Tabriz is the capital of the Iranian region of Eastern Azerbaijan with more than 4000 years of history, the third largest city in the country with a population of one and a half million people and the location of a mass of historical, cultural and natural attractions..As usual in most other Iranian cities, the grave of the Persian poet is inevitably there (Tabriz fell to become the place of rest of Shahriyar), the old bazaar, incidentally, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as one of the oldest in the Middle East, and the beautiful beauty of a mosque with a turquoise the dome .Among other things, in the Tabriz region you can experience the rare pleasure for Iran of bathing in a salt lake (of course, separate for men and women), wander through the rooms of a high-altitude medieval castle and buy the most valuable carpets in the country..

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How to get to Tabriz

Tabriz International Airport accepts flights from around the world. From Russia to Tabriz, it is most convenient to get to Tehran after landing in the country's capital (Aeroflot flights or IranAir flights from Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport). Tabriz is a popular domestic destination, and at least 4 flights to Tabriz depart from Tehran airport every day. The road will take 1 hour 15 minutes; The cost is about 500,000 IRR. Among other variants of flight are flights with transfer of such international air carriers as Turkish Airlines (via Istanbul) or Emirates and Kish Air (via Dubai).

From Tehran to Tabriz, you can also get on a train departing every evening. The journey takes about 12 hours, the ticket price is around 45,000 IRR in the second class and 190,000 IRR in the comfortable first.

In addition, with other cities in the country, Tabriz is connected by a regular bus service. The road from the capital will take 6-8 hours depending on the route; the journey will cost about 150,000 IRR.

Search airfares to Tehran (nearest a / p to Tabriz)

Transport in the city

You can move around Tabriz by taxi, minibus or buses .The most convenient way to move in the cities of Iran is still a taxi .The trip will cost about 5,000 IRR within the city .By the way, in order to fully and not tediously inspect the sights of Tabriz and its environs, a taxi can be rented for a whole day - it will cost no more than $ 25 .Also it is possible to get on the minibus in the popular routes in the city - the same taxi, only operated collectively .Such a journey will cost in 1000-1500 IRR .

Tabriz buses exist as fact, however tourist benefit from them is not enough: the schedule is not clear, directions of movement are also covered with darkness. A trip to them can be recommended only as an aboriginal entertainment; for travel with a clear ultimate goal, take a taxi and taxi.

Types of Tabriz

Kitchen and restaurants

Ubiquitous kebabs in rice accompaniment are the most popular food not only in Tabriz, but throughout Iran. Hunger also perfectly satisfies "abgusht" - thick meat soup with bread. From local dishes, try the Tabriz mullet - meatballs in thick sauce.

You can drink a meal with sweet Iranian tea or an "arc" - a drink based on yogurt with a mint flavor.

Tabriz is also famous for its confectionery, nuts and dried fruits; be sure to check one of the pastry shops for sweet souvenirs.

Shopping and shopping

The Tabriz bazaars are some of the most interesting in Asia .In addition to the magnificent architecture and stunning beauty of the interiors of the covered rows, it is also the best place in Tabriz for shopping .Here you can buy absolutely everything that your heart desires, including magnificent (and expensive) carpets, chasing, gold jewelry, spices, fabrics, interior items and more..On the Spice Bazaar, among other things, you can buy traditional natural flavors - incense, musk, myrrh and t .д ., as well as aromatic herbs, floral distillate waters and fragrant essences .

A huge selection of gold you will find in the Emir market.

In Tabriz, you can buy the real turtle - only not Caucasian, but Iranian. Prepare to give about 100,000 IRR for a quality product from karakulchi. Choose papakhas better at the bazaar Kolakhdozan.
The Tabriz bazaar

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tabriz

The recently added World Heritage Site item of the Unesco-Tabriz bazaar is one of the city's main attractions. The total area of ​​the building is 7 square meters. km .; there are 22 wide covered shopping areas and 24 caravanserai, inns for merchants. Having come here, it seems that this is not at all a utilitarian market, but a kind of worship hovering above the mortal structure. The best carpets of Tabriz are sold here - in the Mozzafariye market.

The blue (Kabuda) mosque built in 1495 is one of the most beautiful in Iran. The laborious facing of the building with majolica and decoration with calligraphy took 25 years! Unfortunately, most of the mosque was destroyed during the earthquake in 1773, and today one can only guess about its former greatness by the amazing beauty of the surviving fragment of the entrance gate.

Pay attention also to the ruins of the medieval citadel of the 14th century, where criminals were once executed, simply dropping them from the walls. A popular legend tells of an innocently convicted woman who miraculously escaped death thanks to the parachute effect that created her long folded dress.

Pay attention also to the ruins of the medieval citadel of the 14th century, where criminals were once executed, simply dropping them from the walls.

You can learn more about the history of Tabriz and the entire region in the Museum of Azerbaijan: there are exhibited many artifacts found in archaeological excavations, including an amazingly well-preserved 3000-year-old copper helmet.

You can pay tribute to the memory of the great Persian poets in the Mausoleum of Poets. The main character of the complex is the national pride of Tabriz, the poet Ostad Shahriyar; besides him, more than 400 masters of verse are mentioned here.

Do not ignore the Kazharsky Museum, dedicated to the imperial era of Tabriz. Among other things, it is located in a remarkable building of the late 19th century.

To breathe fresh air (and also to refresh yourself with kebabs) go to El Goli Park.

The beauty of Eastern Azerbaijan can be enjoyed by going to the salty lake of Urmia - its surroundings are extremely picturesque and include the medieval Babak Castle on the top of the 2,700-meter hill, the place of life of one of the Zoroastrian heroes of Iran. On the ascent, take at least 2 hours. In the resort area of ​​Bustanabad on the shore of Urmia there are many SPA centers working on the sulfate water of mineral springs. And in the village of the Kandovan troglodytes you can see houses-cones of local residents, something like Cappadocia in Iranian mode.

All prices are given for May 2011 Photo of Tabriz (2)