Berlin Humboldt University

Berlin, Unter den Linden, 6

Universities of Germany Widely known not only in Germany, but all over the world, the Berlin University. Humboldt, or Humboldt University. Among his graduates are Otto von Bismarck, Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx.

Bonn University

Bonn, Regina-Pacis-Weg, 3

Universities of Germany Almost 200 years ago, the University of Bonn was founded. It is not only one of the main educational institutions of modern Germany, but also the largest research center known all over the world.

Heidelberg University

Heidelberg, Grabengasse, 1

Universities of Germany One of the oldest and most famous educational institutions of Germany is the Heidelberg University. It was founded in the image and likeness of the French Sorbonne in 1386 in the small town of Heidelberg.

Düsseldorf State Academy of Arts

Dusseldorf, Eiskellerstrabe, 1

Universities of Germany One of the most popular educational institutions in Düsseldorf, the "alma mater" of dozens of brilliant artists and architects, the best collection of glass products in Germany - all this is the famous Düsseldorf State Academy of Arts, founded in 1773

Getting higher education in Germany in our time is a very real and workable goal .Many Russian students choose Germany to continue their studies: it is not only famous for the whole world by longstanding traditions of famous universities and high level of education, but also offers a worthy choice of a wide range of specialties .At the same time (which is not less important at all!) It costs a small amount of money .As for the time of training, everything depends on the chosen specialty: on average, students study at German universities 4 - 7 years old .

Training in German universities takes place mainly in German, so knowledge of the language is one of the prerequisites for admission. The minimum level you require is B1. Confirm possession of the German language can be obtained in advance a special certificate, or take a language exam in Germany.

German universities

In Germany, there are over 380 public and private educational institutions of various levels, which offer a choice of several thousand specialties, whether humanitarian, technical or artistic - it's hard not to find something suitable here, where it's easier to be completely at a loss.

It is worth saying a few words about the most famous and respected universities in Germany. Very famous in the world is the largest of the German universities - Westphalian University named after Wilhelm in Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster). Here among the hundreds of specialties studied there are very rare: for example, Nordic studies or European ethnology.

Heidelberg University named after Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg is highly regarded as the leader among German universities and one of the best in Europe for technical equipment.

We can not fail to mention the Free University of Berlin (Freie Universität, FU), which, although quite new, firmly occupies a place in the top ten universities in the country of humanitarian orientation. One of the most important areas in FU is medicine, the theoretical basis of which is taught at a very high level.

Graduates of not only these but practically all German universities enjoy success in the labor market not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Read more about universities and study programs in the country on the Education page in Germany.

What do you need for admission to universities in Germany?

Enroll in a higher educational institution in Germany there is no way for someone who has not studied for 1-2 years in a Russian university. At the same time, those students who have only been disaccustomed in Russia for one year must start with a college visit at a German university, and only a year later they will go to the university itself. This "inequality" is explained by differences in the school systems of Germany and Russia.

An important feature of German universities: the future student should study in them exactly the subject that was profiled in the Russian university.

Well, you have studied for a couple of years at a Russian university, have a chosen specialty and a great desire to continue your studies at a certain higher educational institution in Germany, what next? To begin with it is worth to go to the site of your chosen university and get acquainted with the list of documents required for admission, as well as find out the deadline for sending them.

The academic year at German universities usually starts on October 1.

Now many universities in Germany work with an intermediary company, the Uni-assist system, which was created specifically to accept applications from foreign applicants .It is enough to send one package of required documents to the intermediary, and all applications must be submitted online .Please note that the deadline for submission of documents to Uni-assist is about July 15, the date may vary slightly depending on the institution..The Uni-assist system is also good because the universities that work with it do not require confirmation of the diploma, if you already have it, - its compliance with all requirements will be verified by the specialists of the intermediary firm..

As soon as you receive confirmation that you are enrolled in the institution of your choice of Germany, you can easily start the registration of a student visa, the requirements for obtaining it include the availability of health insurance, proof of residence while studying and the necessary amount of money that will be enough to pay and study, and stay in Germany.

Tuition fee is

With regard to the financial side of the issue, it is worth mentioning that since 2014 all federal states of Germany have abandoned taxes on education, making it virtually free.

There is still a student fee of about 100 EUR per semester, 52 EUR of which falls on "Studentenwerksbeitrag" (student contribution), and the remaining money is paid for a city public transport ticket during the semester.

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Universities of Germany