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Dusseldorf, Altstadt

Sights of Germany Altstadt is the main historical attraction of Düsseldorf, an excellent place for shopping and walking. And also for beer tasting, good, there are more than two hundred beer, Irish pubs, cafes, restaurants and pizzerias.

Berlin Wall

Berlin, Bernauer Strasse, 111

Sights of Germany The concrete fence height of more than three meters, surrounded by barbed wire, a length of one hundred and sixty kilometers, was not just a border between two parts of the German state, it shared thousands of families for almost thirty years in one night.

Berlin Zoo

Berlin, Hardenbergplatz, 8

Sights of Germany At the entrance to the Berlin Zoo you will be met by beautiful elephants, but not real, but made of stone. 27-ton animals adorn the oldest zoo in Germany on both sides of the gate. Close to the gate you will find cash desks and a zoo scheme.

Lake Constance

Bayern, Bodensee

Sights of Germany Lake Constance, also known as Lake Constance, is the third largest lake in Central Europe, fed by the waters of the deep Rhine. Immediately three countries are located on the picturesque shores of Bodensee: Germany, Austria and Switzerland - and each derives a tourist benefit from this position.

Bonn Cathedral

Bonn, Gerhard von Are Strasse, 5

Sights of Germany The cathedral in the center of the city on the Münsterplatz square is one of the architectural symbols of the city, it is difficult to notice it (one of the towers rises as much as 96 meters), it is inexcusable not to go inside. In addition, this is a great place to start a walk through the historic center of Bonn.

Brandenburg Gate

Berlin, Pariser Platz

Sights of Germany Like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Coliseum in Rome or the Tower in London, both the Brandenburg Gate is a symbol and a visiting card of Berlin. This is the most recognizable Berlin sights, with which construction began in the so-called Berlin classic style.

Bremen Town Hall

Bremen, Am Markt, 21

Sights of Germany The Bremen Town Hall is a symbol of modern Bremen. The medieval two-storey building, erected in the best traditions of the German Renaissance, can not be confused with any other in the city. Go past one of the most famous attractions of Bremen, perhaps, also fails.

Kunsthalle Gallery in Hamburg

Hamburg, GlockengieBerwall, Kunsthalle

Sights of Germany Gallery Kunsthalle - one of the most significant in Germany. It exhibits the altar of Bertram's work of 1383 and the altar of St. Thomas by the master Franke in 1424. The exposition is represented by medieval art, Baroque-style Hamburg painting, French artists, and a collection of engravings.


Bavaria, Dachau

Sights of Germany If it were not for the association with the "school of murders", the town of Dachau attracted travelers with beautiful parks and ancient castles, towers and museums, fountains and monuments.

Double church

Bonn, Dixstrasse, 41

Sights of Germany The wonderful church of the 12th century is not by chance called Doppelkirche Schwarzrheindorf, that is, the "double church". There are two altars here: the upper one was accessible only to the nobility and the best people of the city, the Bonn commoners came to the lower level.

Dresden State Opera

Dresden, Theaterplatz, 2

Sights of Germany The Dresden State Opera is considered to be one of the most beautiful theaters not only in Germany, but all over the world. A magnificent three-story baroque building in the center of the city can not be confused with any other.

Dresden Picture Gallery

Dresden, Theaterplatz, 1

Sights of Germany All the sights of Dresden just fade in front of the main - the art gallery of the city. Regardless of whether you distinguish the works of Rembrandt from, say, Titian's canvases, this museum should definitely be included in the list of planned excursion trips around the capital of Saxony.

Dresden Castle

Dresden, Taschenberg, 2

Sights of Germany In the 13th century, the history of the construction of the Dresden Castle, one of the most beautiful buildings of the city, began. And - also fires, restoration, rebuilding ... This most interesting building until 1918 was the residence of the Saxon princes.

Moritzburg Castle

Moritzburg, Schloballee

Sights of Germany Do you want to plunge into a fairy tale? Then you just need to visit the castle Moritzburg, which is located just 14 kilometers from Dresden. It was in this suburban residence of the house Vettinov that the film "Three Nuts for Cinderella" was shot.

Castle Neuschwanstein

Schwangau, Neuschwansteinstrasse, 20

Sights of Germany Near the town of Füssen in southwestern Bavaria, not far from the Austrian border is the majestic castle of Neuschwanstein. Almost every one of us, viewing beautiful cliparts on the Internet, has probably stumbled upon a photo with this lock.

Pil'nits Castle

Dresden, August-Bockstiegel-Strabe, 1

Sights of Germany Do you want to see what the residence of the Saxon monarchs looked like? Then look in the castle Pilnitz, which is located on the banks of the Elbe and at the same time near Dresden. In addition to the magnificent palace erected in the 18th century, there is a picturesque park and garden.

Cathedral of Dresden

Dresden, Sophienstrabe, 22

Sights of Germany Once in Dresden, many tourists are eager to get to the local Cathedral. And they do it for a reason. Impressive with its beauty and stateliness, the temple, moreover located right on the banks of the Elbe, does not leave a single traveler indifferent.

Cologne Cathedral

Koln, Domkloster, 4

Sights of Germany The characteristic strict silhouette of this cathedral has long become a symbol of the city. The wide facade, the towers that go to the clouds, the glint of the sun on a dark stone, the magnificent stained-glass windows - all this will remain for a long time in the memory of a man who at least once saw this majestic structure. In addition, having overcome 509 steps, one can climb to one of its 157-meter towers and see an unforgettable panorama of the city and in details to consider the roof of the cathedral.


Munchen, Marienplatz

Sights of Germany Start acquaintance with the city stands with the central square Marienplatz (Marienplatz). This is the heart of Munich, its busiest part, adorned with the graceful column of the Virgin Mary, the refined New and luxurious Old Town Hall.

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Stuttgart, Mercedesstrabe, 100

Sights of Germany The Mercedes-Benz Museum together with the Stuttgart Center of the company and the passage building form a huge complex of Mercedes-Benz-Welt. This is a very interesting building, created by the famous architectural bureau UN Studio. Outwardly it looks like a three-leafed clover, and in its center is a triangular platform.

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The main attraction of Germany is the famous German pedantry and order. What does this mean for the tourist? And the fact that in cities it is easy to navigate that four stars on the facade of the hotel guarantee a four-star level of service, that the train will depart from the station on a schedule, and a roll in the cafe will necessarily be fresh and tasty. In such conditions, it's easy to plan a trip, and it's nice to carry out plans, even if they are grandiose.

In general, Germany resembles a mosaic: some fragments of it, sometimes completely different from each other, together form an amazingly coherent picture. Germany is rich in sights of all kinds: it's the remains of ancient settlements, and beautiful medieval castles, and museums with impressive full-length collections, and ski resorts and modern buildings, and traditional beer restaurants, and high-tech automobile plants that invite car enthusiasts on excursions and master classes.

Cities in Germany

All over the world, such cities of Germany as Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Cologne, Hamburg, Munich are known. Each of these cities in its own way is interesting for travelers. Museums and cathedrals, modern quarters and historical buildings, art galleries and shopping streets of these cities will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious traveler. Widely known attractions such as the Cologne Cathedral, the Dresden Picture Gallery, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Munich Frauenkirche.

In general, Germany resembles a mosaic: some fragments of it, sometimes completely different from each other, together form an amazingly coherent picture.

Locks of Germany

The castles of Germany remind of the fairy tales with which German literature is so rich .The famous Neuschweinstein was built by the Bavarian King Ludwig II at the end of the 19th century .Having taken the throne at a very young age, without life and political experience, Ludwig II could not become a successful monarch, but he built his own world, in which he was the only ruler and legislator - the magnificent castle of Neuschweinstein, which now hovers over Bavaria, as beautiful mirage .Not far from it is a much older and gloomy castle of Hohenschwangau, in it, and passed the youth of Louis II .Hohenschwangau remembers the medieval knights, remembers the troubadours and minnesingers who sang courtesy love .Interesting small castle, built in the middle of the Rhine on the island - customs castle Pfalzgrafenstein .Due to its unusual location, the castle looks like a ship floating on the Rhine .The castle is built as Imperial customs, presumably in the XIII century .During his history, he saw a lot of merchants, and now he meets tourists who want to touch the history of .Castles of Germany - is the property not only of the country, but of the whole of humanity .

The country found strength to rebuild its cities destroyed during the Second World War, and they became very attractive for tourists from all countries. Almost every city has a memorial that perpetuates the memory of the soldiers who died in the last war. A special place in a number of places is occupied by monuments of the recent past, when Germany was divided into two parts: the Museum of the History of the German Democratic Republic in Berlin, and the monument dedicated to the fall of the Berlin Wall.