Life, as you know, does not stand still, the borders between countries are blurred, it is becoming easier to organize travel, and now it is no longer difficult to dilute the recurring everyday life with new impressions and to get out for a weekend abroad..The nearest northern capital is Helsinki .Our compatriots have long appreciated not only the quality of recreation in this romantic city, but also the convenience of movement: by train from Moscow, you can get to Helsinki in 14 hours, and the road from St. Petersburg takes 3, 5 hours ±​​$ 3..Railway tours to the Finnish capital are simplified by other moments, for example, the passage of customs and passport control .

Our compatriots have long appreciated not only the quality of recreation in Helsinki, but also the convenience of movement: by train from Moscow, you can get to this romantic city in 14 hours, and the road from St. Petersburg takes 3, 5 hours.

Trains to Helsinki

From Russia to Helsinki modern trains run, in which there is everything to make your trip as pleasant as possible. Petersburg tourists are most convenient to use the services of high-speed train "Allegro", which every day departs on the route St. Petersburg - Helsinki. There are first and second class tickets available for sale, as well as places for travelers with pets.

The cost of tickets for the Allegro train depends on the time of the trip and the day of the week, the minimum price is only 39 EUR.

For Muscovites and guests of the capital - the night train "Leo Tolstoy" with the route Moscow-Helsinki, it departs daily from the Leningrad station and follows to the Finnish capital with stops in Petersburg (Ladozhsky railway station), as well as in Vyborg, Vainikkale, Kouvola, Lahti and other cities. In addition to ordinary cars, this train includes particularly comfortable cars and a garage car, for those who leave for Finland with their car.

Tickets for the Leo Tolstoy train cost from 85 EUR (departure station - Moscow) and 58 EUR (departure station - St. Petersburg).

Sightseeing program

Tours in Helsinki for the weekend - this is perhaps the most popular type of Finnish programs .The weekend tour schedule includes one or two sightseeing tours with a visit to all important sights of the capital (Senate Square with the Cathedral, the University and the State Council Palace, the Esplanade Boulevard, the Uspensky Orthodox Cathedral, the monument to Jan Sibelius, the Lutheran Church of Temppeliaukio and others..) .Also, tourists will be offered a variety of thematic excursions (gastronomic trip, city tour, trip to the fortress of Suomenlinna, fishing in Helsinki, a trip to the amusement park "Linnanmäki", a cruise through the canals of the Helsinki archipelago) .The cost of the tour lasts two days starting from 110 EUR (the price is indicated per person in double accommodation) .

If two days to get acquainted with the Finnish capital you think too little, go for a five-day trip, the minimum cost of which is 420 EUR. This includes the Moscow-Helsinki-Moscow train tickets on the Leo Tolstoy branded train, hotel accommodation and meals (breakfasts).

Combined tours in Helsinki by train

Tours with visits to several cities are very informative and exciting, such as a wagon and a small cart: Helsinki-Tampere, Helsinki-Turku, Helsinki-Stockholm, Helsinki-Porvoo, Helsinki-Turku-Porvoo , "First acquaintance: Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki". The tourist has a difficult task to get acquainted with their detailed programs and choose the most interesting option for taste and wallet. The minimum cost of combined tours is 150 EUR.

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours in Helsinki by train