Sumatra is one of the largest islands in Indonesia, famous for its long beaches with dark sand, the ruins of ancient temple complexes and palaces and untouched nature. Along the west coast of Sumatra are the Barisan mountains, the highest peak of which is Mount Kerinchi (3800 m). The eastern part of the island is mostly occupied by a marshy plain.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to the city of Denpasar (nearest a / n to Sumatra)
  • 2 History
  • 3 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Sumatra
    • 3.1 Medan Attractions
    • 3.2 Lake Toba
    • 3.3 Samosir Island
    • 3.4 Gunung-Luser National Park
    • 3.5 Kerinsy-Seblat National Park
    • 3.6 Buggittings
    • 3.7 Palembang
    • 3.8 Krakatoa Volcano
    • 3.9 Bintan Island
    • 3.10 Sumatra Island

How to get

Regular flights from Moscow fly to Denpasar (Bali), from there on domestic flights you can easily get to Medan - the largest city of Sumatra and a convenient transfer point on the way to Toba lake.

Search for air tickets to the city of Denpasar (nearest a / n to Sumatra)


The first European to set foot on the land of Sumatra, became Marco Polo in 1292 g .The colonialists appeared on the island later, in 1509 the Portuguese, and in 1596 - the Dutch .As a result of clashes with the inhabitants of the island, the commander of the Dutch expedition was killed - Cornelius van Hautmann .A little later, the Portuguese tried to regain control of Sumatra, but the Dutch managed to repulse an attack of .At the beginning of the 17th century, the Aceh Sultanate in Sumatra controlled the pepper trade (as is known, spices were valued at the same time as gold today), and it was with him basically had to fight the Dutch East India Company .At the end of 18 in .the Dutch on the island fought against the British who settled in Fort Bengkulu, and at the end of the 19th century unsuccessfully tried for a long time to suppress the revolt of the inhabitants of the sultanate Aceh .

In 1883, the eruption of Krakatoa volcano near Sumatra, which ended in an explosion, plunged the whole island into an oceanic abyss.

During the Second World War, the island was occupied by Japan, and afterwards it was wholly incorporated into Indonesia. Since then, there have been regularly heard demands, if not independence, then at least certain autonomy, which were met in 2001. Broad autonomy gives the island the right even to establish Islamic laws. The infamous tsunami of 2004 caused severe damage to the north and west coast of Sumatra.

Volcano Sibayak, Sumatra

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Sumatra

Entertainment and attractions on the island enough, it's natural wonders, and the ruins of temple complexes, and all kinds of outdoor activities. Landmarks for quality holidays in Sumatra are looking for below.

Medan Attractions

The Paradise Mosque with black domes (1906) is one of the symbols of Sumatra; Palace Maymun (1888) - the residence of the brother of the current sultan, for visiting only two rooms are open; Military Museum - was founded in 1971, a collection of weapons from ancient cannons to guns and automatic weapons of the XX century.

Lake Toba

The world's largest lake in the crater of the volcano, which appeared about 75 thousand years ago, attracts tourists from all over the world. The water surface of Lake Toba is frozen in the midst of steep mountains, deep gorges and sandy beaches.

Samosir Island

The best resort in Sumatra for lovers of quiet rest..The most popular place is the village of Tuk-Tuk .On the Belirang mountain there are thermal springs .In the village of Simanido you can visit the Museum of Hut Bolog and see the performance of the traditional local dance Toba Batak .In the village of Ambarita, tourists are shown a group of stone thrones, where to this day, during the important events, the elders and judges sit .In the village of Tomok it is good to buy souvenirs, on the way to the shops you can look into the museum of Rajah Sidabatu with the tomb nearby + $ .

Maninjão Lake, Sumatra

Gunung-Luser National Park

On the border of Aceh and North Sumatra is the largest national park of South-East Asia Gunung-Luser, which inhabits hundreds of species of exotic birds, gibbons, macaques, orangutans. There are also disappearing Sumatran tigers, leopards, elephants, Sumatran rhinoceros, however, they can be found not so often. There are hiking routes, you can go to conquer the mountains of Luser and Louser (climbing will take at least 10 days) or rafting along the river Vampoo.

Kerinsy-Seblat National Park

The park was founded in 1982 around the volcano Kerisi .Thick jungles are inhabited by rare animals, and amazing plants are also found here: the largest flower of the earth is Rafflesia and the highest is amorphophallus .Search in the tropics of these foul-smelling flowers and seeing off curious tourists for a long time have become a way of earning for the local population .Hiking routes in the park include a climb to the volcano's vest (at least two days) and a walk to the highland lake Gunung-Tudzhuh .All the necessary tourist equipment can be rented in the town of Kersik-Tua .

On the border of Aceh and North Sumatra is the largest national park of southeastern Asia Gunung Luser.


In this city with a cool climate that allows you to rest from the exhausting tropical heat, offer tours around the neighborhood with a visit to the bullfight, excursions to the lakes Singkarak and Maninjau, trekking through the mountains and volcanoes. 15 kilometers north of the city near the village of Palupu is a reserve of rafflesia, information about the buds that are about to dissolve can be obtained at the tourist office.


The second largest city of Sumatra on the Musi River, where a regatta with the participation of traditional Indonesian racing boats is held during the annual harvest festival of Srivijaya (June 16-20). Sightseeing: Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Museum, Balaputra Museum Virgo, a small zoo with crocodiles, orangutans, elephants and bears.

Krakatoa Volcano

In 1883, the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano, which ended in an explosion, plunged the whole island into an oceanic abyss. More than 36 thousand people died under the lava and as a result of the tsunami that struck the neighboring islands. Boat excursion to the chain of islands left after the explosion includes a visit to the coral islands of Sebuku and Sebesi and Sertung beach. The transit point for visiting Krakatoa is the city of Bandarlampung. From here you can go to the Elephant Training Center in the Vai-Kambas National Park.

Bintan Island

The proximity to Singapore makes the island of Bintan one of the most popular in recent times. The resort is positioned as ultra-modern, with good beaches and decent service. Sightseeing: ruins of Raja Ali's palace, his tomb, the ancient Raya-Sultan-Riau mosque.

Author - Gulshat Zakirova Photo of Sumatra (15)