The history of the railway connection between Moscow and Paris began as far back as the 19th century, trains traveled between the two capitals until 1994. Then, due to the low demand for this direction, the route was suspended and fully returned only after 17 years. Since 2007, Paris could be reached by a direct rail car, and the train Moscow-Berlin-Paris departed on December 12, 2011.

Since 2007 it was possible to get to Paris by a non-stop car, and December 12, 2011 the "Moscow-Berlin-Paris" train set off.

On the way to Paris

So, you planned a tour on the Moscow-Paris train, what are you going to do? It should be noted right away that this trip is not for those who are in a hurry: the road is 3200 km (until recently it was the longest trans-European railway route), the composition overcomes in 37 hours. On the way, the train passes through Belarus, Poland, Germany, and ends its flight in the French capital.

Passport and customs clearance are carried out directly on the train in the Belarusian city of Brest.

Train departs from the Belorussian station early in the morning three times a week, along the way he does not have many long stops: in Vyazma, Terespol and other cities, as well as in three capitals: Minsk, Warsaw and Berlin . A total of the train "Moscow-Paris »Two luxury cars, two first class, three second class, except this is the second-class staff car and restaurant car, which only goes to Brest, in Warsaw it is replaced by a similar car with European-standard wheels . High-end cars have been rebuilt taking into account the needs of VIP passengers, in each of them now not 11, but only 4 coupes with all the amenities and even your own buffet . All the other compartments are equipped with exactly the same: three soft seats, a table and a washbasin .

The cost of tickets for a train depends on the chosen class. The three-seat compartment of the second class will cost 780 EUR for adults and 550 EUR for children, the first-class coupe costs 1080 EUR for adults and 650 EUR for children, the luxury coupe costs from 2320 EUR (adult) and 1200 EUR (children's).

Sightseeing tour "Moscow - Paris by train" lasting 8 days / 7 nights will cost from 1150 EUR .The tour program includes a walking tour of the Latin Quarter with a visit to the Notre Dame Cathedral and the Luxembourg Gardens, a tour of the Montmartre area, a sightseeing bus tour of Paris .Additional longer excursions are also possible, including to Versailles and the Belgian city of Bruges .The cost of the tour includes railway transfer Moscow - Paris - Moscow, hotel accommodation, bus transfers, meals (breakfasts); a visa is paid separately (80 EUR, 40 EUR for children from 6 years old, children under age - free of charge), insurance (EUR 8 per person) .

Combined tours to Paris by train

Combined railway tours to Paris will fulfill the dream of many tourists going to Europe - to see (and photograph, of course) the maximum of sights in the minimum time interval .During the train "Disneyland Vacation", except for Paris and Disneyland, you will also visit Warsaw, Berlin, Rothenburg-on-Tauber and Prague (cost from 400 EUR + surcharge), the tour "Six Capitals" will acquaint you with Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Luxembourg and Prague (cost from 410 EUR + surcharge), and within the two-week tour "Paris + 6 days in Benelux" you will see more than 15 European cities (base price is 645 EUR) br>.

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to Paris by train