Mystical Nepal is famous for its beautiful mountains, stunning temples and ancient pagodas. Here they go for an exotic "excursion", amazing trekking and rafting. And some - even in search of enlightenment through meditation. Accommodation and trips to restaurants in Nepal are very affordable, but the flight is long, with transplants and, as a consequence, very inexpensive. So in the end, Nepalese tour packages tangibly beat for a pocket. Duration and high cost of flight, perhaps, is the only negative of this direction.

The capital is Kathmandu, the major cities are Bhaktapur and Patan (also Lalitpur).

A complete list of the country's cities can be found on the city page and the resorts of Nepal.

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Table of Contents

  • 1 How to get to
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Nepal
  • 2 Visa to Nepal
  • 3 Customs office
  • 4 Useful phone numbers
  • 5 Transport of Nepal
  • 6 Rent a car
  • 7 Safety of tourists in Nepal
  • 8 Climate of Nepal
  • 9 Hotels in Nepal
    • 9.1 Book Hotel in Nepal at the best price
  • 10 Money
  • 11 Shopping and Shopping in Nepal
  • 12 Kitchen and Restaurants
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Nepal
  • 14 Active Holiday
  • 15 National Parks of Nepal
    • 15.1 Also recommend

How to get to

There are no direct flights from Russia to Nepal. A number of airlines offer flights with transfers in other countries, while flying all the way on planes of one airline is possible only with Qatar Airways (from 15 hours).

Another option for the trip may be the route through India, which is connected with Nepal by numerous flights of local airlines - Royal Nepal Airlines, Indian Airlines and others. The most economical and at the same time the most inconvenient is the flight "Pakistan Airlines": departure on Wednesdays and Sundays from Moscow to Karachi (8 hours docking, providing a free hotel), then departure to Kathmandu.

There are no direct flights from Ukraine and Kazakhstan either. For tourists from these countries, the most acceptable way to get to Kathmandu is via Delhi (India).

Search air tickets in Nepal

Visa to Nepal

Citizens of Russia and CIS countries need a visa to enter Nepal, which can be obtained both at the embassy of Nepal in Moscow and on arrival at the border.

Customs office

At the point of entry into the country all baggage is subject to thorough examination. Duty-free import of 100 cigarettes or 25 cigars, 1, 5 liters of alcoholic beverages or 12 cans of beer, 15 coils of photographic film and personal effects are allowed. Separately, one film or video camera, one radio receiver, one tape recorder, one bicycle, a wristwatch, one set of self-recording pens, up to 15 audio cassettes and electronic goods are issued separately - import of these items is possible only if they are declared and returned from the country.

Strictly prohibited the import of drugs, weapons and military equipment. Prohibited export of gold, silver, precious stones, wild animals, their hides and horns, drugs and raw materials for their production. Tourists can take out souvenirs (with special certificates you can take out antiques items "by age" not older than 100 years). Export of any metal statues, icons and paintings depicting the gods, is allowed only by permission of the Department of Archeology of Nepal.

There are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency (a declaration of large amounts is required).

The Nepalese rupee can not be imported and exported from Nepal. The currency can be exchanged in Nepal, you can do this only when departing from Kathmandu International Airport. On land border crossings, reverse exchange is impossible.

Useful phone numbers

Embassy of Russia in Kathmandu: P.O.Box 123, Baluwatar; tel .: (1) 441-21-55, 441-10-63; website

Embassy of Nepal in Moscow: 2nd Neopalimovsky per., 14/7, tel .: (499) 252-82-15; website

Tourist Police: 22-018, Himalayan Rescue Society: 418-755

Transport of Nepal

In the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu, there are buses and trolleybuses, there are taxis, moto and cycle rickshaws, and also taxis. Public transport is constantly crowded and the traffic schedule is almost not maintained, so the best way to travel to Kathmandu and other cities is by taxi. In the daytime, its cost is 7 NPR per landing plus 2 NPR for every 200 meters. At night (after 21:00) the taxi rises in price by 50%.

Maps of Nepal
In buses and trolleybuses fare (~ 4 NPR) is accepted by the conductor. On buses and trolleybuses owned by the Transport Corporation of Nepal (TCN), a tariff system with four zones is applied, for each of which the conductor purchases his ticket of a certain color.

The main means of transportation around the country are buses .Conventional buses (local bus) are cheap, but constantly crowded, in the cabin, except for the passengers themselves, carry poultry and even small livestock, there are no air conditioners (where there!), Some passengers or cargo are often transported on the roof, and the technical condition of such cars, softly speaking, causes fears .For those who do not want this "extreme", more modern minibuses (tourist minibus) run on the most popular destinations, the cost of travel is 50-60% more expensive than on a regular bus, as well as modern cars with air conditioning (tourist coach) - travel to them is 2-3 times more expensive than usual, but still inexpensive .The

Tickets for tourist buses are sold in travel agencies, on ordinary - at the ticket offices of the bus station. In the "peak season" tickets for many flights should be booked 2-3 days before departure. Paying with taxi drivers and traders, one must bear in mind that they will not give change from a large denomination - in this situation it is often easier for them to refuse the client at all.

Rent a car

You can rent a car either at the offices of international rental companies (they are located at the airport) on standard terms or in local private garages that strongly recommend car rental with a driver (and this has its own reason) or without a driver, but at a higher price and with a great mortgage.

The minimum age for renting a car is 18 years, the international driving license is valid for 15 days, after which it is necessary to issue a local transport license.

In Kathmandu, a completely erratic traffic. No traffic lights, no pedestrian crossings, the rules are not observed in principle. The only thing that can be understood is that the movement is still left-sided.

In Nepal, bicycle rental (~ 40-150 NPR) and motorcycles (100-400 NPR) are common. To manage a motorcycle, you need an international driving license of the appropriate category.

Safety of tourists in Nepal

Be sure to use the hotel safes, do not leave money and other valuables in the room unattended. Cases of violence against foreigners in the country are extremely rare, and a few conflicts with local residents are mainly due to gross non-compliance with local norms of conduct.

During any excursions it is recommended to use closed clothing: naked shoulders, backs and legs look very unusual for locals. Public manifestation of marks of attention between a man and a woman is condemned by society.

Nepalese fields Nepal
Natural beauties of Nepal
The Animals of Nepal Nepal
Temples of Nepal
Boat Station in Nepal Nepal
Bright colors of Nepal

Climate of Nepal

In areas below 1000 m above sea level, summer is hot - from +30 ° C, and winter is warm: +20 ° C. In mountainous regions there is no strong heat in the summer, and the winter is cool (at night there are frosts up to -4 ° C). In the summer, heavy rain falls.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and in the cities of Nepal.

Hotels in Nepal

There are a lot of hotels in Nepal. In the capital, they are almost inferior to European standards. At least, the owners of hotels try to hang "stars", not much embellishing reality. So, in all "fours" there are swimming pools - though their size and water temperature sometimes leave much to be desired.

Also in Kathmandu along with the "five-star" hotels there are also small inns - "guesthouses", they are mainly grouped in the tourist area of ​​Kathmandu Tamil. These are small houses with minimal conveniences, picturesque gardens on the roofs, small rooms and low prices.

In Pokhara, you can also find many hotels. The prices there are lower than in Kathmandu, but the cleanliness of the rooms and the friendliness of the staff remain unchanged. One of the "chips" of hotels in Pokhara - picturesque gardens, in which exotic trees and flowers grow.

In Chitwan National Park, the next most popular tourist center, there are also many picturesque hotel complexes consisting of one- or two-bedroom cottages located in the immediate vicinity of the reserve or in the reserve itself. Prices for the room include three meals a day, morning and evening safaris on elephants.

The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V.

In many parts of the country there is simply no electricity, and hotels and lodges in the interior use solar panels and diesel generators that deliver current in the range of 110-230 V. For this reason, refrigerators are rare even in expensive hotels.

Book Hotel in Nepal at the best price


Banks are open from Monday to Thursday from 9: 00-10: 00 to 14: 00-14: 30, on Friday from 10:00 to 12:00. Official exchange offices usually work from 9:00 to 19:00, many without a weekend.

The exchange rate of the Nepalese rupee is tightly tied to the Indian. The official rate is determined by the state bank Nepal Rastra Bank and published in daily newspapers. You can exchange money unofficially - the "black" currency market, despite the official ban, functions actively and openly. The rate in this case is about 10% more profitable than the current banking. In cities, most foreign currencies are accepted for payment, including Indian rupees, but it is almost impossible to pay anything in the interior of the country with the exception of local money.

In restaurants and in a taxi, to show that the service was pleasant, you should sign a waiter or a driver (a negative shake of the head or a similar hand gesture indicating money) that you do not need to change.

At purchases it is recommended to have on hands as much as possible small denominations. Coins have almost no circulation (they are used only for offerings in temples), since all quotations exceed several rupees. Do not take when exchanging or handing over torn or dirty bills (and there are quite a few of them here) - most likely, the foreigner in another place will simply not be accepted for payment.

Shopping and Shopping in Nepal

On the main streets of Kathmandu and in large hotels there are many shops for tourists. Large shops and small shops are full of gold and silver jewelery, Tibetan carpets, wood and metal products, clothing and typical Nepalese souvenirs.

Bargaining is possible and necessary almost everywhere, except for large stores, where prices are fixed. With a competent approach, you can knock down the price literally at times. An antiquarian product can be taken out of the country only after obtaining a special permit from the Department of Archeology.

Kitchen and Restaurants

The most typical dish in Nepal - "gave" - ​​boiled rice, which is served lentils and vegetable curry, as well as fresh or pickled soy, which can be very acute .In the mountains, typical food is also potato, wheat, millet (millet) and other carbohydrates .Meat is a delicacy and is served mainly only on holidays and special occasions .But everywhere there are vegetarian dishes .If meat is served, it is most likely meat of buffalo, goat, chicken or even yak (cows in Nepal use the same sacred status as in India, so do not eat beef in the country) .The

The cuisine of Nepal has absorbed the unique cooking traditions of the two neighboring regions - India and Tibet.

But soups in Nepal do not favor - they are generally absent from the menu as a class .But in pajanal (local cafes) you can try "Mamo" - large dumplings stuffed with mutton mince and spices, prepared in a different way than in Russia - for a couple .A full dinner for four, consisting of large portions of Nepalese ravioli, salads and a few bottles of "janja" (local home beer) will cost only 10 USD .For lunch, you can order a little Roxy - Nepalese rice vodka, whose fortress often significantly exceeds 40 ° .And you can finish the meal "fret" - a sweet flour dish, and a great Nepalese tea .The

In Kathmandu, many small and cozy cafes, German and French bakeries are open, Italian and even Russian cuisine is represented.

In Nepal eat twice a day: about 10-11 am and 7-8 pm, and in the morning they drink a cup of tea. In non-tourist areas you can not find where to eat before 10 am.
Travel around the cities of Napala

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Nepal

In the south of the country is located the town of Lumbini - a place that is considered the birthplace of the Buddha. There is a temple in honor of his mother, as well as many Buddhist temples built in different architectural styles by countries where Buddhism is practiced.

Pokhara is the second largest city in Nepal and one of the most popular resorts of the country, located on the shore of the beautiful Lake Feva.

Meditation courses

These unique courses can be traversed in Kopan, located 25 km east of Kathmandu. The approximate program of the day of these classes consists of morning meditation, training, discussion of the morning lecture, meditation under the guidance of a mentor, discussion of the day's results. The cost of the program per person for seven days is around 530 USD.

In addition, you can take part in the annual "advanced" course of meditation lasting one month, communicate with members of the sangha, use an extensive library with a large department of special literature, make temporary seclusion under the guidance of experienced specialists. And then - to continue the program of teaching meditation and yoga in the Center of Yoga of Hansad.
4 things that are worth doing in Nepal
  1. As a souvenir to buy jewelry and artwork in one of the workshops of Lalitpur.
  2. Refresh yourself with apple cider and delicious pies in the town of Martha.
  3. In October, during the Dasain festival, visit the Dakshinkali temple, at which time the central sculpture of the goddess Kali is buried in the blood of the victims who bring Nepalese here. There is a temple 20 km from Kathmandu. It even includes a special bus during the days of sacrifice: Tuesday and Friday, you can also take a mountain bike.
  4. Trying out what an elephant safari is in the Chitwan Royal Garden.

Active Holiday

On the territory of Nepal there are ten highest peaks of the world, in the vicinity of which are laid thousands of routes - from simple and short (for 3-4 days) to long and extremely difficult (for 3-4 weeks). Six most popular routes: track to Everest base camp, track in Helambu area, track in Langtanga mountains and three tracks along Mount Annapurna mountain massif. The first of these three - to the village of Jomsom, the second - around Annapurna, the third - to the Sanctuary of Annapurna peaks.

For fans of mountain biking in Nepal - this expanse. You can rent a bicycle in Kathmandu, Pokhara or other cities. Bike tours are specially organized for bikers: a multi-day route is provided with food booked on the way by hotels or camping sites, rental of equipment.

Fans of fishing will also get a great opportunity to do their favorite hobby in Nepal. In the local rivers there is a magshir - a fish of the carp family, reaching more than 20 kg of weight.

In addition, rafting on canoe, raft, kayak or other floating boats is popular. In Nepal, there are several rivers where rafting takes place.

Touching the head of Nepalese, as well as stroking the head of their children is very indecent. By local canons, this is a sacred part of the body, and only monks and parents can touch it.

National Parks of Nepal

Annapurna National Park, Chitwan and Sagarmatha. Visitors to national parks and nature reserves are charged admission fees - from 500 to 2000 NPR per person per day.

To visit all national parks it is necessary to issue two documents: the TIMS (Trekker's Information Managment System) booklet - registration of the participant of trekking before going on the route. The book is green (for individuals) and brown (for members of an organized group) colors. For reception it is necessary to fill in the questionnaire and attach two photos of 3x4 sm. And permit, for reception of which also it is necessary to fill in the questionnaire and attach two photos of 3x4 sm NB! Without TIMS, a perm is not issued.

Both documents can be issued at the Tourist Service Center or at the checkpoint in Dunche. TIMS books are issued until 16:00 (free of charge), permits are usually for money and finish work earlier. For example, permission to visit the Langtang National Park is issued only until 15:00 (1000 NPR).

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