The Ras Mohammed National Park, created in 1989, is designed to protect the wall of coral reefs that once conquered Jacques-Yves Cousteau from destruction. Now their beauty is admired by tourists visiting the "Head of Muhammad" - so translates the name of the reserve. Vivid impressions of diving or snorkeling in this national park are guaranteed.

How to get to Ras Mohammed


Despite the fact that the park is only 25 km from Sharm el-Sheikh, it is impossible to get there independently by public transport .The only way out, if you want a separate trip, take a taxi or rent a car .The trip takes about 30 .Taking a taxi, immediately stipulate how much you need to come to take back to the hotel .Option with car rental will be especially useful for those who want to stay in Ras Mohammed for the night .In the reserve there is a territory for camping, you can spend the night and again to admire the corals the next day .However, many tourists who rented a car, believe that finding a suitable company for choosing a vehicle, life rather complicate .If this does not frighten you, prepare to give $ 35-50 for a car per day, and remember that it's best to take a car with full insurance, and on the highway to be extremely careful: in Egypt, the rules of the road are peculiarly understood .

In the Ras Mohammed National Park Ras Mohammed
Corals of Ras Mohammed Park Ras Mohammed
Underwater World, Ras Mohammed Park Ras Mohammed

Search for air tickets to Sharm El Sheikh (the nearest a / p to Ras Mohammed)

During the excursion

The easiest way to get to Ras Mohammed is by taking a bus or sea tour from the tour operator. What to choose is up to you. Many prefer a trip overland to see the Gate of Allah (entrance to the reserve), mangrove grove, tectonic rift and other interesting places. Very convenient bus, if you are traveling with children: from the land it is more convenient to go into the water. Travel on it costs from 25-40 dollars from an adult and 15-25 dollars from a child. Often lunch is included in it.

Walking on a yacht is, of course, more impressive, but you should swim well to get to the reef, since some of the yachts do not approach the shore. Therefore, vacationers with young children, this option may not work. Worth an excursion from 50-65 dollars per person, equipment rental and tea drinks are paid separately.

When buying a tour on a yacht, ask the route. Some local guides carry tourists to the lighthouse area, to the edge of the reserve, then to catch the island of Tiran (Tiran). So you will not see all the beauties of the park and, although you will have a good time, you will be deprived of impressions. Choose the tested, best of their tour operators and make sure that the route indicated the southern tip of the peninsula!
The fare is indicated in June 2011. 

Underwater world of Ras Mohammed


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 24 + 23 + 25 + 27 + 29 + 32 + 35 + 36 + 32 + 30 + 27 + 24
night + 17 + 16 + 17 + 19 + 22 + 25 + 25 + 26 + 24 + 22 + 18 + 17
of water + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 28 + 27 + 26 + 24

Orientation and movement

Entrance and entry to the national park territory is paid, although the price is not high: take $ 5 per person and $ 5 per car .In the tourist center, located just off the main road, you can buy a guide to the reserve, however, in English .However, it is understandable even for those who do not know the language .The paths are marked with different colors, the signposts on the territory of Ras Mohammed are arranged in the proper quantity, so just check with them and the map and follow the chosen route .Of course, those who chose the bus tour do not need to think about the choice of the route, to major attractions and beaches they will be driven .

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Ras Mohammed

Be sure to admire the mangrove trees that have adapted to live in salt water, so that their roots are covered with a thick crust of dried salt .They look unattractive, but such a will to live causes respect? $ .Visit the Magical Gulf, the water in which competes with the Dead Sea in salinity .It is believed that the salt and mud of the therapeutic bay (the corresponding souvenirs are sold in the reserve), the water fulfills desires, if you manage to dive into it completely, with your head (yeah, try, salt persistently pushes back), and you can not take a magic place .Attractions are enough, just have time to look around .Then, it is possible to see the animals and birds that live in the reserve .

Ras Mohammed National Park - $

Diving in Ras Mohamed

Near some reefs of Ras Mohammed it is forbidden to swim with a mask and a tube because of strong undercurrents .Of course, the recommendations of local dive masers should be listened to .Coral reefs of the reserve are amazing: they are real seamounts, with a vast plateau and steep cliffs somewhere in the invisible gave .Whichever dive point you choose, the Eel Garden, Anemone City, just a flowering garden at a depth of 14 meters, the Yolanda Reef reef, the Shark Reef, the Shark Observatory Observatory) or one of the other amazing creations of nature, the underwater world of the park will stun you .

In order not to cut yourself, it's better to drop shod, and to see as many corals as possible among the corals, it's worth choosing for the diving the second half of the day, when the flow of tourists will hardly subside. Equipment can be rented here, in the reserve, or order a set for yourself when buying an excursion. Those who are immersed for the first time will receive a special certificate after that. And absolutely everyone who has been underwater in Ras Mohammed will see a fantastic and truly unique show.

Approaching Ras Mohammed, Egypthttp: // export = view & id = 1t2ogTJKiFznWuM3hNtcb7p25fctSbYM- Ras Mohammed
Approaching Ras Mohammed
Entrance to Ras Mohammed National Park Ras Mohammed
Entrance to Ras Mohammed National Park
Cracks after the earthquake in the park Ras Mohammed Ras Mohammed
Cracks after the earthquake
Diving in the Ras Mohammed Park Ras Mohammed
Diving in Ras Mohamed
Angel Fish, Ras Mohammed Park Ras Mohammed
Yellow-spotted cyclikht, Ras Mohammed park Ras Mohammed
Yellow-spotted cyclycle
Corals in the Ras Mohammed Park Ras Mohammed
Lionfish, Ras Mohammed park Ras Mohammed
Murena, Ras Mohammed park Ras Mohammed
Moray eels