do citizens of Russia need a visa to Israel?


It is duty-free to import 250 cigarettes or 250 g of tobacco, up to a liter of spirits, up to 2 liters of wine, up to 250 g of cologne or perfume, gifts worth not more than 200 USD (including up to 3 kg of food), as well as personal items use. Import of foreign currency is not limited. Weapons, drugs, pornography and any materials that can offend the religion and national self-consciousness of Israelis are prohibited to import.

Some items of personal use (video equipment, snorkeling equipment, hand tools) are levied on the border by a customs deposit. A deposit is returned if these items are displayed at the customs office when you leave the country.

Antiques can only be removed if there is permission from the local culture management.

  • How much can you bring alcohol and tobacco products to Israel?
  • Can I import medicines from Israel for patients with bronchial asthma to Israel? $
  • The minimum amount of money to confirm the solvency at the entrance to Israel is
  • Rules of importing a video camera and a laptop into Israel
  • How much alcohol can you take out of Israel?
  • Is it possible to take a laptop in Israel

Phone Numbers

Embassy of Israel in Moscow: st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 56; tel .: (495) 660-27-00, fax: 660-27-68

The Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv: 120, Hayarkon str .; tel .: (3) 529-06-91, 522-67-44; website

Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Tel Aviv: 1, Rehov Ben-Ehuda; tel .: (3) 510-10-20, 510-70-88

The Consulate-General of the Russian Federation in Haifa: Halonot Ha-City, Pal Yam avenue, 2; (4) 866-75-56; website

Police: 100, ambulance: 101, fire service: 102, city information service: 106

Tourist police in Jerusalem: 539-12-54

Inquiries about telephone numbers in Israel: 144 (free of charge from a payphone)

  • How to call in Israel from $ ±​​$

Maps of Israel

Transport Israel

It is very convenient for Israel to travel by train: they go often, the schedule is observed strictly, the speed is high. The only downside - in the country there is only one main line with several branches, as well as the suburban system of Tel Aviv. There is one subway line in Haifa.

In addition, the country can also travel by bus. They regularly ply in all directions, but during religious holidays, as well as from Friday evening to Saturday evening, do not go. Everywhere there is air conditioning.

The main public transport is again a bus. The trip costs slightly more than a dollar (about 5 ILS), tickets are sold by the driver. City buses in Jerusalem run from 6:00 until midnight. True, most bus lines do not work in Shabbat (from sunset on Friday before sunset on Saturday) and on Jewish holidays.

Taxi (the only mode of transport working on Saturdays and holidays) costs about 3 ILS per km, plus 5 ILS per landing.

Great popularity in the country is enjoyed by "Sherout" shuttle buses (fare ~ 4, 5 ILS).

In Israel there are special tourist taxis run by guides registered in the Ministry of Tourism. On the doors of such cars is the emblem of the Ministry of Tourism (two people carrying a huge bunch of grapes). They can make a tour of the city and other areas of the country.

Rent a car in Israel

Car rental in the country is relatively inexpensive (compared to Europe), there are cars with manual gearbox. A car can be rented by anyone over the age of 21 who has a valid international driving license and a credit card. But gasoline, on the contrary, is quite expensive.

Traffic rules are very strict, all need to be fastened with seat belts, and children up to four years of age can only be transported on special seats. The border between Israel and the Palestinian territories in a rented car is better not to cross.

Israel Auto Rentals with Best Price guarantee $ $

Safety of tourists

According to Jewish traditions, Saturday ("Shabbat") starts from the moment of sunset on Friday and ends with the sunset on a Saturday .During this time, shops, many restaurants, some cinemas and other public places are closed .Public transport does not work either: you can go somewhere at this time only by taxi..Recommend tourists to respect the religious traditions of this day and not to call during the "Shabbat" in the religious neighborhoods of Jerusalem and other cities..This day should also refrain from smoking in public places - it can be perceived as an insult .

  • Do I need a medical insurance policy to travel to Israel?
Ancient Israel - $ Israel
Ancient Israel - $
Jerusalem, Israelhttp: // export = view & id = 1t6veZ2PSjXSfdTqBgnun5tZ0xOu1xjx0 Israel
Types of Jerusalem
Mediterranean Ashdod in sailboat Israel
Port Ashdod

The climate of Israel is

The climate in Israel, despite its not too large territory, is very diverse - from moderate to tropical, with lots of sunny days. From November to May, the rainy winter season lasts, the rest of the time - dry summer. Heavy rains fall in the north and in the center of the country, much less - in the northern Negev, and in the south they almost never happen.

On the coast - wet summer and mild winter, in mountainous regions - dry summers and in winter is relatively cold. In the Jordan Valley - hot dry summers and mild winters, in the Negev - a climate of semi-deserts.

If you meet on your way bakery, do not pass by. Baking in Israel is simply amazing: mini pizzas, pies with tuna, potatoes, spinach, cottage cheese, and about eastern sweets and say nothing. Real jam!

The swimming season in Israel continues all year round: in the summer they bathe in the Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of ​​Galilee (Kinneret), and in winter - in the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. The hottest months on the Dead Sea and in Eilat (Red Sea) are June, July and August. Average air / water temperature at this time is + 38 ° C / + 30 ° C.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and cities in Israel.

  • Is it very hot in Israel in the summer?
  • Is it possible to swim in the beach resorts of Israel in the winter? $
  • In which resort of Israel the calm sea, small waves and smooth entry

Israel hotels - $

Israeli hotels do not have a "star" classification: instead of it there is a system of "classes" .Since the country has a lot of hotels of different world "chains", their classification is determined by the tour operators themselves, based on their more or less objective estimates .This means that when choosing a hotel in Israel, one should focus not on the number of "stars" (this is a very conditional indicator), but on a specific list of services and room descriptions .However, the service in hotels is quite clear - computers do not "hang", linings and "overdrive" does not happen .

Those city hotels, which operators define as 4 *, usually do not have swimming pools, and in hotels of the "five-star" category, swimming pools are most often available. Both the "five" and "quartet" are usually pleased with spacious rooms. The food is good everywhere in Israel, but in the "five", of course, the menu is the richest.

The mains voltage in Israel is standard - 220 V. Most of the sockets have three contact inputs, but they are suitable for European appliances. For electric shavers, road irons and other small household electrical appliances, an adapter may be required. Buy it easy.

Hotels in Tel Aviv take a deposit from the guests. $ ±
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  • Do Israel offer apartment rentals? $

Book hotel in Israel at the best price

Banks and exchange points

The currency can be exchanged in any branch of the bank or in one of the many exchange offices (the latter, as a rule, do not take commissions). Most banks in the morning are open from 8:30 to 12:00 (Sunday to Thursday), and in the afternoon - from 16:00 to 18:00 (on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday). On the eve of the main Jewish holidays banks work from 8:30 to 12:00.

Almost everywhere you accept credit cards, you can withdraw money from numerous ATMs. In hotels and large shops, as a rule, you can pay with dollars, but you can give change in shekels.

  • What hours of work in the banks of Israel?
  • What is the currency in Israel?

Shopping and shops in Israel

Opening hours of shops and institutions: Sunday-Thursday 8: 30-13: 00 and 16: 00-19: 00, on Friday and on the eve of the holidays 9: 00-13: 00. The bazaars are closed with the onset of darkness. Trade establishments belonging to Muslims are closed on Fridays, and Christian institutions are closed on Sundays.

On Thursday evening, as well as on Sunday morning, buses and trains without special skills do not squeeze into. The reason is that the soldiers of the Israeli army are released home for the weekend.

Israel is famous for its jewelry industry, especially diamonds and gold ornaments .Still from the country it is possible to bring inexpensive and, at the same time, high-quality wines, oriental spices and spices, as well as cosmetic preparations based on the minerals of the Dead Sea .The most famous brands - Ahava, Sea of ​​Spa, Hlavin, Dead Sea Premier .In addition, local stores and pharmacies sell a lot of less known, but often very effective cosmetics - $ .A good choice is also available in duty-free shops at the takeoff of .In boutiques at the Dead Sea hospitals, you can buy serious medications: creams and ointments for the treatment of eczema, flat lichens and t .д .

A popular drugstore for Dead Sea Cosmetics is called "1 + 1": buying one product for its full cost, for the second (no more expensive than the first) you have to pay only 1 ILS.
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  • Should I bring cosmetics from the Dead Sea in Israel?
  • Is good quality cosmetics from Israel

Kitchen and restaurants

In Israel - a great variety of different restaurants: Chinese, Russian, French, Indian, Moroccan and then on the list. The menu is usually printed in Hebrew and in English. Portions, as a rule, are large, but they are also quite decent. Local beer "Macabi" is quite good to taste, but costs $ 80, even in a store, in Russian money.

From meat dishes, in which there are traditionally many spices and herbs, it is worth trying "meat in Hebrew" and "meorav yerushalmi" - a dish of four kinds of chicken meat. From vegetable dishes here it is worth trying a variety of salads, hummus, "falafel" (fried in oil pea beans, beans), cold beet soup, potato pancakes and fried zucchini. The most kosher desserts: "gogol-mogol", baked apples, pancakes, gingerbread with almonds.

Menu in Israeli restaurants is usually in Hebrew and in English.

Tipping in the cafe and restaurant - the standard 10% (sometimes they are already included in the bill). You can show generosity in a taxi, but not necessarily. It is also accepted to leave "for tea" to the driver of the sightseeing bus and guide.

Kosher cuisine

The main limitations of kosher cuisine are that pork and seafood dishes are not available as a class (although you can eat fish that have scales), and dairy and meat products are served strictly separately. Note that these restrictions do not make the local cuisine sufficiently diverse.

Journey through the Holy Land

Entertainment, Excursions and Landmarks in Israel

Nazareth is the sacred city of the Christian world, the place where the childhood of Christ passed. It houses the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation, the picturesque Orthodox Church of the Archangel Gabriel at the site of the fountain of the Virgin Mary, the Sepoporis National Park (the parental home of the Virgin Mary), the remains of Roman water tanks in which, according to the biblical legends, Jesus turned water into wine, as well as the ancient Jewish the city of Zippori with a fortress of the Crusaders and numerous archaeological sites.

No less famous for Bethlehem, the city in which Jesus was born lies south of Jerusalem. Its main attraction is the fortress-like church of the Nativity of Christ on the Piazzale Square with the grotto (cradle) of Christ, the cell and the tomb of Saint Jerome.

Haifa, the third largest city and the largest seaport of Israel, lies on the slopes of Mount Carmel. There is a Catholic monastery of the Order of the Carmelites, the Great Haifa Synagogue, the cave of Elijah the Prophet and the Baha'i Temple with its famous Persian Gardens and El Bach's Tomb.

The main attractions of Akko are "collected" in the old city. This is the citadel, the old fortress walls, the huge medieval city gates, the Burj El Sultan watchtower, the Al-Jazar Mosque, the St. Francis Monastery, the City of the Crusaders (the citadel of the Order of St. John), the building of the Turkish baths with the exposition of the city museum, the caravan -saray Khan el-Umdan, clock tower.

According to Jewish traditions, Saturday ("Shabbat") begins from the moment of sunset on Friday and ends with the sunset on Saturday. During this time, shops, many restaurants and other public places are closed. Public transportation does not work either.

Almost the entire territory of Caesarea is included in the national park of the same name. There is a lot of interesting: the oldest of the theaters found in Israel, the ruins of the "Palace on the reef", the amphitheater of King Herod, the fortified city-port of the Arab period, the ruins of the temple complex.

More about the sights of the country is told on the page of the sights of Israel.
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  • Where in Israel to find a guide
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  • How much are excursions to Jerusalem?
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  • How to dress for visiting the shrines of Israel

Excursion programs "Cascade"

These are guaranteed programs based on regular bus tours planned for a year ahead, intended for those who came to Israel on their own, and for organized tourists. All excursions are accompanied by Russian-speaking guides.

The main one-day excursions to Israel are eight: Jerusalem (three types of excursions), Galilee Christian (the Jordan River, Tiberias, Nazareth, etc.), the Dead Sea (two types of excursions), Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Caesarea-Haifa-Acre. Many days excursions are available in two versions: Eilat with rest on the Red Sea (from two days or more) and Northern Israel with living in "kibbutz" - local communes (up to three days).

Based on these ten basic routes and created "individual tours of the group price" - the program "Cascade" .By combining the excursions to your own taste, each tourist can make up for himself an individual holiday program in Israel lasting from a day to seven (or even longer) .The cost of it in this case will indeed be as a group .And since all excursions are conducted with a high frequency, a tourist can arrive in Israel almost at any convenient day for him .The cost will not depend on the number of people, and the level of hotels and the number of excursions the client will be able to choose himself .Such programs exist in the VIP-version - with more comfortable hotels, transfers and flights .

There are, of course, inconveniences. For example, in the morning it is necessary to be at a certain time in a certain place, and the group is quite large (about 50 people). But there are pluses: relative cheapness, acquaintance with new people, communication, excellent guides. Photos of Israel (484)

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