June 03, 2015 - June 05, 2015

Abu el-Haggag

 Holidays and Events in Egypt Egyptian Luxor is a real open-air museum. Thousands of tourists come here to see the numerous ancient monuments of architecture. Luxor is able to amaze even an inveterate traveler - so much is interesting here.

August 15, 2015 - August 30, 2015

Neil Spillage

 Egypt Holidays and Events The spilling of the Nile in ancient Egypt was one of the main holidays. The fact is that the river has always been the only source of fresh water in this arid region. The Nile spill was observed annually for 2 weeks, starting from August 15.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Egypt

 Holidays and Events in Egypt For many of us the New Year is certainly associated with mandarins , dressed up with a tree, snow and the unshakable "Irony of Fate" through all channels. But sometimes you want to change the usual scenario at least once, and spend New Year holidays in a hot country.

In Egypt, the calendar of holidays includes a lot of both secular and church dates. The Egyptians are a deeply religious people and can not imagine how it can be otherwise. Muslim and Christian holidays celebrated with great scope. No less important is attached to the concept of family and family values, and therefore celebrate memorable events, collecting all relatives.

On the New Year streets, shopping centers and hotels are decorated with artificial firs and pots with thujas. Natural Christmas trees are rare here, they are imported from Holland. Severe "frosts" reach plus 16 degrees, so in Egypt, even on New Year's Eve, many swim in the sea. And at the end of January comes the turn of Mawlid al-Nabi - the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Ceremonial religious ceremonies are accompanied by folk festivals.

On the holiday, tents decorated with flags appear on the streets where you can buy sugar figurines in the form of a prophet's bride with a paper fan and a rider with a saber.

On February 22 in Egypt, the Festival of the Sun, dedicated to the coronation of Pharaoh Ramses II . The temple erected in honor of the pharaoh is decorated with statues arranged so that the rising sun plays on the faces and figured elements, creating an amazing light image that happens only twice a year . For tourists this day they prepare entertainment with songs and dances . March 21 Egyptians celebrate Mother's Day . This day relatives and friends visit each other, turning the holiday into a solemn ceremony with the exchange of courtesies .

Labor Day 1 May can not do without numerous demonstrations on the streets of cities. And on the first Monday after Coptic Easter comes the most vivid and unique Egyptian holiday - Jam en Nessim - which means "floral fragrance". It is a holiday of spring and agricultural work. On this day, a festive table is laid with vegetables, fish and dyed eggs - a symbol of reincarnation. All Egyptians celebrate this holiday in the fresh air, go to the nature.

On the first Monday after the Coptic Easter comes the most vivid and unique Egyptian holiday - Jam en-Nessim - which means "floral fragrance", is a holiday of spring and agricultural works.
In Jam-en-Nessim the Egyptians are preparing a special dish - "fesih" - for which they pre-salt fish for several months. The secrets of cooking are passed down from generation to generation, and mistakes lead to frequent poisonings that day.

Mass celebrations are met with the National Day of Liberation from the aggression of England, France and Israel on October 23. On this day for the inhabitants and guests of Egypt organize numerous concerts and festivals. In late autumn, the country celebrates the New Year on Hijra. Muslims believe: as a person will spend the first month of the year, so will the rest. That's why they try to fast and observe religious customs.