Syria - a land of biblical where Christianity is closely intertwined with Islam .Kilometers of eastern bazaars there smoothly pass into the ruins of great civilizations, the castles of the Crusaders offer a view of modern resorts and azure sea, while Christian shrines are carefully kept in mosques .The style of recreation in Syria is difficult to call beach: the rest at sea resorts, as a rule, only complements here "excursion" .Most travelers come here on sightseeing tours, less often - in religious or pilgrimage .Very often Syria's programs are combined with Lebanon and Jordan .

The capital city is Damascus, the largest cities are Aleppo, Hama, Homs.

The main seaside resort, Shatt al-Azraq (Cote d'Azur) is located in the vicinity of the main seaport of the country, Latakia.

A full list of the country's cities can be found on the city page and the resorts of Syria.


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Syria
  • 2 Syrian Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 Transport Syria
  • 6 Rent a car
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 The climate of Syria is
  • 9 Hotels in Syria
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Syria at the best price
  • 10 Money
  • 11 Shopping and shops in Syria
  • 12 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 13 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Syria
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get

Moscow and Damascus are connected by regular flights of Aeroflot (on Thursdays and Sundays from Sheremetyevo-2) and Syrian Airlines (on Tuesdays and Saturdays from Vnukovo). The flight time is approximately 3, 5 hours. Almost all European air carriers fly to the country. When leaving the country, a fee of 200 SYP is levied, from which children under the age of 10 and transit passengers are exempted.

Flights to Damascus from Almaty, Kiev and Minsk are carried out by Turkish Airlines.

Search for air tickets to Syria

Syrian Visa

To become a lucky holder of a visa to Syria, you can either directly on the border, or by submitting the necessary package of documents to the consulate of Syria in Moscow.


Import and export of foreign currency is limited to 5000 USD. If the dollar equivalent of the imported amount exceeds 2,000 USD, the money will have to be declared. Export of local currency is prohibited.

It is duty-free to import 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 50 cigarillos or 250 gr of tobacco, 0, 57 liters of alcoholic beverages, 30 grams of perfume for personal use, 0, 5 liters of lotion and 0, 5 liters of cologne, personal items, as well as gifts worth up to 250 SYP. It is forbidden to import weapons and ammunition, drugs, video and printed products that are contrary to the norms of Islam and threatening public order.

Audio, video, TV equipment and electronic devices (no more than one item of each type) must be entered in the customs declaration. The TV sets are filled with a special form. The rate of import of gold is 500 gr. The same amount of gold can be exported from the country, but at the same time it is necessary to show purchase receipts. Receipts are also needed for the export of carpets of machinery, antiques, household appliances, crystal, etc., from which, in the absence of a receipt, a tax of 10-25% of the value of the goods is levied.

It is not recommended to import things into the country, directly or indirectly indicating the visit to Israel. Unnecessary questions can cause even newspapers found in luggage from Israel, souvenirs with the symbols of the country or an innocent flag "I love Jerusalem."
Mysterious Syria

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Syria in Moscow: Mansurovsky per., 4; tel .: (495) 695-10-48, (499) 766-95-28

Embassy of Russia in Damascus: Omar Ben Al Khattab str., Adauwi; tel .: (11) 442-31-55, 442-31-56.

The Consulate General of Russia in Aleppo: El Mouhafazat, Aleppo, P. O. Box 1050; tel .: (21) 223-24-01

Tourist police: 222-00-00 (operator), "Red Cross": 442-16-00, the police (in Damascus): 112, an ambulance: 110

City codes: Damascus - 11, Aleppo - 21, Lattakia - 41, Tadmor - 31, Hama - 33, Homs - 31.

Transport Syria

The most popular type of transport in Syria - buses .The network of routes of the state company "Karnak" (differ in orange-white color) is very extensive and directly connects local cities, and also carries out flights to nearby countries .In addition to modern buses with such charms of civilization as air conditioning, along the roads of the country there are many old cars, minibuses and fixed-route taxis without it .Buses often have an unstable schedule, tied to the basic flow of passengers .Most buses outside the capital have route indicators only in Arabic .

The ticket can be purchased at the bus station (carage) or the driver. The fare is not high (about 3 SYP when traveling through the whole city), but buses are often crowded. Tickets for intercity buses are ridiculously cheap - for 1 USD you can drive a hundred kilometers. For comparison: a ticket for a VIP bus from Damascus to Aleppo costs 175 SYP (3, 5 USD), and for "national" - 1 USD. "Expensive" buses are always air conditioned and have free drinks on board, and in some firms even on long-haul flights.

Alternative to buses - shuttle service "service", the fare in which is about 5 SYP. He goes on the established routes between all the settlements of the country, the direction is usually indicated in Arabic on the windshield. Machines can accommodate from 5 to 25 passengers and follow strictly on schedule. Taxis also serve the main intercity routes, the prices in them are 50-70% higher than in buses, and often have to pay for the mileage of the car at both ends. The price of the trip should be negotiated in advance and bargaining, as always, is appropriate.

Trains in Syria follow three main directions: Damascus-Aleppo-Dair-ez-Zor-Kamyshly (daily, three flights each way to Aleppo and twice a week to Kamyshly); Damascus - Homs - Tartus - Latakia (twice a week); Latakia - Aleppo (twice a week). Each train has a sleeping car. The fare is not great: a berth from Aleppo to Damascus costs 6 USD, sitting - 2, 5 USD.

Even air transport in the country is surprisingly cheap: a flight from Damascus to any of the cities of Syria (Aleppo, Dair-ez-Zor, Latakia, Kamyshly) will cost only 18-24 USD one way.

Maps of Syria

Rent a car

Rent a car in Syria is better in the offices of major international companies. Rent is quite high (in some cases, 50% higher than in Europe), gasoline is also not cheap. For rent, you need an international driver's license, local format insurance, which (attention!) Is required for all road users. It can be purchased either at the customs (when crossing the border on your own car), or at local tourist offices and car clubs.

The main highway of the country is in good condition. In the city, the speed should be limited to 20 km / h in, on the road - up to 80. On most road signs, the inscriptions are made only in Arabic, and in those cases when they are still equipped with "English-speaking" names, it is necessary to carefully check the map - their transcription often has little to do with the real name of the place.

Safety of tourists

Syria will be quite hospitable, if you observe on its territory a few uncomplicated rules. So, in the country it is considered impolite to refuse the offered coffee and in general from any food. You can not avoid prayers from the front, and when entering the mosque and apartment houses, you should take off your shoes. Women should not wear clothes with open shoulders or deep decollete.

Photographing public institutions, palaces, military and transportation facilities is prohibited. In Christian churches, before filming, you need to ask for permission (usually no objection). But in mosques even to ask there is no sense: you can not shoot there. It should also not take pictures of local women without permission. Documents (and even better - their photocopies) should always be worn with you.

In addition, while in Syria, do not forget about the hot climate and active sun: you need to use sunscreen, drink plenty of fluids, do not walk along the street with an open crown and protect your eyes with sunglasses that do not miss the ultraviolet. Local tap water is usually chlorinated and relatively safe to consume, but it's best to drink bottled inside.

If you have a visa, you do not need any additional permits to travel around the country (except for the territory bordering Israel). To visit the above-mentioned region, you must obtain a special permit in Damascus in advance.

It is strongly recommended not to enter into political discussions with the Syrians, especially those concerning Israel and the events in Hama.
A characteristic feature of Syrian cuisine is the widespread use of cereals, fresh vegetables, olive oil, spices, lemon juice and fermented milk products.

The climate of Syria is

The climate in Syria is subtropical Mediterranean on the coast and dry continental in the interior. The average temperature in January is from +4 ° C in the eastern regions to +12 ° C on the coast, in July - from +33 ° C to +26 ° C, respectively. As can be seen from the temperature calculations, the best time to visit the country is from the beginning of autumn to the end of spring.

See also the weather forecast for popular Syrian resorts for the coming days.

Hotels in Syria

The range of accommodation facilities in the country is very wide: from relatively inexpensive and modest establishments to five-star luxury hotels. The most fashionable and expensive hotels are in Damascus, although Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Latakia and Palmyra are also not deprived of the "five-star" service.

The voltage in the network is 220 V, 50 Hz. Sockets of the "European" standard, with two pins.

During major international exhibitions in the most popular hotels in Aleppo and Damascus there is no free space.

Book hotel in Syria at the best price


The monetary unit of Syria is a pound or, as it is often called, the "lyre". Paying foreign currency anywhere is almost impossible. You can exchange it in hotels, exchange offices and banks, where the rate is usually the most profitable. The commission is not charged for the exchange of cash. Private currency exchange is officially banned, but in practice it is widely distributed. The reverse exchange of pounds is almost impossible. Credit cards are accepted by a limited number of establishments: with their help you can buy air tickets, pay off in large stores, in some offices of car rental companies and large hotels. Getting cash from a "credit card" in Syria is almost impossible. Tourist checks are accepted only at the office of the Commercial Bank of Syria, while for their cashing commission is taken.

Banks usually work from 8:30 to 13: 00-14: 00 from Saturday to Thursday, on Thursdays banks are only open in the morning. Exchange offices are open from 8:30 to 19: 00-20: 00 on the same days.

It is customary to leave "for tea" for good service to hotel staff, a guide, a chauffeur. By the way, it is the tip that is the main part of the income of the majority of Syrians working in the tourist market.

Shopping and shops in Syria

Shops are open from Saturday to Thursday from 9:30 to 14:00 and from 16:30 to 21:00. Many private shops operate on their own schedule. Many purchases are well done in the markets, the best of which are in Damascus and Aleppo. In this case, of course, it is necessary to bargain harshly - so you can knock down the price every two.

In Syria, many valuable products of local handicraftsmen from mother-of-pearl, wood, fabric, leather and silver are sold. Local souvenirs: spices, silver and gold ornaments, woodwork, silk scarves, national costumes, olive oil, sheep skins and sweets.

Monuments of Palmyra Syria
Monuments of Palmyra
Panorama of Damascus Syria
Panorama of Damascus
The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus is Syria
The Umayyad Mosque in Damascus is

Kitchen and restaurants

Syrian cuisine is a mixture of Arab, Caucasian and Aramaic traditions with a strong Mediterranean influence. Its characteristic feature is the widespread use of cereals, fresh vegetables, olive oil, spices, lemon juice and fermented milk products.

Traditional local dishes: porridge from boiled crushed wheat "burgul", barley and wheaten unleavened bread "hobz", dairy products "lable", stuffed eggplant "makdus", olives and mutton of all kinds .Everywhere is sold very tasty and satisfying "shavarma", our "Russian" Shawarma, say, is .Meat products are dominated by simple and hearty dishes - whole-baked lamb with rice and nuts "Mensaf", meat pilaf with carrots, raisins and spices "cabbage", lamb chops, all kinds of shish kebabs and kebabs, sheep's legs "makkadem" famous "dolma" .For dessert, all sorts of baklava, "sherbet", "kunafa" (a dish of dough with cheese, cream or nuts, filled with syrup), pudding from semolina "mkhalabie" .

Like many eastern countries, Syria is famous for its fragrant coffee. Of soft drinks are common compote of raisins and ayran. Widely used is "arak" vodka, which is infused with anise. Grape wines are produced only in Christian communities.

As you know, the Koran prohibits the use of alcohol - but in Syria this issue is almost not worth it. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased at any store, restaurant or bar, but they should not be drunk in sight. Restrictions on the sale of alcohol are introduced only during Ramadan.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Syria

Damascus is the capital of the country and one of the most ancient cities in the world. In 22 km from it there is an orthodox monastery of the Sednay Mother of God. Located at an altitude of 1450 m above sea level, it is famous for the miraculous icon, written, according to legend, by St. Luke. In the vicinity of the capital is also the town of Maalülä with the convent of St. Thekla and the church of St. Sergius. And the two surrounding villages are the only places in the world where they still speak the language of Jesus Christ, the West-Aramaic dialect.

Aleppo is the second largest city in Syria, one of the oldest settlements on the planet and the center of the Great Silk Road. There are interesting colorful old districts of Jade and Taiba, caravan-sarai (Jumruk, Wazir, Sabun and others), churches, mosques, bathhouses "hamam" and old covered markets, which stretch for 12 kilometers continuously.

Journey through Syria

The monastery of Kalaat Samaan (St. Simeon) 40 km west of the city is extremely interesting with its history. Saint Simeon was a shepherd who decided to devote his life to serving Christ. He approached the matter creatively: he went to the mountains and built a three-meter pillar on top of which he began to live. For 36 years he made his pillar higher, until he reached the 15-meter height. In 459, Saint Simeon died, and in the place where the pillar stood, a church was built. It is perfectly preserved to this day, but the pillar itself is almost destroyed.

Palmyra (Tadmor), the capital of an ancient state, located in the heart of the Syrian desert in 210 km from the capital - one of the most impressive dead cities of the ancient period .There is a huge site of archaeological excavations, including the high-walled temple complex Bela (Vaala), a large colonnade across the main street, the thermae, the shopping area, the Senate, the theater, the Roman camp with the pretorium and the triumphal arch, the ruins of antique houses with large mosaic a panel - and even a valley of tombs with unique "multi-layered graves" and dozens of funerary towers .

At 120 km south of Damascus lies Bosra, the capital of the Roman province of Arabia, almost entirely built from black basalt. The main attraction of the city - one of the well-preserved Roman theaters, designed for 15 thousand seats. The nympheum, the Nabatean gates, the triumphal arch, many medieval buildings and one of the oldest mosques in the world are not worse preserved. Needless to say, Bosra is also listed in UNESCO.

Between Aleppo and Damascus is located Hama - a city famous for its huge wooden water-lifting wheels "noria" with a diameter of up to 20 m. Also there are interesting mosques Al-Jami al-Kabir, Abu al-Fida and Al-Nuri and Azem Palace. ±​​$ The

160 km north of Damascus is Homs, famous for its mosque Ibn al-Walid with two minarets and the burial vault of this legendary Arab commander, the Nuri mosque, the Canisa-umm-Sunnar church (the Belt of the Mother of God) and the basilica of St. Elian. ±​​$ The

In addition, interesting ancient fortresses of Syria - Krak-de-Chevalier and Tartus Citadel.

Photos of Syria (20)

Maps of Syria
Visa to Syria
Cities and resorts of Syria
Flights to Syria
Tours to Syria
Hotels in Syria
Video about Syria
Managers in Syria on the "Thinness of Tourism"
Weather in Syria
Photos Syria