What is the weather like in Bali in January?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Tourists who are going to rest in Bali in January, can scare off not only the grown prices for hotels, but also weather conditions. This month falls just at the height of the rainy season. Despite the fact that the climate of the island in recent years has changed greatly, January is often very rainy and overcast. However, in the first half of the month the weather is much better than in the last days.

Precipitation is plentiful, often at the same time long, even when they do not go, the sky is overcast. The air is warmed up to +28 degrees at night and + 30-32 degrees in the daytime, and at high humidity the heat is transferred worse. The water temperature is about +29 degrees, but it is often dirty and cloudy because of the wind.

Nevertheless, if the desire to spend New Year holidays in Bali is great, go and do not worry about anything. To anticipate the weather is almost impossible, suddenly this year there will be little rainfall? This also happens! And, in any case, the island will be much warmer and more comfortable than in our latitudes in January.

November 9, 2011

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