Germany is a country that is part of the Schengen zone and, as a consequence, requires all "visitors" of the German land to have a Schengen visa..Tourists in this case - no exception - $ .Documents for a German visa are quite standard, in terms of Schengen requirements .They must be submitted to the Visa Center, the Consulate or the German Embassy in the Russian Federation..It is worth noting that if you visit this European country within the framework of a tour, the processing and submission of some documents will be handled by a travel agency, which greatly facilitates the process of obtaining a visa..For independent travel you will need to do everything yourself .Before collecting documents, be sure to specify the list and requirements directly in the Embassy or on the official website, for changes and additions .

Required documents

  • International passport. A copy of the first page is made separately. Among the passport requirements, we note a minimum three-month validity period from the moment of visa termination, as well as the owner's signature.
  • Three color photos 35х45 millimeters, without a frame. It requires high quality photographs, as well as observance of certain shooting parameters, which can be found on the official website of the German Embassy.
  • Questionnaire issued in the Visa Service. To be completed personally by the applicant, with a personal signature, strictly following the model.
  • Visa fees. Currently is 35 euros. It is paid for all tourists, except for children under 6 years. The fee is paid directly in the Visa Service in rubles at the rate.
  • Confirmation of residence in Germany. It can be a hotel (name and address) or a rented living space. Additionally you need confirmation from the hotel upon payment. The fax will be sent.
  • Financial guarantees to prove your solvency. When you visit Germany, you must have at least 50 euros per day for one tourist. Proof can serve as traveler's checks, bank statement, etc. Cash is not proof. You do not need to bring them to the Visa Center.
  • Health insurance. The policy must be valid for the entire duration of the trip. The zone of operation is the entire Schengen zone. Insurance cover - from 30 thousand euros and more. Requires an original and a photocopy.
  • Guarantees for return. You need proof that you will not stay in Germany at the end of the journey. This can be a certificate of study or work, a certificate of registration of a private company or certificate of IP, as well as documents for real estate, documents from close relatives who remain in the country. Under the last item is suitable certificate of marriage or the birth of a child. Pay attention to the fact that each document of this group has special requirements that must be observed.
  • Internal Russian passport or copies (first page, page with registration, page with marks about issued foreign passports).
  • If a visa is issued for a child under 18 years of age who leaves the country without parents or guardians, then a document such as parental or guardian consent for departure is required. The consent is notarized and is supplemented with a copy, as well as a translation into German.
  • Among the recommended, but not mandatory documents, it is worth highlighting old overseas passports, where the fact of your past "Schengen" trips, if any, is confirmed. This will have a positive effect on the decision on your visa.

That's all the required documents that are required for visa registration: $ $ .At the same time, if the embassy staff finds this list inadequate or requires additional information, you may need to collect an additional set of documents that will be specified separately .Remember that forged documents or the provision of false information are punishable by a complete ban on entry not only to Germany, but to the rest of the Schengen countries, so try to be as truthful as possible and not try to deceive employees .Especially since the Germans are famous for the meticulousness to every detail .

The information is prepared by the site

Vizavgerm1 The basic requirements for a tourist visa to Germany is