1 marriott housekeeping

After New Year's holidays, the cost of living in hotels in Europe has decreased by an average of 5%. According to Trivago, the average price per night in a hotel in the 50 most popular cities of the Old World will be just over 100 EUR.

The strongest of the most popular destinations dropped the prices of Dresden, where the night in the hotel compared to the holiday period fell by a quarter. The average price of spending the night in Dresden will now cost the tourist at 78 EUR, whereas at Christmas hotels cost more than 100 EUR.

The prices for Prague hotels have been reduced by 19%, on average in the Czech Republic, spending the night in a hotel will be 17% cheaper than in December 2014. The hotels in Warsaw and Krakow are 10% cheaper: the average price of spending the night in the most popular cities in Poland now is 54 EUR. On average for 54 EUR you can spend the night in Bulgaria.

However, some directions, contrary to logic, decided to increase the cost of living. So, Madrid hotels raised prices by 3%, and the average cost of spending the night in the capital of Spain now costs 100 EUR against 94 EUR. In comparison with December of last year, hotels in Munich also rose in price - from 130 EUR to 139 EUR.

The prices of hoteliers in Frankfurt rose most strongly, by 28%. The average cost of spending the night in a German city now costs 125 EUR.

January 19, 2015
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