"Small, yes udalenky" - this is about Mauritius .For a year now, this tiny country has been stable (and, I think, very lucrative) working in a niche of a rather expensive, but quite popular direction, .However, no wonder: the island has excellent beaches with fine sand and a rare beauty underwater world that attracts divers from around the world..Complemented by all this abundance of wonderful opportunities for exciting sea fishing .In addition, newlyweds like to spend their holidays here, as well as spouses "with experience", celebrating in Mauritius a round or not so wedding anniversary .It is worth all this, of course, very expensive, but those who are resting here, for some reason, do not tend to complain about the high cost of .

The capital is Port Louis. Big cities - Maeburg, Rose Hill, Kurepipe.

For a complete list of all the resorts of the country, see the city page and the resorts of Mauritius.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Mauritius
  • 2 Airport in Mauritius
  • 3 Visa
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Phone Numbers
  • 6 Transport Mauritius
  • 7 Rent a car
  • 8 Security
  • 9 Climate
  • 10 Beaches
  • 11 Hotels
    • 11.1 Book a hotel in Mauritius at the best price
  • 12 Banks and exchange points
  • 13 Shopping
  • 14 Cuisine and restaurants in Mauritius
  • 15 Spa and thalasso in Mauritius
  • 16 Wedding in Mauritius
  • 17 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Mauritius
  • 18 Popular Excursions in Mauritius
  • 19 Fishing
  • 20 Surfing
    • 20.1 We also recommend

How to get

Charters "Transaero" fly from Moscow to Mauritius, the journey time is 11, 5 hours. The most convenient option for regular flights is offered by Emirates Airlines: flights are performed daily (flight time, considering docking - about 16 hours). Air Mauritius operates joint flights with Air France and Aeroflot, making landings in Paris and Milan. You can also use British Airways and KLM flights with a transfer in Paris or Amsterdam.

Plaisance airport is located on the southeast coast, near the old port of Mahebourg.

From Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus to the cities of transfer fly the same airlines, then - Air Mauritius directly to the islands (travel time - about 15 hours, including docking). Time of flight with docking - 15-19 hours.

When leaving the country, an airport fee of 500 MUR is charged (about 20 USD).
  • Are there flights from Transaero to Mauritius?
  • Do flights St. Petersburg - Mauritius

Search for air tickets to Mauritius

Airport in Mauritius

Sir Seewoosagar Ramgoolam International Airport, the only Mauritius international airport, is located near the city of Maeburg, just 46 km south-east of the island's capital, Port Louis.

At the airport, the national carrier Air Mauritius, which manages a network of routes to neighboring islands, is also based, and also operates direct flights to some cities in Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe.

Airlines Air Austral, Air Madgascar and Air Seychelles connect Mauritius with nearby islands, and Air France, Emirates, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, Condor, South African Airways, Air India, Meridiana, Kenya Airways, Egypt Air, Malaysia Airlines and Corsairfly airports around the world.

The operating terminal of the airport - Terminal 2 - is a two-story building with a large open parking. Departures are carried out from the second floor of the building, arrivals are carried out mainly to the first floor. Only passengers are admitted to the terminal building, therefore there is no infrastructure except for duty-free boutiques at the airport. One store is located in the departure zone, the second is for arriving passengers. In April 2013, the airport plans to open a new passenger terminal - Terminal 1.


To enter the country with tourist purposes, Russian citizens do not need a visa.

10 things to do in Mauritius
  1. To surrender to the blissful nothingness on the delightful beaches, under the rustle of ocean waves.
  2. Wander among the colonial mansions of the capital of Port Louis.
  3. Buy a pack of excellent local tea "Bois Sherry" and see all the stages of its production at the tea factory in Bois-Chery.
  4. By own example, prove that Mauritius is the number one wedding destination, and arrange a marriage ceremony (well, or celebrating the anniversary of family life) .- $
  5. Try the national drink of Mauritius - rum "Green Island."
  6. Visit the edge of a 70-meter crater of a long-extinct volcano that lies west of Kurepipe.
  7. Admire the creativity of nature on the seven-colored dunes of Chamarel.
  8. Fishing in the open sea for tuna.
  9. Bow to the sacred water of the Shiva Temple in Grand Bassin, where thousands of pilgrims gather each year at the end of February to offer prayers to the gods.
  10. Saddle a whimsical wave in Tamarin Bay, thus joining the surfer community.


Import and export of foreign and national currencies is not limited (the declaration is obligatory). For persons over 18 years of age, duty-free import of 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco is permitted, strong spirits - up to a liter, wine or beer - up to 2 liters, up to 250 ml of toilet water or one small bottle of perfume, as well as video, photo - and other household appliances - one item of each item.

It is prohibited to import drugs and drugs containing narcotic substances, weapons, military equipment and ammunition, fruits and food products from Africa, East and South-East Asia, seeds, plants and flowers, as well as automobile tires. Prohibited the export of products from coral and objects unauthorized from the bottom of the sea, as well as seedlings - especially if they are planted in the ground. For transportation of animals, a permit is required from the Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Mauritius.

Phone Numbers

Embassy of Mauritius in Moscow: st. Nikoloyamskaya, 8; tel .: (495) 915-76-17, 915-76-65

The Russian Embassy in Port Louis: P. O. Box 10, Queen Mary Avenue, Floreal, Mauritius; tel .: 696-55-33, 696-15-45, fax: 696-50-27; website

Information service: 150, police: 999, 208-7020, first aid: 114, rescue service: 116, first aid: 114, fire protection: 995 or 115.

There are no long-distance codes on the territory of the country, all numbers are dialed directly.

Transport Mauritius

Air Mauritius daily operates flights from Mauritius to the island of Rodriguez (under the jurisdiction of Mauritius): 500 km are overcome in an hour with a small. There (and also to the islands of the Community) can also be reached by ferry.

The most economical, but not the fastest way to travel around the island is by bus. The network of their routes is very extensive, buses themselves are in good condition, and in some even have air conditioning. The fare depends on the distance, tickets are booked right in the salon by the conductor.

Taxis can be taken at the airport or near the hotel. The cost of the trip should be stipulated in advance: most taxi drivers do not recognize the counters in principle. The cost of the trip is on average 15-20 MUR per kilometer, while traveling for long distances, tariffs are reduced. For short trips, this is a rather expensive mode of transport, but hiring a taxi for the whole day is much more profitable: for 2500 MUR you can thoroughly consider all the beauty of the island.

Bidding when discussing the cost of travel is not something that is recommended - it is necessary. It is often possible to negotiate with hotel employees who either advise reliable taxi drivers or order the car themselves.

Maps of Mauritius

Rent a car

To rent a car you must be over 23 years old and have international rights granted at least one year before the start of the lease. Some companies reduce the age limit to 21 years and adopt national rights. Rent a car for a day will cost 45 EUR (~ 1500 MUR) and above, depending on the car brand and the availability of air conditioning. The distances on the island are small, and from Port Louis to the main cities can be easily reached in 30-45 minutes.

Movement in Mauritius is left-sided. The speed limit is 50 km / h in cities and 100 km / h on the slopes, it is mandatory to use seat belts. Also, to explore the local coast, you can rent a scooter (550-600 MUR per day) or a bicycle (100-150 MUR per day).
A car should be rented no older than four years: the year of manufacture usually means the last two digits of the number.


The rapid change of weather in Mauritius is not uncommon, so you should take with you not only light things, but also windbreakers with raincoats. Rains, although short, but strong. Also recommended for use are sunglasses and creams (the insolation level in Mauritius is very high even on cloudy days), sturdy shoes and beach slippers (fragments of corals are found).

Perhaps the only unpleasant moment that can spoil the tourists here is an unplanned meeting with some local marine inhabitants, whose thorns and thorns leave painful wounds.

No special vaccinations are required. There are no poisonous animals and insects on the island, however, the bites of some representatives of the local fauna are painful and can cause allergic reactions.

Water in hotels can be drunk from the tap (it undergoes thorough cleaning), but it is recommended to still use bottled.

There are few policemen on the streets, but the crime rate is very low. Pocket theft and petty theft are found only in large tourist areas - and then infrequently.

In Mauritius, a special narcotic herb grows and practically uncontrollably on beaches (under the cover of "shellfish trade"). To use and even just to have it with you is a serious violation of the law, for which you can impose a big fine or even send it out of the country. So on the beaches of all hotels it is necessary to treat with special care the salespeople who sell different souvenirs. Such trade is officially legalized, and no hotel, even the highest category, has the right to drive "hawkers" from its beach.
Paradise coast of Mauritius Mauritius
Cote d'Azur
Blooming Mauritius Mauritius
Bright colors
Dancing on the beach, Mauritius Mauritius
All this is Mauritius!


The climate is tropical marine, hot, with abundant moisture, brought by trade winds from the ocean. Summer (November to April) is hot and humid: +25 ° C at night, +30 ° C and higher in the daytime, humidity reaches 80%. Winter (May to October) is cooler and drier: +17 ° C at night, +23 ° C in the daytime. The water temperature is year round +22 .. + 26 ° C.

The coolest and most unfavorable periods for rest in Mauritius are June and July. Despite a comfortable daytime temperature of +20 .. + 25 ° C, strong winds are blowing. But the weather in August-September will suit those who do not like a strong heat.

See also the current weather forecast for the main resorts in Mauritius.

  • What is the climate in Mauritius?
  • When the season in Mauritius is


All beaches on the island are sandy, maintained in perfect condition: every day they are cleaned of debris, fragments of corals and algae .For guaranteed safety of stops in Mauritius, as in any country "with corals", it is recommended to go into the water in beach slippers (for the most part it refers to wild beaches).The level of insolation on the island is very high even on cloudy days (proximity to the equator affects), so sunscreens with high SPF ±​​$ are strongly recommended for use .Plus, of course, do not forget about sunglasses and hats .

Theoretically, Mauritius can be traversed on foot from north to south in less than 24 hours. It stretches only 65 km in length and slightly less than 50 km wide - it's slightly more than Moscow.

The town of Flic-en-Flac is very popular among the Mauritians themselves: the beaches are beautiful, and the "Kazela-Bird-Park" reserve is nearby. The Bay of Tamarin has a completely different "profile": it is the wildest and pristine on the coast, and because of strong waves it is a "tasty morsel" for surfers.

In the east of the island is the beach of Belle Mar with deep lagoons and calm waters. Pereybere beach in the south-west is considered the most "tusovochnym" on the island. In the southern part of the island the hilly coast gives way to the beach of Trois d'Ouise, stretched out by a wide strip of the finest sand at 11 km.

Nudism in Mauritius - under the ban.


In the country there is no "star" system of classification of hotels - categories are determined conditionally, in accordance with the standards of the Swiss Hotel Association, but meet the highest demands. Even in bungalows and small inexpensive studios living conditions are very comfortable.

As a rule, the hotels are divided into categories Super Deluxe, Deluxe, Superior. When choosing the location, it is worth to familiarize with the specific list of services provided.

Most hotels in Mauritius belong to the French "chains". They, as a rule, have a large territory and spacious rooms. Many hotels have separate villas with swimming pools, providing guests with full privacy. The ratio of the number of staff to the number of guests in hotels is very high, so the service is at an excellent level.

The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V, 50 Hz, the sockets are three-contact. The adapter can be requested at the hotel.

  • What are the best hotels in Mauritius?

Book a hotel in Mauritius at the best price

Banks and exchange points

Exchange of foreign currency is unlimited, it can be made in any bank or in the exchange office of the hotel (commission in the last - above). To exchange traveler's checks is more profitable than cash. The exchange of rupees for foreign currency is made only at the airport upon departure from the country. Credit cards American Express, Visa, Diners, Master Card and travelers checks are accepted in almost all hotels, shops and travel agencies, ATMs are widely distributed. Banks work from 9:15 to 15: 00-15: 30 on weekdays and from 9:15 to 11:15 on Saturdays.

  • What is the currency of Mauritius?


The most popular natural souvenir is the multi-colored earth "shamarel". In the glass vessel are placed immiscible layers of pink, orange, yellow, brown and bluish soil. Also popular are models of wooden vintage sailboats, products from cashmere, textiles, vanilla tea, local rum Green Island and, of course, cane sugar. Jewelry with precious stones here is on average 40% cheaper than in Europe.

Shops are usually open from 9:30 to 19:30 (in Port Louis) or from 10:00 to 18:00 (in other cities) on weekdays, on Saturdays from 12:00 to 17:00 in capital, in other cities they usually work longer. Department stores are open on Sundays from 9:00 to 12:00. Once a week (usually on Thursday afternoon), Mauritian traders arrange a half-day off. In the capital, shops on Saturdays do not work, but all outlets on the Codan embankment are open until 18: 00-19: 30. The largest market on the island unfolds in Flake, it's called: Flacq Market.

Particularly lively trade is every Thursday and Sunday in the town of Quatre Borne, when a local fair opens, as well as in Goodlunds - on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Cuisine and restaurants in Mauritius

Local cuisine is a kind of mixture of Indian, French and English, thus reflecting the history of Mauritius. Its basis is rice and curry.

In restaurants, hotels usually provide a very diverse buffet. In addition, the island has "registered" restaurants famous chefs - Alan Ducasse and Vineta Batia. Very good and local cocktail of coconut milk with rum and a slice of lime.

Local culinary delights: "millionaire salad" from the core of the palm, smoked blue marlin fillet, "samusa" - triangular patties filled with vegetables and meat, fried in oil, Mauritian white rum Green Island and Mauritian Beer Phoenix, Blue Merlin and Black Eagle.
"For tea" usually leave 10% of the total amount of the order.
The variety of fruit in Mauritius is Mauritius
Variety of fruits
Amazing fruits, Mauritius Mauritius
Tropical fruits
Spices in Mauritius Mauritius
Bright spices

Spa and thalasso in Mauritius

Professional spa centers are available in all 5 * and almost all 4 * hotels, the cost of services starts from 80 EUR. On the island are mostly European and Asian brands, but many centers, in addition to the "standard" set of procedures, offer "up to the heap" ayurveda and yoga. And even specially write out specialists-Hindu.

Here is a short list of hotels with spa centers: Belle Mare Place - Le Spa de Constance, Le Talfair - Six Senses Spa, Paradise Cove - Cinq Monde Spa, Prince Maurice - L'Institut de Guerlain, Shandrani - La Source, Shanti Ananda - ESPA, Taj Exotica - Taj Spa, The Heritage - Seven Colors Spa, The Oberoi - Banyan Tree, The Residence - La Prairie, The Sands - The Sandsation Spa, Veranda Paul and Virginie - Seven Colors Spa. The chain of the Givenchy Spa SPA centers is located in the Le Touessrok, One & Only Le Saint Geran hotels, and the Spa by Clarins centers network at the Paradis, Dinarobin and Royal Palm hotels.

Wedding in Mauritius

Mauritius is listed among the most popular destinations among newlyweds. Here, both symbolic and legal marriage ceremonies are arranged. In the first case, documents are not required at all, as they say - any whim for your money; in the second - it is necessary at least a month to provide the necessary documents to the tour operator or directly to the management company in Mauritius. Well, of course, choose the location of the ceremony.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Mauritius

Cape Cap Malheure - the most northern point of the island. Here is the tiny Church of Notre-Dame-Oxyliatris, known for its roof, quaint interior from carved wood and a font in the form of a giant sea shell.

Triolet is a pretty village, famous for being the largest Hindu temple in Mauritius - Mahesvarnath-Shivala. "Ile aux Cerfs" is a beautiful place with excellent beaches and a clear lagoon, where they practice sailing, scuba diving and water skiing.

There are many schools, colleges and Mauritius University in Rose Hill. This lively town is also famous for its colonial-style buildings, built in the Italian style of the theater, the gallery and the shopping arcade of the Arab quarter.

In the city of Kurepipe, located almost in the center of the island, there are King's College, Town Hall building, a lot of colonial buildings, a botanical garden .Local shops and restaurants are almost always filled, especially during New Year celebrations and football matches (next to the city is the largest stadium in Mauritius) .It is definitely worth visiting the nearby Trou-o-Cerf - an extinct volcano with a crater 85 meters deep and 200 meters wide .6 km from Kurepipe is the Black River Gorge National Park with many plants and rare birds..

In the Turtle Bay (Turtle Bay) you can see the ruins of the ancient settlement of Balaklava.

One of the main wonders of the island is the multi-colored land "Chamarel". This unique place consists of sand dunes of seven colors, and if you mix them, then after just a few hours the boundaries between the sands will be restored again.

Maeburg is a town with a rich past, built in the bay of Gran Port, attracting tourists with the castle of Château-Robillard with the Museum of National History (ancient maps and engravings, swords of corsairs and remains of wrecks). In addition to walks through picturesque sleepy streets and shops, it is worth to visit the confectionery factory and the church of Notre-Dame des Angers.

Suyak is a small village located along the rocky shores of the Savan District. There's a very beautiful nature: the Talfhere garden, the Gri Gri cliffs, decorated with a bizarre "molding" due to years of erosion, and of course the Rochester waterfalls.

The Victoria 1840 Museum is an old sugar factory, the building of which has been carefully restored and is now part of the island's cultural heritage. It housed the Maniglie Foundation (disciple of the great Henri Matisse) and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

12 km from Port Louis is the city of Moca - the second most important place on the island after the capital. Local "must see": the former mansion of the Governor of Le Redit, the Museum of the House of Eurek, the cultural center of Domaine-le-Pail, the Gandhi Institute, where the Folklore Museum of Indian immigrants is located.

Even in Mauritius, you can visit the botanical garden Pamplemousses, the estate of Le Domaine des Pailles, where the atmosphere of the former colonial manor is recreated and the whole process of making rum is demonstrated - from the processing of sugar cane to the most exciting procedure, tasting.

For more information on the interesting places on the island, see the Mauritius attractions page.

Most of the entertainment on the island has a sporting character: golf, tennis, horse riding, biking, snorkeling, water skiing, surfing, kayaks and kayaks, parachuting. In addition, the island has opened a park of water attractions Leisure Village, and some hotels are waiting for the most gambling tourists casino.

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Types of beautiful Mauritius

Popular Excursions in Mauritius

The cost of most group excursions is from 40 EUR per person. It is possible to order "exclusive" trips on a personal minibus or car, with a personal Russian speaking guide.

Approximate prices for popular excursions: "The charm of the tropics" - a full day excursion to Port Louis ~ 50 EUR, "Little Paradise" - a full day excursion to the Deer Island ~ 50 EUR. "Adventure in the Colonial Style" ~ 35 EUR, "Tea Route" ~ 65 EUR, "Ali Baba Cave" - ​​shop tour ~ 20 EUR, "Island of two coconuts" - diving with a tube or a boat trip with a transparent bottom ~ 70 EUR, "Visit to the past" - a trip for the whole day to the estate "Les Domain de Pail" ~ 65 EUR. Walk under the water with a glass bowl on the head and the ability to feed fish from the hands (25-30 minutes, 45 EUR per person).

  • What interesting excursions are there in Mauritius?


Fishing in the open sea is one of the main attractions of Mauritius. At any time of the year, there are record copies of blue marlin, hammerhead, tuna and barracuda. The best time for fishing is in September-April, and the least "cool" months are June and July. The most fishy are the bays off the southwest coast, from Rivieres-Marlin-Noir to Morne-Brabant.

Fishing boats can be hired practically in all hotels of the island, but in the high season the boat makes sense to book in advance. You can agree to go out to sea and with some local fisherman: such fishing may be even more interesting and effective than the "official", and at the same time it will cost significantly less.


This sport in Mauritius is very popular, as, indeed, and windsurfing with kitesurfing. From May to December, when the strongest winds here, the height of the waves sometimes reaches seven meters! However, frightened of this size is not worth it: beginners can always be trained in the lagoon, in calm water. All necessary equipment can be rented.

The best place for surfing in Mauritius (and one of the top 20 in the world) is Tamarin Bay on the west coast of the island. There you can easily meet for a day a couple of surfers - world-class celebrities. Photo of Mauritius (91)

Maps of Mauritius
Wedding in Mauritius
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Valentina Sandyreva
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