I want to go to Germany to a cousin. In Berlin, she has lived since June 2014 with her child in a rented apartment at a clinical hospital. Child treated for oncology. Tell me, please, how can I issue a Schengen visa if my sister does not send the invitation, but I do not have any friends in Germany.

Responds Yegor Emelyantsev, the Russian Express company, $ $

Apparently, your sister is in Germany as an accompanying child on the basis of a medical visa.

In this case, the only variant of the trip (if it is impossible to get a guest or business invitation from the hospital where the child is treated) is to issue a tourist visa on the basis of hotel reservations and purchase of air tickets.

You can submit your documents either independently, through the German Visa Center in Moscow, or through any travel agency.

Responds Anastasia Serebryakova, ClickVoyage company
In this case, you need to issue a tourist visa and book a hotel in which you will live 5-7 days. There are no other options, since your sister can not send you an invitation.

February 11, 2015

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